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The whole thing was surreal and I had a lot of conflicting emotions going on when it all happened and still do. I didn't really get teary-eyed or anything, but when I saw this it properly got to me and probably always will. I'd never really liked the song until this moment either tbh, but something about the video with it being an empty stadium and how amazing it sounds felt like a really big deal and really symbolic. It felt like I was hearing it properly for the first time ever and I still get shivers watching it now. 





Edited by Kid Icarus

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6 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

The whole thing was surreal and I had a lot of conflicting emotions going on when it all happened. I didn't really get teary-eyed or anything, but when I saw this it properly got to me and probably always will. I'd never really liked the song until this moment either tbh, but something about the video with it being an empty stadium and how amazing it sounds felt like a really big deal and really symbolic. Still get shivers watching it now. 




God that's class!

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Remember seeing that list of flight passengers on Twitter early AM on the 6th and thought it was most likely rubbish, but a niggling thought lingered that it was real and it seemed a bit too detailed to be fake. Then shortly after it came out on Twitter that the unknown passengers actually had links to the consortium and I was a bit giddy. Then when the bein news broke later that day it spiralled from there and it was mad. 

I think it felt so big and there was a whole range of emotions amplified, because of how long the saga had gone on for and so many twists and turns along the way. 

Can’t believe it’s been 12 months already. 

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I remember seeing news about the bein sports thing being sorted, thinking oh wonder if that will affect us but assumed would probably still take months if anything happened. I then finished work, and had the next day off to go see the Manic Street Preachers with other toon supporting mate, went out for meal with his parents and we were all sit eating in this posh restaurant checking twitter constantly. Madness...


And to think I was still convinced we were going to go down right up till March really so much pessimism drilled in

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Left my house at 4pm whilst ‘working from home’ frantically updating teams on my phone to make it look like I was ‘working’.


I got the ground with a few of my friends en route. Straight to Tesco for some beers. There was plenty of cabbages left in the shop*. Drinking a few cans, waiting for the announcement having no idea how I’d react. The news came through, a ripple at first, followed by a huge cheer. There was a tingle down my spine and I started crying. It wasn’t because we’d been taken over, it was because I actually got that spine tingling feeling back for supporting Newcastle United. I’d jacked my season ticket in 2014 and like many others, actively supported anyone playing AGAINST Newcastle. I never thought that feeling of love and emotion would ever return. 

Watching those videos again bring that day back. It really was a moment I’ll never ever forget. 

*By 6pm you could barely get into Tesco for cans and all cabbages had been sold out. I remember lads throwing and heading the cabbages around singing ‘You’re getting sacked in the morning’ 

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I remember watching SSN all day waiting for the confirmation. It came some time around 6pm IIRC? I just left the house and walked straight to the nearest pub and skulled a load of pints. Delighted. After about 2 of them I was pricing flights to Newcastle. :lol: I remember paying for everything for the Spurs game and couldnt get it off work. Should have just rang in sick. 

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The one negative was that Bruce and the Sports Direct stuff was still there for the Spurs game.


The Bruce sacking and the first game without SD were also great moments. 


Still feel we need the font changed back.



Edited by AyeDubbleYoo

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12 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

The one negative was that Bruce and the Sports Direct stuff was still there for the Spurs game.


The Bruce sacking and the first game without SD were also great moments. 


Still feel we need the font changed back.




Yeah we do need that font changed. Really surprised they’ve still not done it actually 

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2 minutes ago, Paully said:

It was Edwards' tweet to virtually this minute I think when I knew it was getting done!

Ironic really when the baldy bellend had spent the previous six months slating Staveley, slating the possibility of it happening and also defending his pal to the hilt.


Life comes at you fast eh?

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10 minutes ago, Minhosa said:

Ironic really when the baldy bellend had spent the previous six months slating Staveley, slating the possibility of it happening and also defending his pal to the hilt.


Life comes at you fast eh?


Ha aye!




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Pages 230-240 bring it all back. Happy days.


Mad where we are now compared to then. Whinging about not signing a right winger in August feels abit daft now



Edited by jack j

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