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Newcastle United 2 - 4 West Ham - 15/08/21 - Post-match reaction from page 18


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38 minutes ago, jonbobson said:

Bothers who?


And I think you need to read up on Oyston and Blackpool before using that as an example. 


Bothers the regime

why else respond every single time there's a protest/boycott

if something bothers the c*nts running the club I'd like to give them more of it until they choke instead of easing up on them so they can carry on desecrating it.

I actually got that from knowing Blackpools gates and from reading up on the Oystons(https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/8421156/blackpool-fans-rejoice-oyston-out-12-point) so eat sh*t on that one



Edited by Wolfcastle

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Guest reefatoon
5 minutes ago, jonbobson said:

Your such a shit forum member.


Now come on, come up with your own opinion for once, I'm sure you are capable.



The thing is, I wasn’t even arguing or disagreeing with what you are saying.  You’re just like those typical blokes that can’t handle their drink. Argue with any fucker in front of you no matter what the opinion. Sleep it off lad, you are making yourself look daft as fuck.

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That didn’t look like a penalty but Murphy’s reaction didn’t look like one of a man who knows he’s innocent surely?


Either way I’ve been hearing from fans who went about what a great game it was. Wish I had that level of positivity. It was no doubt a great game for the neutral, but we completely fell apart after a positive first-half, went two goals down and virtually gave up for the last fifteen minutes. Even with that penalty decision the defending was pathetic. With that line-up who’d have thought?


Also shout out to Matt Ritchie for his game changing contributions 




Edited by St. Maximin

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8 minutes ago, tgarve said:



Very very easy to fathom - Steve Bruce. I knew before the game even started that West Ham would have a field day with Krafth, Clark and Fernandez. All 3 are a liability, but the problem is (although Lascelles and Schar should be in the team), is that I don't think any of our central defenders are much more than average. Not helped mind, that their protection is from a midfield who were our Championship first choice 5 year ago and two full/wing backs who are pretty poor defensively also.   



Edited by et tu brute

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Just now, et tu brute said:


Very very easy to fathom Steve Bruce. I knew before the game even started that West Ham would have a fielkd day with Krafth, Clark and Fernandez. All 3 are a liability, but the problem is (although Lascelles and Schar should be in the team), is that I don't think any of our central defenders are much more than average. Not helped mind, that their protection is from a midfield who were our Championship first choice 5 year ago and two full/wing backs who are pretty poor defensively also.   

But with Rafa they all looked good -


losing lejeune is a terrible mistake 


no one literally no one could argue letting him go on a free and starting Kraft is a good idea 


that’s ignoring what we have in reserve 


lascelles and dubs organisation was missed today 


not 100% on woodman after that 

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Thought ASM had a really poor game aside from the first cross. Lost the ball repeatedly, one of which directly led to a goal.


Clark ball watching for 2-2, again individual mistakes leading to goals.


We said last season that Shelvey needed to be replaced, it’s still the case and it’s killing us. When you see a player like Rice take the game by the balls, you see what we are missing out on by having a passenger in the starting 11.


Miggy has also had better games, fuck all of a pre season with us though so not too fair to judge on that one.


And yeah Ritchie was poor but that’s the first game in a long time where can say that.


We start that back line often and we will concede loads this season. Grim.

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28 minutes ago, St. Maximin said:

That didn’t look like a penalty but Murphy’s reaction didn’t look like one of a man who knows he’s innocent surely?


Either way I’ve been hearing from fans who went about what a great game it was. Wish I had that level of positivity. It was no doubt a great game for the neutral, but we completely fell apart after a positive first-half, went two goals down and virtually gave up for the last fifteen minutes. Even with that penalty decision the defending was pathetic. With that line-up who’d have thought?


Also shout out to Matt Ritchie for his game changing contributions 





Ritchie was absolutely embarrassing today. Never want to see him again.

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12 minutes ago, Optimistic Nut said:

Never got the Ritchie love in. Good crosser but as a wing-back he’s defensively shite.


Kicks a corner flag with pashun. Better than your flouncing forrins.


He is one of those who did a good job for us in the Championship, but a proper club would’ve shipped out and improved on. See also; Gayle, Darlow, Shelvey, Dummett, Clark.

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Just now, tgarve said:

But with Rafa they all looked good -


losing lejeune is a terrible mistake 


no one literally no one could argue letting him go on a free and starting Kraft is a good idea 


that’s ignoring what we have in reserve 


lascelles and dubs organisation was missed today 


not 100% on woodman after that 


Rafa had a good solid system, which meant the team defended from front to back. Dubs is a big miss with organisation and Lascelles/Shar would be my first two choices currently, however I would be looking to upgrade on these two also (not going to happen I know). I'm not a fan of Hayden (another average player to me) and the least said about Shelvey the better. Ritchie is a total liability defensively and Murphy is not solid defensively either). Lejeune is better than we have currently (even as back up). 

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4 minutes ago, Smal said:

Ritchie was absolutely embarrassing today. Never want to see him again.


I was hoping Bournemouth would be back in for him (failure to go up put paid to that) as he is a total liability. He is far too slow to react and loses his man every single time. The penalty reaction was just laughable.

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Thought we were good first half but you could tell West Ham could kick it up a gear - they were great at setting up overloads. 


Pretty scary how easily we collapsed from a bunch of players who know each other's games very well. Getting caught basically 2v1 at 65 mins is pretty shambolic. 

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39 minutes ago, samptime29 said:

I don't like people calling the fans who went to the game "mongs" and "cunts". Bit OTT tbh.


Agreed, to be honest. I'll personally not put a penny into the club under Ashley (even when Rafa was here) but some of the abuse towards fans who go definitely crosses the line at times. 


There's parents who want to take their kids to the games, want that experience of them falling in love with the club and the games. People like my grandad who barely get out of the house other than to go to the games and see their mates who they've been going with for forever. He probably doesn't even know half the squad anymore but still enjoys the experience of a matchday. 


It maybe shortsighted or misguided but there's still fans who want to get some enjoyment out of it all. Even if it's just watching on TV and celebrating a win or a goal. It gets a bit tiring the same folk coming into every matchday thread celebrating every loss, wanting us to get relegated and then blaming it all on the fans. I'd support them if they were using that same time and energy trying to do something about it. 


Sat at home watching on your sky sports subscription glued to the forum slagging off fans going to the game for having no life doesn't really make you as superior as people seem to think. 


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3 minutes ago, Gallowgate Toon said:

Thought we were good first half but you could tell West Ham could kick it up a gear - they were great at setting up overloads. 


Pretty scary how easily we collapsed from a bunch of players who know each other's games very well. Getting caught basically 2v1 at 65 mins is pretty shambolic. 

I’m convinced that we’d get battered every week if opposition teams truly knew how soft and easy to play through we are. It’s almost like they don’t really believe it. 

The energetic and athletic teams take the mick out of us every single time. 

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