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Eddie Howe


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Think the majority were underwhelmed initially especially as Unai had turned us down, I certainly was, however once he got the job even for them first few months before we became class you could see the improvements being made and that we were heading in the right direction.

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1 minute ago, The Butcher said:

Remeber being critical of Howe at the start. He won 1 in his first 10 or something. 


Think I spouted some bollocks about getting Rafa back in as well[emoji38] thank fuck that never happened. 

I reckon if you asked him, he'd have said it was a poor start too. Which it was. He's been superb since.


Easy to look back and have 20/20 vision in hindsight tbh.


He was probably only another 3 games from coming under pressure imho so I'm delighted we got that Leeds win and everything snowballed from there because, right now, he seems like such a good fit in terms of him 'getting it' but also the work he's done in developing individuals...

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Always been a fan of Howe aftwr what he achieved at Bournemouth. I still don't think he gets enough credit for taking them from the bottom of League 2 to the Premier League like he did. That was simply an astonishing achievement.


However I was desperate for us to get Emery and I'll admit to being slightly underwhelmed when Howe was appointed. As it's turned out I genuinely believe there's not a manager on the planet who could have came in and had the same impact as Howe has had and now I just want him to stay here for years.


Potentially, and I don't say this lightly, he has the potential to go down as our greatest manager of all time if he's here for the long haul.

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1 hour ago, Wallsendmag said:

Always been a fan of Howe aftwr what he achieved at Bournemouth. I still don't think he gets enough credit for taking them from the bottom of League 2 to the Premier League like he did. That was simply an astonishing achievement.


However I was desperate for us to get Emery and I'll admit to being slightly underwhelmed when Howe was appointed. As it's turned out I genuinely believe there's not a manager on the planet who could have came in and had the same impact as Howe has had and now I just want him to stay here for years.


Potentially, and I don't say this lightly, he has the potential to go down as our greatest manager of all time if he's here for the long haul.


Exactly the same as my thoughts on all counts, Wallsendmag.

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2 hours ago, TheBrownBottle said:

Yep, Shepherd had a long and inglorious history of missing the point when the trigger to be pulled, allowing the manager to spend large sums of money, then sacking him soon after.  Dalglish, Gullit, Robson all should have went at the end of the previous season but didn't.  The only sacking he timed right was Roeder's - and that was a couple of months before he sold his shares.

Remember, Shepherd was not wanting to sell originally, the Halls pulled the rug out from under him. You're right about his last manager change, Roeder for Allardyce. It was kind of poetic seeing him actually trying to make a rational move for the first time while running the club, just as he was about to be booted out of it.

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I didn't feel I was in a strong position to comment on the managerial appointments because I'd spent a long time away from following football. But from what I knew, I preferred Howe to Emery and felt relieved when the Emery deal didn't happen.


I didn't think Emery would mix well with our club and light the touch paper. It seemed a very mechanistic and dry appointment. The fact he walked away proved that to me. We don't do well with life's bean counters.


For Howe meanwhile, from a distance, I'd always been impressed with his Bournemouth achievements. I agree it doesn't seem like he really gets enough recognition for that. In 2010, near bankrupt Bournemouth becoming an attractive, top half premier league team would've been utterly preposterous to me. I also thought he came across well and different to the usual recently promoted managers when I saw him in interviews.


As for our slow start, I always said, everything that happened prior to January was just mood music. Things were certainly dodgy, but I knew there were still plenty of points left in the season to win, and always believe in what NUFC can do once the momentum turns.

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I was gutted about Emery, as that’s a man who’s a proven winner with a story to rewrite in England. 

I was worried Howe wasn’t going to be able to turn it around because the team was so Bruce’d and needed fully wiped out and we weren’t getting results. 

Once his methods took form the results turned and glad it did, I want him here for longer than I’ll care to admit and I want him dominating football as the best English coach in ages so that at the end of the day, the man who works as hard and honest as him finally gets to enjoy how successful he was bringing this club back up from the ashes with a trophy cabinet full of fresh and recent achievements. 

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I definitely was pretty critical at the start. I couldn’t see the improvements and the Cambridge game was shit. I remember thinking we were soft/naive and we weren’t ready to play attacking football. I also pined for Rafa too, in hindsight due to an emotional attachment with him being a great guy in a shit period. Anyway, I think it’s fair to say that the Leeds result was the key. I don’t think he would be here if we lost that in the sense that I think he may have lost the players and fans.

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My main concerns with Howe were his defensive record and somewhat underwhelming signings at Bournemouth. He's clearly worked on the former and the latter was probably all about context. Otherwise was very excited to see him coming in, more so than Emery who I had fears about after he had failed at Arsenal. 

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I had no strong opinion either way of him really and I wanted Emery. Understood how well he had done with Bournemouth and the style of play he put out but didn’t know enough to say he was a better choice over the pedigree of Emery.


For how good he has been there will be challenges to overcome down the road, we are all eternally grateful for the work he has done at such a key time for our club but things will change when we are in Europe and while the gratitude will still be there it will be overtaken by more expectation/pressure from the fan base. He will know that and seems well equipped for the challenge from what we have seen so far but time will tell, him getting burnt out is a concern but with continued success that shouldn’t happen. 



Edited by Nine

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I hope Howe stays for a long time, But the southern press seem to be pushing him in the direction of the next England manager after Southgate.

Whatever happens to England in Qatar 2022. I think Southgate will go. If he has a poor tournament he will have no option.

Or if we do win the tournament where can he go from there.

Hope I'm wrong.

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1 hour ago, prefabtoon said:

I hope Howe stays for a long time, But the southern press seem to be pushing him in the direction of the next England manager after Southgate.

Whatever happens to England in Qatar 2022. I think Southgate will go. If he has a poor tournament he will have no option.

Or if we do win the tournament where can he go from there.

Hope I'm wrong.

They can push all they like, he’ll not be taking it 

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Yeah, I think what is annoying is this bizarre belief by cunts like Oliver Holt that any good Englishman would drop a dirty working class community club like Newcastle, for the chance to be treated like shit by the National Press.


As someone who loves working day to day with players, Eddie Howe isn't taking the England job, especially after harping on about fully commiting to a club.

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Frankly, our guesses could have gone either way. And we are all going to be wrong about shit with incomplete information. My gripe will only be with people who:


a) overreact to rough patches

b) and self-vicitmize by saying shit like, "everyone laughed at me..."


Past opinions will only matter in that context. We all want Newcastle to be a force, and we are mainly pulling together. And the forum is so much the better for it.

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