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Just now, arnonel said:

I deliberately don't come on this forum now after a bad result. The knee jerk entitlement is so bad for the mental health.


Not sure what people expect. Destroy every team every week with our robots? 


This team. This team is challenging top 4 and it the final of a cup. This team filled with so many seemingly average players are absolutely smashing it.


Seriously WTF 


Can't we just enjoy the nice things for 1 season!?

Club buying the Strawberry place land back, new sponsors, probable European football next year. Summer transfer window :celb:


the futures bright, the futures black and white :indi:

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As long as its self-contained criticism of the game and performances therein - fine

but spilling over into criticising the club, the manager and the players generally, in a season far better than expected is shit fanmanship.





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1 minute ago, Wilson said:


Only some of us has. 


There's a lot of entitled fans about these days. 


Don't get me wrong, I've had a pop at things because we definitely have flaws... but some people completely miss the bigger picture. 

It almost feels like the leap from

relegation fodder to top 4 contenders has come too soon. 

Like if we challenged the top 8, then top 6 and perhaps top 4 after that. Doing it a bit more gradually. Without going on a massive unbeaten run and having one of the meanest defences of recent times. Would it have stopped people twisting so much? 

Some people have short memories and it feels like expectation levels have shifted too quickly. I’m guilty of it. I have to constantly remind myself after a game where we’ve played poorly. Of just how far we’ve come and how our squad is still closer to mid-lower end of the league. As opposed to top 4 quality. 

Last night for example, was probably the worst we’ve been in the league since Brighton away. Which was what, our 3rd game of the season? We didn’t lose that day and we didn’t lose last night. Only just over a year ago. We’d be getting beat in both of these games, comfortably. 

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4 minutes ago, joeyt said:

Can you be delighted with the season so far whilst also be critical of how unnecessarily thin our squad is?

I’m torn on this one. They are obviously working to a longer term plan and are hamstrung by FFP and our wages to turnover ratio.


Got so much deadwood to clear out and plenty of players being paid way over their worth. Who contribute fuck all to the team. But like you say, we are spread thin and most the subs are there just to fill the bench, it seems. 

I’m sure they will have weighed up the pros and cons of overpaying a bit now to try and get 1-2 more in and possibly players who are not top of the list. Versus sticking to their guns and playing the long game waiting for their number one targets. 



Edited by Lush Vlad

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3 minutes ago, joeyt said:

Can you be delighted with the season so far whilst also be critical of how unnecessarily thin our squad is?

Critical of who?! They’re having to rebuild pretty much the whole squad, people weren’t seriously expecting that to be done in 3 transfer windows?


Amazed at any form of criticism personally. 

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1 minute ago, Elliottman said:

Critical of who?! They’re having to rebuild pretty much the whole squad, people weren’t seriously expecting that to be done in 3 transfer windows?


Amazed at any form of criticism personally. 


Whoever decided to leave us with 4 centre mids for the rest of the season?


Willock hamstrung, Joelinton on the verge of 2 games out, Bruno serving a suspension and Longstaff. They've all played pretty much every game this season, this was bound to happen.

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I personally don’t think Eddie ‘greenlit’ the Shelvey sale. At least not in the traditional sense.  

I think the club said to Eddie we want to let Shelvey go because of xyz and Eddie eventually said ‘ok’.


Myself sometimes I’m asked if a team member can move and I have full power to say no. Sometimes I’m more told than asked, I accept and tow the company line because it fits a long-term

vision even though it makes the short term targets more difficult.  It’s a world of difference. There’s no way Eddie wanted to sell Shelvey and not sign a midfielder. 

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5 minutes ago, Infatuation Junkie said:

I’m shitting it for 2 weeks time.

Weirdly, I’m not. 

Don’t want to appear small time and like I’m just happy for a day out at Wembley. But it’s been so long since we’ve been close to a trophy. Somehow the pressure feels less and not more, to me. I don’t think we’ll beat Man U. But it’s a final. So fuck knows! 

It is just nice to be competing at the right end of the table and in a cup competition again. 

I think if we had got to a final under Ashley. I’d be more nervous, as it would feel like a fluke. But whilst it might be a bit naive and overly optimistic. I’d expect us to be challenging a bit more in the future and for this to not just be a one off deal for this season. 

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2 minutes ago, joeyt said:


Whoever decided to leave us with 4 centre mids for the rest of the season?


Willock hamstrung, Joelinton on the verge of 2 games out, Bruno serving a suspension and Longstaff. They've all played pretty much every game this season, this was bound to happen.

No football manager would willingly have their squad in this position. 

FSG have had criticism for doing the same thing at Liverpool.  When they didn’t get Touchameni they didn’t get any class CM. THe fans are saying they can’t let seasons go by waiting for the right players every time when they have urgent needs. 

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It used to be a given and expected that sides would hit a tricky patch during a season and have to ride it out.  Even title winning sides in times that weren't as liable for dominance as this.

Who are we that we shouldn't be allowed to experience that at this point?

Keegan's sides did, Fergie's sides did (nearly let Blackburn in, did let Arsenal in), Blackburn themselves did, Arsenal might be now.


Were having a great season, were going places, in the grand scheme of things its not much to have to suffer.


19 minutes ago, joeyt said:

Can you be delighted with the season so far whilst also be critical of how unnecessarily thin our squad is?

None us know if it was unnecessary.  Shifting some of our fringe players appeared to be a gift horse we cant look in the mouth prior to Jan.

Are we not basically one centre-midfielder away from everyone being placated? Which they tried to sort by all accounts. 

Point it out maybe but wouldn't go as far as criticising in the grand scheme of things



Edited by Wolfcastle

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Arsenal have 1 point in 2 games.


Man City got beat last week.


Tottenham got stuffed off Leicester.


Man Utd were 2-0 down at home to Leeds the other day.


Chelsea and Liverpool are so far down the league we can't even see them.


Our biggest issue is that we've lost a spark in attack and we find it impossible to lose games. The spark will return soon enough.

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We are 14th for XG over the last 6 btw.  This isn’t a one-off. 

You build a squad because you expect injuries, form issues, rotation, suspensions and want different tools in attack. 

No 4-3-3 manager wants to have 4 central midfielders in the squad. You want 6 capable of playing in midfield. Going with 4 is a clear risk. If you can’t see that…. I just don’t know what to say.  

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33 minutes ago, Infatuation Junkie said:

I’m shitting it for 2 weeks time.

I know it is easier said than done. But don’t do it to yourself, man.  Makes literally no difference if we angst over it or dare to dream. This could be the best bit, the anticipation. The build-up. Imagining the day. Picturing us turning-up and giving it a real good go, as we did (apparently) in the ‘76 LCF. If we let ourselves go there, just dare to hold it in mind, entertain the very real possibility of a NUFC captain facing our supporters and holding aloft a major cup. Epic. A seachange in our fortunes and the confidence that can become an ingrained belief that we actually can not only compete (we are..) but actually win. Way I feel at the moment, I can’t fucking wait! 



Edited by Coffee_Johnny

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5 hours ago, Theregulars said:

I’d also add, he’s no longer injured! He played yesterday. 

Let’s try a different approach. With Bruno suspended and Willock injured, would you rather play Shelvey or Anderson?


Easily Anderson. Excellent opportunity for him to get an extended run in the team to show that he belongs here.

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1 minute ago, The College Dropout said:

We are 14th for XG over the last 6 btw.  This isn’t a one-off. 

You build a squad because you expect injuries, form issues, rotation, suspensions and want different tools in attack. 

No 4-3-3 manager wants to have 4 central midfielders in the squad. You want 6 capable of playing in midfield. Going with 4 is a clear risk. If you can’t see that…. I just don’t know what to say.  


You are absolutely correct. What was our squad like circa December 2021? Should have kept Isaac Hayden and Jeff Hendrick around for squad depth IMO.

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41 minutes ago, joeyt said:

Can you be delighted with the season so far whilst also be critical of how unnecessarily thin our squad is?


Sure. But can we trust there is a plan? Can we finally, after decades, believe the club is run by experts, with a plan. A plan we have no sight of.



Can WE be patient? 



Edited by arnonel

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40 minutes ago, joeyt said:

Can you be delighted with the season so far whilst also be critical of how unnecessarily thin our squad is?


Sure you can, if you can accept that the word "unnecessarily" is your subjective opinion, and that there are valid counter arguments for why the squad isn't as complete as you'd like it to be.

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