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Mason Greenwood


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9 minutes ago, Smal said:

I would generally just advise avoiding LBC at all costs. They deliberately get the worst opinions to call in so O'Brien can pretend he's outraged by their opinions and "own them" to drive engagement. One of the most cynical and damaging media formats going in a competitive field. 


:thup: absolutely.  People choose to ignore the plain as day truth of this because he panders to generic and vague left wing views, and because some people on the left have a weird and compulsive desire to listen to complete no-marks of differing opinion being shut down as if it represents some sort of victory over the right :lol: 


Probably one for the politics thread like



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For the record, as a Corbyn-ite - I listen to O'Brien most days. I don't agree on some of what he says, but in a field of right-wing driven media, he offers something different - along with Nick Abbott.


Re Greenwood - if he were an NUFC player, I wouldn't want him anywhere near the club. I remember messrs Bramble and Bellamy having speculation about their sexual exploits when they were here. Nothing came of it in the end, but it breeds real problems.

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1 minute ago, BlazeT44 said:


His interview technique and the way he phrases questions, positions arguments, interjects, dismisses arguments and shifts the argument from macro to minor to suit himself his straight out the Piers Morgan, Jeremy Kyle, Simon Jordan textbook.


All fucking smug unbearable idiots.


totally. The outcome of this kind of coverage, whether it's O'Brien's audience or Morgan's audience, is intentionally designed so that the listener goes away thinking that the general public are all idiots; remaining ignorant to any kind of systemic or structural issues there might be. You're meant to go away from it thinking there's no chance anything can get better because individual members of the public are idiots, all whilst the root issues are completely ignored.

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:thup: exactly that, and people fall for it left right and centre (literally) while being convinced that they're instead having the truth behind politics revealed to them.  It's depressing as fuck, and as you say destructive and counterproductive 



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1 minute ago, Big Geordie said:

For the record, as a Corbyn-ite - I listen to O'Brien most days. I don't agree on some of what he says, but in a field of right-wing driven media, he offers something different - along with Nick Abbott.


Re Greenwood - if he were an NUFC player, I wouldn't want him anywhere near the club. I remember messrs Bramble and Bellamy having speculation about their sexual exploits when they were here. Nothing came of it in the end, but it breeds real problems.

Andy Carroll was charged with assaulting his then partner during his peak with us. Don’t think it was ever mentioned that he shouldn’t play for us while it was ongoing. 

I know that Greenwood is a more extreme case as it was a rape charge but if it wasn’t for the audio going public he’d already be back playing for them. 

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4 hours ago, MagMal said:

Looking from the outside this is a right mess, yes sometimes people make mistakes in life and should be supported but sometimes things cross a line and this is one. Regardless of the case been dropped, dodgy in itself he is a right little cunt.

I think the club are terrified to sack him as he will sue them and also there seems to be some old boys club thinking in he was just been a lad etc.

Yes he has not been charged with anything so technically he has not done anything wrong but everyone knows that is bollocks but his employment status is protected by law, they should just let him run out his contract in the reserves and then release him, but if I was there I would be concerned about his influence and impact on the junior players, there is bound to be a few idiots in the ranks who would see him as the big man, they should have sent him off on loan to another country and tried to forget about him.

If they released him and Greenwood could earn tens of millions in lieu of no transfer being paid you wouldn’t see the cunt for dust.



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5 minutes ago, Chapo said:

Andy Carroll was charged with assaulting his then partner during his peak with us. Don’t think it was ever mentioned that he shouldn’t play for us while it was ongoing. 

I know that Greenwood is a more extreme case as it was a rape charge but if it wasn’t for the audio going public he’d already be back playing for them. 


I remember him being in bother and having to shift in with Kevin Nolan for a bit. Was that related to that?

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18 minutes ago, Big Geordie said:

For the record, as a Corbyn-ite - I listen to O'Brien most days. I don't agree on some of what he says, but in a field of right-wing driven media, he offers something different - along with Nick Abbott.


Re Greenwood - if he were an NUFC player, I wouldn't want him anywhere near the club. I remember messrs Bramble and Bellamy having speculation about their sexual exploits when they were here. Nothing came of it in the end, but it breeds real problems.


can't remember bellamy ever being implicated in owt like that?

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6 minutes ago, Big Geordie said:


I remember him being in bother and having to shift in with Kevin Nolan for a bit. Was that related to that?

Allegedly assaulted his ex after she caught him engaged in ‘romantic liaisons’ with another girl in her bathroom, and then had to live with Nolan as part of his bail conditions. Whilst living there, he had his Range Rover torched on the driveway and Nolan had his garage graffitied. 

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Man-U have made an absolute mess of this situation 


I think they were probably expecting the court to sort the situation, him be convicted and they can then dump him without worrying about any financial implications 


However, the moment the charges were dropped they had a decision to make and a club of their size the correct stance would have been to dump him and deal with any consequences, he takes them to court? So what, they piss money up the wall on signings, I'm sure they could handle him


If anything, if they dumped him he would have quietly disappeared off abroad, after being dumped by Man-U there isn't a club that takes him on


Instead, they've tried to get him back cos he's talented but have misjudged the entire situation 


And now they'll dump him anyway but they'll have done it not because it was the right thing to do but because they'll have gotten grief from "hostile" parties

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1 minute ago, Big Geordie said:


Am sure he was accused of shoving a lass out of his car, down the Quayside. Mind - am going back 20 years, so have probs remembered wrong.


wasn't it some wannabe wag got in his car uninvited and he just removed her? no police action anyway.  :)

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I'd be all for rehabilitation and reintegration, but the fact he's had virtually no consequences leaves a really bitter taste in my mouth. We don't know of course - within himself he could be genuinely remorseful for what he did but somehow I doubt it. 


I'd take a career ending injury and the need to get a regular job to get by to test the love between him and his victim at this point.

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Can't remember Bellamy or Carroll incidents which I guess proves Froggy's point to some extent. Focus on DV was shamefully poor back then by comparison, of course



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I'd be very curious to see the demographic of the aforementioned poll.


For instance, who were the 18% of people who said they'd stop supporting Manchester United should he return.


For no other reason than to see if there's a trend between gender, age, those with families, those with daughters etc.

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59 minutes ago, BlazeT44 said:


James O'Brien is a hypocritical cretin.


Let me be clear in saying it's absolute disgusting and abhorrent what Greenwood did and he deserves a severe punishment.


However, quite frequently O'Brien wants to take the liberal view of rehabilitation, second chances, developing as a person, learning from lessons and ensuring work for all.


Then, when faced with an argument of "so you want him to stop work completely?", He interjects, dismisses and changes the argument to nonsensical, irrelevant sub arguments of "what if he's 30?" 


Again - all for the punishment that comes Greenwood's way. Those audios and pictures are vile and no-one is defending him.


But O'Brien is a hypocrite of the highest order.


Glad to see some James O'Brien hate on here. 

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This is not to defend him as he's a scumbag, however as he's not being charged, we don't know behind the scenes that he's engaged in treatment for what's clearly a serious problem, and Man United could be providing the access to that, because of the duty of care employers have to provide by law, and would you think they would want to do for their employees. 


They've badly misread what the reaction of keeping him would be though, all the evidence was there for them to anticipate that. Just listening or reading what he said to his girl, his behaviour, the physical evidence, but the less cynical side of me doesn't think they should be criticised for trying to help him.  They should imo have helped him, but also let him know despite the help he would no longer play for the club because of what he did, charges dropped aside. 



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He's a penis and his style is appalling but he was one of the only mainstream journos with a reasonable platform to be pointing out what a clusterfuck Brexit was from the start, and (apparently) lost his job at the Beeb for it so it gets some credit for that at least. 


I think it highlights the lack of prominent TV and radio journos willing to put the boot into the Tories, and willing to point out how ludicrous and hypocritical some of their policies and slogans are, that he's managed to build such a large fanbase tbh.



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17 minutes ago, OpenC said:

Can't remember Bellamy or Carroll incidents which I guess proves Froggy's point to some extent. Focus on DV was shamefully poor back then by comparison, of course


There's likely multiple examples of players being scumbags at every club. It's always forgotten about in the day to day.

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