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Steve Bruce Roadshow: Dates in Hexham and Blackpool announced.

David Edgar

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51 minutes ago, St. Maximin said:

The thing is (and I'm going against the grain a bit here), his record doesn't necessarily suggest that. We know he's a disgrace but it's not like every season his final league position suggests he was a miserable failure - even if everything else does - but ultimately it's the league table that gets noticed most by people who don't follow his teams closely. He would have absolutely taken us down if he'd stayed, but the sacking spared him from that and the 13th and 12th place finishes were reasonable on paper. Pretty sure he finished above Potter, who everyone has been praising for ages.




It's a valid point in one sense, but it's the job of the person recruiting to look into more than league tables - feedback from previous players/employers/staff, analysis on style of play, upturn in results from previous managers, fans' opinions and umpteen other factors. When you're spending millions on someone who the football club's plight is 100% dependent on, you have to do the most thorough due diligence possible. These guys just seem to pluck Bruce's name out of a hat, speak to a few pundits who bum him and hand him a 3 year contract. Proper due diligence would ensure Bruce never gets a job in English football again. 

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39 minutes ago, Chris_R said:


I know you're not defending him, but it's about trajectories and that's the bit that always gets overlooked.


Sure, he finished 13th and 12th which as you say look OK on paper. But he took over Benitez's team which was 7th in form the second half of his last season and even better in the last quarter of that season. We were playing expansive football, looking really good. Then he comes in and torpedoes it. Plus although the 13th placed season was a fair reflection of us, anyone who watched us the year after will remember how utterly dogshit we were but outperformed our XG massively by loads of flukey wins. There was  no chance that was sustainable long-term, and the following season it all unravelled to the surprise of absolutely nobody at all.


It was so fucking lazy (or disingenuous) when journalists would say "But they averaged about the same over a few years" when Rafa took over a dogshit team on the way down and turned us into a team that could go toe to toe with nearly anyone, then Bruce took over that team and turned us into one heading back down again. Yeah sure, the average is the same, but fucking hell factor in the start and end points of each of their reigns.


It is frustrating that journalists look at the very minimum detail of outcomes only. There's a huge difference between punching above your weight but showing organisation and progression compared to underperforming and relying on luck. One has a future, the other is on borrowed time.

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It seems like a lifetime ago that the chuckle bros were running this great club of ours into the ground, at last where heading in the right direction and brains of a wasp Cashley, fatha bacon Bruce, his wrang'un son young Biffa Bruce,can make themselves comedy gold laughing stock elsewhere ,the embarrassing cunts that they are.

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22 minutes ago, hakka said:

It is frustrating that journalists look at the very minimum detail of outcomes only. There's a huge difference between punching above your weight but showing organisation and progression compared to underperforming and relying on luck. One has a future, the other is on borrowed time.


They don't look into managers at all really, it's very rare for them to criticise managers explicitly. 

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1 hour ago, Nun tumblers said:

Must be close to getting a cabbage stotted off his heed.


Funny you should say that, here's a genuine quote from the West Brom forum;


"I’d happily see him pelted with cabbages from the Halfords Rd. certainly be more fun to watch than the football he serves up.

Would love to hear from a current squad player on what they do on the training ground."


And that's one of the milder ones.

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SB: “I will never give in. I’ve quit when I’ve wanted another job, I’ll give you that, but when it gets messy like it is now I’ve got no intention.  “That’s when some people will say, ‘maybe he’s a bit sick’, but it’s what the job is. It’s magnified these days. We didn’t have social media 10 years ago.”

The bit i've highlighted in bold at the bottom show what kind of character he is. Screaming at the club to just pay me off. He will happily walk if he's got some money to walk to. Man of his word/honor my backside


WBA talking about throwing Brussels sprouts instead of cabbages at him tomorrow to show how small time he’s made them, love owt like that 

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1 minute ago, RUHRLYASLEEVESUP said:

SB: “I will never give in. I’ve quit when I’ve wanted another job, I’ll give you that, but when it gets messy like it is now I’ve got no intention.  “That’s when some people will say, ‘maybe he’s a bit sick’, but it’s what the job is. It’s magnified these days. We didn’t have social media 10 years ago.”

The bit i've highlighted in bold at the bottom show what kind of character he is. Screaming at the club to just pay me off. He will happily walk if he's got some money to walk to. Man of his word/honor my backside


WBA talking about throwing Brussels sprouts instead of cabbages at him tomorrow to show how small time he’s made them, love owt like that 

He loves to blame "yer sewshal media"

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2 minutes ago, RUHRLYASLEEVESUP said:

SB: “I will never give in. I’ve quit when I’ve wanted another job, I’ll give you that, but when it gets messy like it is now I’ve got no intention.  “That’s when some people will say, ‘maybe he’s a bit sick’, but it’s what the job is. It’s magnified these days. We didn’t have social media 10 years ago.”

The bit i've highlighted in bold at the bottom show what kind of character he is. Screaming at the club to just pay me off. He will happily walk if he's got some money to walk to. Man of his word/honor my backside


WBA talking about throwing Brussels sprouts instead of cabbages at him tomorrow to show how small time he’s made them, love owt like that 


God I hope this happens.

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I'll never give in lads I'm with you untill the end, we stand together we die together, we're a team. 


Unless of course someone offers me a better job with more money and I'll be fucking off pronto. 


What a cunt. 

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6 hours ago, hakka said:


It is frustrating that journalists look at the very minimum detail of outcomes only. There's a huge difference between punching above your weight but showing organisation and progression compared to underperforming and relying on luck. One has a future, the other is on borrowed time.

'he's got you to a quarter-final, two games away from a final' versus replays against Oxford and Rocdhale, penalties over Newport and a game against Morecambe.

I like to think its chilidish cynical argueing and these people know better. But can't be sure.


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Guest reefatoon

He’s got that huffy angry defiant look in his eye again, where he thinks the world is picking on him for nothing. You can see he is fucking seething at being hated yet again, and thinking there is no justification for it. Horrible cunt that he is.

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“It’s not me.. it’s the whole world that’s wrong” is his patter but deep down he knows he’s a leech.


I can’t even accuse him of being a sociopath, it’s more he just hasn’t an ounce of shame.. he’d literally stand in front of a wall and let people throw shit at him if it meant getting a payout at the end of it.


He has a magic number in his head to get him to his death bed and also a few quid to look after his talentless offspring, once he reaches that he’ll ride off into the sunset, but there’ll be a few more suckers to bleed dry by doing a shit job for them before it’s all over. This won’t be his last job.. maybe last job for a year or so until some sucker is desperate enough to roll the compensation dice. But will just be another rinse and repeat.

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If you played that audio to random fans of his victims then I bet none of them could pick out who he was currently (mis)managing when he gave it. Quintessential death-throes, mawdling Bruce interview bemoaning the fact his supporters are expecting him to get better results than he's capable of delivering. Cheeky fuckers, do they know he's managed 1000 games? This isn't his fault (again). His players are playing shit (again). He's been unlucky (again). His team are plummeting to the bottom of the League (again). He's under pressure (again).


Ever wondered why you gormless fat pig? 

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27 minutes ago, RS said:

Some of the comments on that thread.

I hope Bruce stays at WBA forever.


"Bruce is a Geordie himself who went to st James's as a lad, yet they treat him like that."


"Steve Bruce by many accounts is one of the nicest, most down to earth people in football.
Newcastle fans are cunts. As well as Villa fans."


"In the Ashley years Newcastle have been bottom half of the Prem. Bruce has done about the same as most. I still think they would have been ok if they'd stuck with him."


"Newcastle fans really are a bunch of sad cunts. Horrible set of fans, and I wish nothing but misery for the overhyped shit club."

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24 minutes ago, Dancing Brave said:

Some of the comments on that thread.

I hope Bruce stays at WBA forever.


"Bruce is a Geordie himself who went to st James's as a lad, yet they treat him like that."


"Steve Bruce by many accounts is one of the nicest, most down to earth people in football.
Newcastle fans are cunts. As well as Villa fans."


"In the Ashley years Newcastle have been bottom half of the Prem. Bruce has done about the same as most. I still think they would have been ok if they'd stuck with him."


"Newcastle fans really are a bunch of sad cunts. Horrible set of fans, and I wish nothing but misery for the overhyped shit club."


Go on any online fan forum in the country and you'll find a good majority who think they know what they're talking about with regards to other clubs and their fans and in reality they generally know fuck all. Then go watch some of those Tyneside Life videos on YT, just for one example, with fans of other clubs being interviewed before a game at Newcastle, and they're mingling and having a great time in our city.


I've personally found over time that quite literally nobody else knows better about how a player or manager has done at a club, than fans of that club. Calling that into question in the blinkered, force-fed-media-bollocks fashion that many do, just proves how little they actually know. I bet most making those comments have never even been to Newcastle, just regurgitate what they're told. 


It actually pisses me off a bit after I spent a good 15 minutes writing out my rant on a prior page about the PFM, Bruce and clubs like WBA getting shit on by these leeches but I bet if I went to that area, i'd find common ground and meet a good many people who share similar views and so I don't give that stuff much credence, just online dimwits being led by others' views.



Edited by LionOfGosforth
added stuff

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