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4 minutes ago, HTT II said:

I suspect their display was something very derogatory towards NUFC/our owners as to why it hasn’t been allowed…

Materials being used were apparently as plastic as the fans flooding out of the woodwork for Wemberlee marra.

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Guest HTT II
Just now, Nucasol said:

Materials being used were apparently as plastic as the fans flooding out of the woodwork for Wemberlee marra.

Most of the crowd will be MAGs anyway according to them!

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Guest HTT II

To be fair mind, it’s shit that footy fans regularly get fucked over by the FA/police/the powers that be. I know a few mackem mates down there who have been accosted by police for drinking in the street and one even got punched off a police horse!

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Such self-important, condescending wankers [emoji38]



"Dear FA/Wembley
Can we remind you that such a lesser event as the division 1 play off should be a neutral affair
(yes of course we will give you 4 x your average home gate and them just under 1.5 )
Can you also take into consideration that we are incapable, lacking in creativity and devoid of the funds to put on such rousing presentations at the start of the game that those nasty northerners are planning.
(yes we take your point we will stop them from doing that, at the last minute of course to try and break their passion)
And finally can we ask for a referee that is blind to our shithousery
(we will see what we can do, good luck your presence in the championship is much preferred)

Kind regards

With thanks"

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Alright lads- we’re not going to let you do your display as it might cause a fire and the subsequent death of thousands.




Edited by Hovagod

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7 minutes ago, Danh1 said:

Just been looking at that Barry’s timeline. Wow, what a better embarrassment he is.


Hope they lose today so much more now. 

The irrelevant ones will win today sadly 

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It's funny, given their relegations and subsequent, prolonged activity in the doldrums of the third division, I rarely give these a thought for around two-thirds of the season nowadays. It's only when the season starts drawing to a close and when Newcastle (in recent years) are safe, that they actually matter.


There's always a lot of talk in fan bases about how rivals are 'rent-free' in one anothers heads, and ours is no different. I honestly doubt our fans would not have been singing anti-Sunderland songs in the same scenario, given the amount of time they'll be there before the game and the amount of drink consumed. There's only so many songs you can sing.


However, on the other hand, I do wonder just how many songs they have that don't feature Newcastle. Singing about Shearer being shite for one is delusional. Also, any notion that Sunderland is somehow a nicer place, and Newcastle is a shithole, is entirely delusional.


What has happened in the North East as a whole is wrong, and Sunderland and Middlesbrough have been left behind with little to hold on to as Newcastle has diversified and become the regional capital. Perhaps that was always the case? I think any 'normal' person can see that. Sunderland and Middlesbrough were good working class cities that have been ran into the ground and that is a shame but perhaps that explains the whole chip on the shoulder mentality they have?


Therefore, it's only at times like this when I can genuinely say I hate them and that's purely based on the hatred they hold for us. I just find them somewhat laughable, and on days like today I hope as they fill the Wembley air with songs about Newcastle  and Newcastle United rather than getting behind their own team, their fairly sizeable club gets smashed by someone like Wycombe, and they're reminded why their small-mindedness belongs in the third tier of English football.


For every season they're down there and focusing on us, that's where they'll remain. They need to get their shit together and focus on their 12 fingered inbred selves.



Edited by Heron

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9 minutes ago, Heron said:



What has happened in the North East as a whole is wrong, and Sunderland and Middlesbrough have been left behind with little to hold on to as Newcastle has diversified and become the regional capital. Perhaps that was always the case? I think any 'normal' person can see that. Sunderland and Middlesbrough were good working class cities that have been ran into the ground and that is a shame but perhaps that explains the whole chip on the shoulder mentality they have?




Yep. Think about Sunderland, what comes to mind? For me it’s a giggle. They are very, very bitter about Newcastle the city due to economic factors and that’s passed down from generation to generation.

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That thread sums it up. Why don't they just focus on their own lot like? If they go up they'll be saying how we're devestated and how they're back and the biggest club in the North East and how everyone hates us and loves them, yada yada yada. Despite still being a divisiin below us and likely for some years yet. Sad. Mackem. Bastards. 



Edited by Heron

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I'd be proper demotivated to play for that club when your own fans care more about other clubs than their own. Well, it's a chance for their players to shine and perform and getta hell out of there win or lose the first chance they get.

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1 minute ago, Nine said:

Their main identity as a fan base is hating Newcastle, literally if inferiority complex was a football club.


Their main goal as a club us basically Newcastle +1


Whatever that is or will be, is their aim.

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1 hour ago, Paully said:

What a bellend he is



Can’t believe he’s employed as a journalist while he’s saying stuff like that. Making an absolute mockery of himself and legitimate arguments against us by writing shite like this 

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