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Guest Howaythetoon



I can see sense in some of the stuff Collymore says, but I highly doubt Sol Campbell gets overlooked for managerial positions because he is black and his Twitter rant about Ian Wright is shameful.


In the article Collymore goes onto say:


“The amount of overt racism, disrespect and indifference towards Black, Asian and mixed ethnicity Britons is in my opinion at its highest since my childhood. Sad times.”


I call bull shit, but I do believe this is a debate that needs talked about regarding non whites going further in the game outside of playing.


As for Sol Campbell, he was a great player, one of the best CB’s I’ve seen and I’d have him and Rio as the best combo if I had to pick an all-time CB pairing for England or of the PL era, but he comes across as someone who is entitled because of his career, name and indeed even his skin colour when it comes to wanting to be a manager and that’s wrong.


What I feel our game needs is a coaching academy for ex players with links to schools, youth clubs and maybe FAs abroad so ex players can coach, learn and develop at all levels.


When the PL kicked off and we started seeing foreign managers arrive here, back in their own countries they were never managers but trainers and coaches which give them a great education and an advantage over our managers that’s why so many succeed and why so many clubs go foreign.


There is a saying mind, how is someone to get experience if they can’t get a job so I’m all for the likes of Gerrard and Lampard getting jobs as things stand. But I’d rather they come through some academy of coaching before they get a manager’s job because we are so far behind in that sense and it’s no wonder so many ex players fail like Ince.


Shearer when he managed us didn’t even do any coaching, it was left to Dowie who had coaching experience.

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Stan's problem is he's a shit pundit and no one likes him, on talksport he would always just shout his opinion over and over again, then play the "i've played the game at the highest level, so i know" card.

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Stan's problem is he's a shit pundit and no one likes him, on talksport he would always just shout his opinion over and over again, then play the "i've played the game at the highest level, so i know" card.


True, but he's basically right about this race issue.

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Guest Howaythetoon

He's probably got a good case around the Rooney rule. I don't think Sol Campbell is a great example mind, since the guy seems a total fruit loop.


I don’t know where I stand on the Rooney rule, in an ideal world credentials should get you the job, but it’s not an ideal world unfortunately so perhaps something like that is needed.


Sol was a great player, but coms across as a pseudo intellectual and seems a bizarre character, based on that alone I would stay clear never mind anything else.


If he was genuine about getting into management or more so being a manager what has he done to do so? Applied for a few jobs? Had a few interviews? Go around the world studying managers, watch games, compile dossiers on players, build your skill set and make contacts.


I genuinley believe he feels he shouldn’t have to based on the fact others don’t and yet get jobs using the race card, but me, if I wanted to be a manager I’d want to be the best I could. If he’s starting at a disadvantage due to his skin colour which may be the case, he needs to somehow overcome that like he did as a player overcoming all kinds of obstacles.


Basically pave the way for others to follow like Hughton is doing, become a vessel yourself for change Sol.

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It's the equivalent of "men are terrified of strong successful women"


He has a point on the whole like but you're never doing yourself any favours making ridiculous sweeping statements about race.


As Collymore puts it, the 43-year-old is deemed by his critics as being a “wrong ‘un” – aloof, cocky, outspoken ... weird, and the fact this constantly overshadows his playing achievements – 73 England caps, two league titles with Arsenal, one of the finest defenders of his generation – as well as his coaching credentials, points to something sinister.


The Guardian peppered in that bit if utter nonsense too. Aye, because Robbie Savage is adorned as some kind of brilliant footballing mind. Thompson, Le Tiss, Merson, Nicholas, all universally loved...


People don't like Collymore because he hit his lass and works as a professional wind up merchant - sinister indeed. On the flip side loads of people like him because he's a 'mad cunt'.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Him calling Ian Wright an Uncle Tom is a disgrace by the way. So ignorant, dumb and actually offensive. And hypocritical!

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I don't want to downplay his experience of racism or anything, but he names 4 black presenters who work regularly in football and are successful in it, and then discounts them because they are either funny or boring.


Ian wright only gets the job cos he's funny, Jenas only gets the jobs because he's boring? Makes no sense. He then says he doesn't get jobs because he calls out the status quo. ignoring the fact that's just code for being a WUM, maybe he should be aware of the mainstream football media enough to know that Sky and BBC don't want someone who rocks the boat all the time, that's the preserve of talksport et al. Probably why he gets those jobs...

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No time for the wife beater.


Having said that it is utterly horrendous how few black coaches there are, when you compare with number of black players something is going badly wrong. It must be a multitude of factors but since there are so few black coaches, it discourages that career path as a start. It absolutely needs to be addressed. It may be lamentable that it has to be a rule, but until things get sorted out more equably at least it will hopefully get some momentum going.

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Guest firetotheworks

He's a fucking bellend like. If his perspective on it had any truth to it, Robbie Savage would be the world's blackest man and Garth Crooks wouldn't be on telly.


It's because you're a shit stirring, shit talking, woman beating, obnoxious bell end, Stan.

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