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1 hour ago, Nobody said:

So Ronaldo has been suspended two games for that mobile phone incident back in April. How nice of the FA to wait until he won't be playing for Man Utd any more to dish out this punishment. 


Does that mean he misses Leicester and Leeds?

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15 hours ago, Manxst said:

If we’re talking investment funds, on the basis of nothing at all other than sheer wealth and Scandinavian support for the club, I’d imagine the Norwegian lot (the biggest in the world iirc?) might take an interest? 


Would never in a million years happen, not at all how we invest our oil money. All investments are made with profit in mind. 

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17 hours ago, Stifler said:

I’m not so sure. All the urban development started in Dubai, and they still have the signature developments over Abu Dhabi. I don’t think their investment fund portfolio is as big as ours or Abu Dhabi’s, but they’ll still have enough to buy Man Utd if they wanted.

This tickled me.

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the mask is slipping. Whole bunch of manchester utd fans wants Dubai (oil money) as their new owner. Shocking! After all this fewman right issues with Saudi owning us!


And i would bet my entire estate that liverfool fans would be happy too if an oil state wants to buy liverfool. They will toss all this fewman rights to the bin and they will sing the whataboutery songs too.



Edited by Johnny

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15 minutes ago, Johnny said:



the mask is slipping. Whole bunch of manchester utd fans wants Dubai (oil money) as their new owner. Shocking! After all this fewman right issues with Saudi owning us!


And i would bet my entire estate that liverfool fans would be happy too if an oil state wants to buy liverfool. They will toss all this fewman rights to the bin and they will sing the whataboutery songs too.





You've read between the lines there. :lol: The vast majority want Ratcliffe.

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1 hour ago, Johnny said:



the mask is slipping. Whole bunch of manchester utd fans wants Dubai (oil money) as their new owner. Shocking! After all this fewman right issues with Saudi owning us!


And i would bet my entire estate that liverfool fans would be happy too if an oil state wants to buy liverfool. They will toss all this fewman rights to the bin and they will sing the whataboutery songs too.




I’ve already read on Twitter how “at least Dubai’s human rights record isn’t as bad as Saudis” :lol:

People will jump through hoops to justify it, after giving us a load of stick. 

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4 hours ago, Johnny said:



the mask is slipping. Whole bunch of manchester utd fans wants Dubai (oil money) as their new owner. Shocking! After all this fewman right issues with Saudi owning us!


And i would bet my entire estate that liverfool fans would be happy too if an oil state wants to buy liverfool. They will toss all this fewman rights to the bin and they will sing the whataboutery songs too.





Funny that. Who would have thought that football fans (when you remove the extreme moral highground white knights and the type of people who would wear tea towels on their heads) have generally similar views on club ownership. 




Dubai would be ok. They have money and they are probably the least bad option from gulf states. I would be ok with that combination.

Worst scenario would be that they buy Liverpool and we get Glazers vol 2 owners.




I think this quote above from that forum pretty much sums up the opinion of the "normal/average" football fan when it comes to their own club.


Yes, in an ideal world all clubs would be fan owned and money wouldn't be imperative to success but that's not how it is. Therefore, most fans will agree that they want the least bad owner they can have, while still being able to compete.

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One of the reasons why the Glazers may want to sell is because they can get in their minds, between $5bn-$8bn. That’s a lot of money and I know they have other sports interests, but that could be used to buy others teams or invest more in their existing teams. It could also be because they want the money, and also investment outside of sports.


I guess you could argue that since buying Man Utd, they are not the global giant as much anymore. They pretty much only existed in that category with Barca, and Real. I guess in some markets you could throw Munich, and Benfica in there to a lesser extent. Now PSG are probably one of the most in your face brands being pushed. Man City as well are coming along into the fold. They are also no longer guaranteed to win most out 5 league title. Maybe they just don’t see how much more value they could create.


The last point I made there is why I think it will be difficult to sell Man UTD. At between $5bn-$8bn, plus money for a new stadium (Old Trafford effectively needs to be rebuilt) and training ground improvements. The price then goes to somewhere like $6.5bn-$9.5bn. At that point the only way you are making your money back is buying keeping a hold of the club for 15-20 years for inflation to offset those cards. In this case it’s probably not going to be that appealing to investors, so you are really marketing towards rich fans (Radcliffe), and people/nations with ego’s that need to be filled (Dubai). Personally I hope they get Musk who fucks them over without any employees there to protect them (Man Utd) from him.

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39 minutes ago, Mattoon said:

I've got all the manu fans messaging me reckoning Apple will buy them and they'll be richer than us.

Came from the Daily Star.

Not a chance Apple would be interested in buying a football club, it doesn’t fit with their strategy at all. They buy companies to enhance their products and services. When you consider that they have opted against buying Netflix, Disney, Spotify, and Tesla in recent years, it makes even less sense.


On top of that, I doubt Premier League clubs would be happy that Apple would own Man Utd and be one of the leading bidders for the next Premier League rights.



Edited by Stifler

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