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There is supposed to be mass protests today. I can’t wait to see them fill out OT, wave a Norwich scarf, possibly have a green & yellow half & half retro shirt on, freshly bought from the club store, not sing a peep, and start leaving in the 80th minute.

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1 hour ago, Stifler said:

There is supposed to be mass protests today. I can’t wait to see them fill out OT, wave a Norwich scarf, possibly have a green & yellow half & half retro shirt on, freshly bought from the club store, not sing a peep, and start leaving in the 80th minute.


The last organised protest like this ended up with the game being postponed. :lol: And it was Newcastle fans who gave us the most praise for it.


You not fully woken up yet Stiffy? 

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1 hour ago, Ronson333 said:



This is utter nonsense. It was a full sale/Glazers out movement long before Qatar were even involved. 


The vast majority wanted Ratcliffe. I would still want Ratcliffe over Qatar. But he has lost a lot of support for bidding with a deal that sees the Glazers stay on. Their shares will likely remain class B shares as well and they will have serious voting power. 

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49 minutes ago, Froggy said:


The last organised protest like this ended up with the game being postponed. :lol: And it was Newcastle fans who gave us the most praise for it.


You not fully woken up yet Stiffy? 

The one against the Super League did. Against the owners is a different, you have too many in your support/match day going fans who are happy to just turn up for the occasion.

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3 minutes ago, Stifler said:

The one against the Super League did. Against the owners is a different, you have too many in your support/match day going fans who are happy to just turn up for the occasion.

Sounds awfully familiar mind Stiffster.

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8 hours ago, Froggy said:


The last organised protest like this ended up with the game being postponed. :lol: And it was Newcastle fans who gave us the most praise for it.


You not fully woken up yet Stiffy? 

In all seriousness though, what I said was a reflection of realism. Man Utd have too many fans going there who are interested in seeing the players, autograph hunting, taking pictures of being there etc to have a mass protest.

The fans who protested against the ESL are a different fan to the match going crowd at OT. For the vast majority who go to OT, they don’t give a shit about the politics. It’s why when you 1st protested against the owners it was a scarf sold by people outside the ground, and a year later Man Utd had an away/third shirt with the same colours which everyone bought. They were never arsed about the politics at the club, they were arsed about how they looked in their photographs, and now it’s how they look on their social media post.


Look at me, I’m at OT wearing these colours everyone else is wearing.


Ok, did you think maybe not going to the match or not buying that merchandise from the club shop before the match would be better to protest?


Oh I’m not interested in that, I just wanted to come to OT to see what it’s like going to match and so people on my social media can’t say that I’ve never been before.


In all honesty it was similar for us. When we’re tried to do protests against Ashley, people wouldn’t not go to games.

If we had have been part of the ESL breakaway I bet we would also have had fans protesting outside the ground, but a sustained period l of protest or even slight protest against Ashley and no one could muster the energy and were more bothered in theirs words ‘With getting away from misses for the day, and a day away from waking around Eldon Square’.


This isn’t a gripe at just Man Utd though. If Man City needed to or tested against something, too many of their fans who put money into the club via merchandise and tickets will be plastics, same with Chelsea etc. look at Spurs, supposed to get 60k fans every week, wanted Levy gone for over 5 years. They won’t be able to muster enough of their fan base to actually protest in meaningful way. Even Liverpool, a team who got a whole city to stop selling newspapers on the back of a protest, a city where the national anthem has trouble being played at, if they needed their fans to protest in a meaningful way, I doubt they would be able to do it either.

Like I said, look at us, we couldn’t muster our fans to stand up to Ashley who openly took the piss out of us and made us proper shit, give us a little success and a few years of our current owners to get some plastics supporting us and we’ll be doubly as fucked.

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:lol: Feels like bald bloke had a brainwave midway through 'ah shit we're getting another footballers treat kid like shit story, let's just block him from view that'll work'.



Edited by wormy

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With regards to Man United/protests - they are having the same issues that we had. Going to football games is now something of a middle-class experience - the ordinary working man has been priced out pretty much and has to now make do with watching on TV. It has become a spectator sport, with the majority of supporters being men, who are middle-aged and older. Then you get the daytrippers - something that we will start seeing of more at Newcastle as we become more successful.


'Created by the poor, stolen by the rich' - indeed :thup:

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1 hour ago, Big River said:

urgh. what is wrong with people? how can you see a little lad like that and not give him a smile or a wave back?


and the fat oaf who just stands right in front of him :rant:


But they’re all just dead busy and focused man, can’t be sparing any energy on being polite to little kids that idolise them.


Legitimately, the only thing I can think of as any sort of defence is that they’ve all suffered too many instances of weird cunt adults using their kids/kids as bait to prompt engagement that leads to inevitable requests for multiple autographs and whatever else. So now it’s easier to just blank everyone all the time to avoid that.

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1 hour ago, Big Geordie said:

With regards to Man United/protests - they are having the same issues that we had. Going to football games is now something of a middle-class experience - the ordinary working man has been priced out pretty much and has to now make do with watching on TV. It has become a spectator sport, with the majority of supporters being men, who are middle-aged and older. Then you get the daytrippers - something that we will start seeing of more at Newcastle as we become more successful.


'Created by the poor, stolen by the rich' - indeed :thup:

I disagree with our issues there were a lot from working class backgrounds  who were to selfish to get pissed up and coked up of a weekend without going to the match that kept the attendance up as well. 

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