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43 minutes ago, gdm said:

ultimately I think someone has complained to the club and they have acted. 


Someone did indeed, but he's as much of an attention seeking wind-up merchant as she is. Filmed himself handing in the complaint for his socials.

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16 minutes ago, Scoot said:


I'd like to see some kind of sanction brought in for team fouls. It's getting more of a thing of repeated soft deliberate fouls to stop teams breaking. Man City forward players do it regular.

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We could introduce a system of a different coloured card for each type of infraction. This would help the spectator with any confusion over what the ref has blown his whistle for. Blue for verbals, purple for shirt pulling, grey for handball, etc.

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Remember when the sport was shit, struggling to find an audience and finance and needed the radical change of VAR, FFP, FMV, a cluster fuck Champions League format and blue cards?

Me neither.



Edited by Jonas

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14 minutes ago, madras said:

I'd like to see some kind of sanction brought in for team fouls. It's getting more of a thing of repeated soft deliberate fouls to stop teams breaking. Man City forward players do it regular.

Don’t think sin bins is the answer but I agree, teams are exploiting this more than ever and it needs looking at with the existing systems in place 

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1 minute ago, Pixelphish said:

It's all getting a bit too much for me now tbh.

Have a lie down, put some cool tunes on and remind yourself it's a sport for us, a diversion, it's not serious. Hell man, people take some real world stuff a lot more serious than it should be.

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3 hours ago, gdm said:

Do people think that the club just came across her tweets and decided to ban her? 

Isn’t it more likely someone has expressed to the club that they don’t feel safe or comfortable going to the match while that person publically has these views. If she can tweet these things out where thousands could see it then I’d imagine she’d he’d no problem mouthing off to a trans person at a match. No one should feel uncomfortable or unsafe going to a football match. As someone said people get banned for racist comments all the time and rightly so. 


ultimately I think someone has complained to the club and they have acted. 


I think I've pretty much answered this, if it happens in the stadium that's one thing, on Twitter it's something else (again this is my opinion). There's many other examples you can draw up of people feeling unsafe around others, rationally or even blamelessly, such as female victims of rape feeling unsafe around all men for the rest of their lives, people getting PTSD-triggered psychotic episodes of people in soldier uniforms because of war crimes. Some older people might feel unsafe around big, skinhead thugs. Do we ban all people who could make people feel unsafe? Unfortunately, feeling safe isn't an entitlement.


Popped this in a spoiler for those who really don't want to read about this shite :lol:



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35 minutes ago, Kilcline said:

"As you don't implement the rules you already have at your disposal, here are some more."


Yup absolute dogshit.


This sort of thing wouldn't be needed if they got refs to do their jobs properly in the first place so players knew they couldn't get away with it.

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1 minute ago, madras said:

Have a lie down, put some cool tunes on and remind yourself it's a sport for us, a diversion, it's not serious. Hell man, people take some real world stuff a lot more serious than it should be.


I don't know, football is a big part of my life and feels like it's slowly being eroded into something nobody wants.

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They've been doing this sin-bin thing in non-league for a year or two but just for dissent, a yellow for dissent means 10 mins out. As a measure to reduce dissent, I can see the merits of it even though I'd rather not but I think doing it for "cynical fouls" is dangerous territory because that's incredibly subjective.

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2 minutes ago, Wullie said:

They've been doing this sin-bin thing in non-league for a year or two but just for dissent, a yellow for dissent means 10 mins out. As a measure to reduce dissent, I can see the merits of it even though I'd rather not but I think doing it for "cynical fouls" is dangerous territory because that's incredibly subjective.


Have they? Don't know whether it shows it works or it's not being implemented in that league but I've never seen anyone binned in the Northern League games I've been too.

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2 minutes ago, Wullie said:

They've been doing this sin-bin thing in non-league for a year or two but just for dissent, a yellow for dissent means 10 mins out. As a measure to reduce dissent, I can see the merits of it even though I'd rather not but I think doing it for "cynical fouls" is dangerous territory because that's incredibly subjective.


Aye I don't like it, look how wrong 'clear and obvious' became in terms of VAR.


I think if dissent or abuse to the ref was a an automatic yellow, the cynical fouls would almost take care of themselves (if still yellow) to a degree as players are going to be on more yellows anyway, at least in the short term.

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5 minutes ago, HawK said:
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I think I've pretty much answered this, if it happens in the stadium that's one thing, on Twitter it's something else (again this is my opinion). There's many other examples you can draw up of people feeling unsafe around others, rationally or even blamelessly, such as female victims of rape feeling unsafe around all men for the rest of their lives, people getting PTSD-triggered psychotic episodes of people in soldier uniforms because of war crimes. Some older people might feel unsafe around big, skinhead thugs. Do we ban all people who could make people feel unsafe? Unfortunately, feeling safe isn't an entitlement.


Popped this in a spoiler for those who really don't want to read about this shite :lol:




‘All men’ that are around rape victims, people in soldier uniforms and big skinhead thugs aren’t tweeting vile things against a specific set of people. If they were and a complaint was made they’d get banned too and rightly so 


it’s been reported many times of fans tweeting racist comments have been found and banned from football it’s no different. 

No, feeling safe isn’t an entitlement neither is entering st James park. Newcastle are a private company if a complaint is made they will look in to and punish as they see fit. Regardless of who made the complain or their motive for complaining the club has made the decision to do what they can to make lgbtq people feel safe at the game.


as its also been said her ‘content’ & bio are heavily Newcastle related and the club obviously don’t want that associated with them. 

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4 minutes ago, gdm said:

‘All men’ that are around rape victims, people in soldier uniforms and big skinhead thugs aren’t tweeting vile things against a specific set of people. If they were and a complaint was made they’d get banned too and rightly so 


it’s been reported many times of fans tweeting racist comments have been found and banned from football it’s no different. 

No, feeling safe isn’t an entitlement neither is entering st James park. Newcastle are a private company if a complaint is made they will look in to and punish as they see fit. Regardless of who made the complain or their motive for complaining the club has made the decision to do what they can to make lgbtq people feel safe at the game.


as its also been said her ‘content’ & bio are heavily Newcastle related and the club obviously don’t want that associated with them. 


Except, it is different in UK law.


Of course NUFC have a right of refusal as any private company does, but are you happy for NUFC to be the arbiter of what views their supporters are allowed to hold in order to attend games? Let's not forget who owns us and where this might lead.

4th sentence - yes I've been over this already.



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8 minutes ago, HawK said:


Except, it is different in UK law.


Of course NUFC have a right of refusal as any private company does, but are you happy for NUFC to be the arbiter of what views their supporters are allowed to hold in order to attend games? Let's not forget who owns us and where this might lead.

4th sentence - yes I've been over this already.




I would say I’m happy not to have to share any part of the ground with someone that said trans people were nonces much like I’d be delighted to never have to sit next to someone that’s called someone a racial slur. 

I’m fairly confident in myself I won’t tweet such things. I understand your point of view and if there was any sort of doubt or grey area I’d agree but she tweeted some absolutely vile stuff. No place for that in football or society imo

the key point is someone complained to the club and the club didn’t like what they saw. 

you say you have already been over the 4th sentence already when it’s one or the main points she’s essentially saying these things in Newcastles name & the club want no part of it and rightly so. 

Any sympathy I had was well gone when she lied and said all she said was sex was real and then went on a right wing tour defending herself 

anyway we’ll move on. 



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