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St James' Park


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Unless they're using Kaizen budgeting, I fail to see how the £8m will go towards a new player which will make us competitive. Their self-professed goal is self-sufficiency, and their projected losses are £4m. So, that's £4m of the prospective new revenue stream - and as they've said on numerous occasions, there's more money spent on transfers than just the transfer fee - so a £1m player with £3m spent on that players' wagers, agent fees and sign-on fees. Sweet. Man City will be quaking in their boots.


Good trade-off for losing St James' Park? Nah.

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Okay, if people would genuinely pass up the chance of the extra income for the sake of keeping the St James's Park name, then fine. That's the issue on which we differ. Personally, I'd be prepared to accept it, because it at least as the potential of making us more competitive through driving up the income stream. Yes, I'm prepared to sacrifice that bit of our heritage.


It just strikes me that in a number of posts, some people have been ducking that issue by resorting to the usual comfort zone of Ashley's a crook and a liar. All is so much simpler when seen in that light.


Llambias reckons this particular bit of heritage is worth giving up for £8m-10m per year. One player, he says. Just how much more competitive do you think that will make us?


May I ask how much it would cost to convince you to drop 'Newcastle United Football Club'?


One of the regular difficulties in getting into a debate about Ashley is that people keep on bringing up things that he hasn't done.


I need to start chilling now. Night all.


Quite easy to bring up all the things he's not done though when he's had four and a half fucking years to not do them in.


He's been cut more than enough slack. Actions speak louder than words, and for Ashley his tenure is littered with a mix of inaction and bad action.


(Though to be fair he's not even uttered any words either, he's been utterly silent.)

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So they can't change the street signs, they can't rename the land it's built on, they can't change the Metro station name and they haven't bought the domain name in advance. It's almost as if they haven't really planned or thought things through properly. They're fucking amateurs.

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So they can't change the street signs, they can't rename the land it's built on, they can't change the Metro station name and they haven't bought the domain name in advance. It's almost as if they haven't really planned or thought things through properly. They're f***ing amateurs.


They probably came up with the idea at the pub and whilst getting bladdered, thought it was a genuinely good idea.

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If we'd been spending money and looking to push on, this could almost (and I mean ALMOST) be tolerated. But that's not the case at all.


We've spent nothing, and either by luck or judgement we've spent it wisely. It's irrelevant whether it's luck or judgement because the fact remains we've spent a net sum of fuck all. We've shown no ambition whatsoever, so I can't see that more money is needed in the club. We've no ambtion to improve, Ashley's had umpteed transfer windows to prove otherwise and failed during just about every single one.


Next you need to look at the timing of the announcement. They think they can get away with it now as we're unbeaten in ages and riding high. They think (perhaps rightly) that they've cut themselves some slack with the supporters. Also, our next matches are Man U, Man C and Chelsea so they know we'll probably never be this high in the league ever again so if they're going to announce shit like this then now's the time.


Also, because we've got such a fucking horrid run coming up, they know that if (When) we do lose, they can blame the fans for protesting against their shit decision and destabilising the club.

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Guest magpie99

Unfortunately, whichever way you look at it, the game is no longer about traditions, history, sport, fair play or the working mans game. That all went out of the window years and years ago. It is all about one thing now............................................MONEY.


Look at the ridiculous amounts of salary players are earning now. I have seen better players in sunday park football than some of these wankers who earn squillions a week. Scum of the earth agents drive prices through the roof for players where only the priveldged few teams (with rich owners) can afford to compete for them.


The club has spent the last few years living well above their means to the point where possible extinction was muted if Ashley and his hard lined financial approach had not come in. I think we all agree that the clubs methodology on player recruitment is wise and so farf successful when you look at the fee we got for Carroll, the bargains we have bought in Tiote, HBA and Ba and the apparent success of the academy.


The likes of Man City, Utd, Chelsea and Liverpool to a certain extent are on a higher financial plane than us and it is evident to me that the club, whilst reducing drastically the debt built up by the Shepherd regime, is now slowly but surely being settled and controlled, it is going to take a few more years of financial shrewdness to be ab le to come somewhere near to competing with these clubs on an even plane.


In order to do this quickly, management have to consider every possible financial situation to appeased the fans with reasonable signings.


If renaming SJP in order to get 10 million quid a year to buy one player each year, then fair enough. The ground will ALWAYS be known as St.James Park to all and sundry and whilst traditionalists will moan and whinge about it now, in 12 months time, the whole matter will be a distant memory if the club invest the money in players.


I understand Alan Brazil on Talksport has mentioned yesterday that the Maiga deal is already done and dusted but I haved also heard De Jong is on his way too. If this is right and we buy quality strikers to improve the squad and maintain our league position, would anyone really complain about the ground name change as a major issue. I mean, renamed or not, it will always be known as SJP to all supporters.


The name change is like a company appointing a well known personality as a figurehead to improve sales. The company name doesnt change but rresults improve. It is all very cosmetic.


Some will say that this is just more money in Ashley's pocket and I suppose the only way he can allay those fears is by spending this money on the team. I think he will and I think we will all bed pleasantly surprised, even as early as January 31st.

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Unfortunately, whichever way you look at it, the game is no longer about traditions, history, sport, fair play or the working mans game. That all went out of the window years and years ago. It is all about one thing now............................................MONEY.


Look at the ridiculous amounts of salary players are earning now. I have seen better players in sunday park football than some of these wankers who earn squillions a week. Scum of the earth agents drive prices through the roof for players where only the priveldged few teams (with rich owners) can afford to compete for them.


The club has spent the last few years living well above their means to the point where possible extinction was muted if Ashley and his hard lined financial approach had not come in. I think we all agree that the clubs methodology on player recruitment is wise and so farf successful when you look at the fee we got for Carroll, the bargains we have bought in Tiote, HBA and Ba and the apparent success of the academy.


The likes of Man City, Utd, Chelsea and Liverpool to a certain extent are on a higher financial plane than us and it is evident to me that the club, whilst reducing drastically the debt built up by the Shepherd regime, is now slowly but surely being settled and controlled, it is going to take a few more years of financial shrewdness to be ab le to come somewhere near to competing with these clubs on an even plane.


In order to do this quickly, management have to consider every possible financial situation to appeased the fans with reasonable signings.


If renaming SJP in order to get 10 million quid a year to buy one player each year, then fair enough. The ground will ALWAYS be known as St.James Park to all and sundry and whilst traditionalists will moan and whinge about it now, in 12 months time, the whole matter will be a distant memory if the club invest the money in players.


I understand Alan Brazil on Talksport has mentioned yesterday that the Maiga deal is already done and dusted but I haved also heard De Jong is on his way too. If this is right and we buy quality strikers to improve the squad and maintain our league position, would anyone really complain about the ground name change as a major issue. I mean, renamed or not, it will always be known as SJP to all supporters.


The name change is like a company appointing a well known personality as a figurehead to improve sales. The company name doesnt change but rresults improve. It is all very cosmetic.


Some will say that this is just more money in Ashley's pocket and I suppose the only way he can allay those fears is by spending this money on the team. I think he will and I think we will all bed pleasantly surprised, even as early as January 31st.


How many times does it have to be pointed out: we're not getting any money from it.

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Personally I'm f***ing sick of eternally hoping the next transfer window will be the one where he shows he means business.


It's been like that for about the past f***ing 8 windows now, have we learned nothing yet?


Hands up who'll be sat here on Feb 1st saying "Oh well, it's always hard during January as nobody wants to sell their best players then. And we couldn't really refuse that money for Tiote either, it was a big fee. And I'm sure we'll invest heavily in the summer.... Won't we?"


How many times does something have to happen before you spot a f***ing pattern?

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Personally I'm f***ing sick of eternally hoping the next transfer window will be the one where he shows he means business.


It's been like that for about the past f***ing 8 windows now, have we learned nothing yet?


Hands up who'll be sat here on Feb 1st saying "Oh well, it's always hard during January as nobody wants to sell their best players then. And we couldn't really refuse that money for Tiote either, it was a big fee. And I'm sure we'll invest heavily in the summer.... Won't we?"


How many times does something have to happen before you spot a f***ing pattern?



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Guest magpie99

Well guys, maybe I am trying to look at the bigger picture here.


In previous windows, it would be appear that despite promises, money hasnt been made readily available due to the debt levels we were carrying.


I do believe there will be reasonable money spent in january and despite the general pessimism around here based on past experiences, and prob ably warranted too, I still believe that now we ared approaching a better financial stability within the club, he will spend and spend wwell within our financial policies.


Come back and question me again by the end of january, if you wish but I still think the club is in a position in the league now where he would be extremedly foolish not to take adv antage of it.

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Well guys, maybe I am trying to look at the bigger picture here.


In previous windows, it would be appear that despite promises, money hasnt been made readily available due to the debt levels we were carrying.


I do believe there will be reasonable money spent in january and despite the general pessimism around here based on past experiences, and prob ably warranted too, I still believe that now we ared approaching a better financial stability within the club, he will spend and spend wwell within our financial policies.


Come back and question me again by the end of january, if you wish but I still think the club is in a position in the league now where he would be extremedly foolish not to take adv antage of it.


You know what? Fuck it. Who cares about that when there's absolutely 0% trust in the scum running the club. The very soul and character of our club is being snatched away from us for a few quid to fill Ashley's pocket wherever he can get it. What happens when they change the club's colours? The club's crest? The club's fucking name? "Oh, well - at least we're financially stable". Surely we've all learned by now that Mike Ashley IS that foolish and WON'T take advantage of our good start to the season. It's the same old broken record of lies, complete idiocy and broken promises.

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I'm all for bringing money in to build a decent side, but selling off the name of the stadium is a sacrifice too far. Granted a sponsor could potentially put in an amount of money. What about the money the club stand to lose from those fans who think this is the last straw? The ones who feel so strongly that they distance themselves from the club. NUFC will lose their money year after year.

How many people have you heard say that they won't set foot in the stadium while Ashley's in charge? This is hardly going to win them back.

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Ashley is probably exploring advertising and sponsorship opportunities for the Sir Bobby Robson Memorial Garden.


Wouldn't shock me to hear he was going to rename it the Sports Direct Memorial Garden.

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If we'd been spending money and looking to push on, this could almost (and I mean ALMOST) be tolerated. But that's not the case at all.


We've spent nothing, and either by luck or judgement we've spent it wisely. It's irrelevant whether it's luck or judgement because the fact remains we've spent a net sum of f*** all. We've shown no ambition whatsoever, so I can't see that more money is needed in the club. We've no ambtion to improve, Ashley's had umpteed transfer windows to prove otherwise and failed during just about every single one.


Next you need to look at the timing of the announcement. They think they can get away with it now as we're unbeaten in ages and riding high. They think (perhaps rightly) that they've cut themselves some slack with the supporters. Also, our next matches are Man U, Man C and Chelsea so they know we'll probably never be this high in the league ever again so if they're going to announce s*** like this then now's the time.


Also, because we've got such a f***ing horrid run coming up, they know that if (When) we do lose, they can blame the fans for protesting against their s*** decision and destabilising the club.


You're right, there are no plans to push on and there never have been. That's been evident from every transfer window since they arrived. Budget signings left, right and centre, even after the 35M sale of Carroll. Those people who believe this'll fund a new player every season are probably the same people who believed him when he said he'd invest all of the Carroll money. It's bollocks.


We're looking at a decent squad now, though it's thin in some areas and we will have to ride our luck with injuries and suspensions, not to mention the African Cup of Nations robbing us of two of our best players. I'm not sure if it's the result of smart investment or luck but I think it's a bit of both. Until recent weeks we've had fewer injuries than I can remember for many seasons. Credit nevertheless goes to the scouting team and the manager but if you asked them in private I'm sure they'd say they never dreamed of a start like this. I recall Pardew sounding unhappy towards the end of the window at the lack of movement for another striker.


Either way, the club will look to sell key players next summer, we all suspect it. I believe Ashley wants the club to be sustainable but he also wants to make back what he can in the time being and keeping the club in the Premierhip is his main aim - anything above I think he sees as a bonus. He wants the club sustainable because that will attract a new buyer who will buy the club at a good price. The fact he doesn't come to the games so much and doesn't seem to enjoy the whole experience, not to mention he put the club up for sale in the past, point to this. Unless of course this is all just a cynical ploy to get free advertising for Sports Direct...


We just have to hope the club can compete despite the cutbacks. Amazingly this season it is working despite very modest investment and the sale of 3 star players for the best part of 50M. It's incredible we're 3rd given what happened in summer. What a crazy time to rock the boat, especially with the fixtures we have now, it's spectacularly bad timing for the team on the pitch. He's got a habit for doing this kind of thing and it won't change. The earlier he sells up the better - if he can make the club sustainable and find a decent buyer, he'll be able to walk away with some dignity which would be amazing after all that's gone on.

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