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  2. Anchoring is also based on revenue - just that of another club. Our UEFA wage cap is 75% of revenue. In anchoring, we would be able to spend more than 75% of revenue typically. And you could agree whatever multiple that is deemed reasonable and vote to change it. UEGA have imposed a hard cap of 75% of revenue. And revenue is arbitrated by the PL by FMV.
  3. Eh, I thought his contract was up? We didn’t pay him off if so.
  4. Can share your source for that? That would be very interesting if true.
  5. I think it’s because tying to revenue results to a basically unlimited cap, where as having an anchor which would come in to effect at x amount creates a cap on salaries. TLDR. Anchoring creates a hard cap. FFP or PSR creates a soft cap as revenue can always increase which results in in higher wages.
  6. All they need to do is a set a transfer cap for the "season" of say 300 million.
  7. Can't believe I hadn't seen this before. "You're a shit guy and a shit manager!"
  8. I always liked Sessegnon & Perisic obviously. Sessegnon needs to go back to Fulham. So does Fabio Carvalho. Fuck it - Perisic too.
  9. Arsenal’s follow the same price structure as ours. Man Utd follows Real Madrids, so do Bayern Munich.
  10. When you go, just try focusing on something in the room, which should take your mind off it then you should feel relaxed enough to have one.
  11. Just want a genuine leak man!
  12. Apparently we are not the team supporting them.
  13. So Adidas don't see us on par with Real Madrid? Hopefully not a worrying sign of things to come.
  14. The Real Madrid one is £120. Spurs’s is £125, their short sleeved replica is £85.
  15. I know Tbf, I think Castore were exactly the same on release, if not more!
  16. Yes. Away and third kit to follow in July and August.
  17. Is it just the home shirt being released on Friday?
  18. Ballooning prices and agent fees had meant that increased revenue by a lot of clubs has not led to greater spending power, and as soon as a player has a sniff of being quality they immediately are priced out of anywhere but the richest who will hoard as many players as possible almost as much to keep them away from rivals. It's good for clubs that can produce this talent but it's also generated a sporting ecology where a lot of clubs only ambition is to sell anyone who's any good. I know all rules gone we could spend our way to the top. But all this spending is toxic i believe. All those hundred million in agents fees could be spent reducing ticket prices
  19. I've half wondered if that might be a solution to this whole situation for various clubs. To open room for a Norwich or whoever to be more than target practice.
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