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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. What came first the chicken or the egg?
  2. Tell you what, if only we hadn't bought Perch. Habib back as a mentor and friend for a year whilst providing cover for both right back and centre back would have been great
  3. Staying up. Blackpool are down before we start, we just have to make sure we get at least 4 points from them WBA will give it a good go but will fall just short Wigan will be bottom 5 all season Gold and Sullivan will make sure that West Ham are in turmoil all season and will struggle Bolton (see Wigan) No one knows how Fulham will be post Woy, but if I had to pt money on them I'd say they will be safe Then you've still got Blackburn and Wolves who will be in a fight all season, with Stoke due a struggle season
  4. Nolan's certainly got more than one dimension
  5. Oh wow, that just reminded me of FS pledge to reveal an earth-shattering signing or sommat... and then our, erm, attempt to get Wayne Rooney. Seems like a distant dream. Can you remember the 'We can sign any defender in the world' comment a week before we signed Andy O'Brien?
  6. Everyone involved is to blame. Storrie had insight to the finances and effectively signed the cheques, but Harry is an experienced manager who would have known that Portsmouth couldn't afford the spending that was going on. Personally I hope that HMRC win the case. Its tough on the fans but football needs a reality check and reminded that its not above the laws of the land and cannot buck basic financial truths. I'm pretty confident that I would feel this way if it was us in their position (but obvioulsy without actually being there I can't say for definite how I would feel then) (would be more fun if it was a Man U or Liverpool though)
  7. What will be interesting if HMRC win is the level of tax that they will chase from the big 4 teams. I'd stick money on the likes of Rooney and Gerrard having massive Image Rights payments going through each year in lieu of salary
  8. So assuming this Arfa lad plays to his potential... Is he the difference between 19th and 17th or could he be the difference between 19th and mid table?
  9. what... you needed to see a picture with his shirt off to realise that? He looked like that playing for Liverpool
  10. So where does this leave the Geordie Vuvuzela?
  11. Sky SD fine in Wales, Sky HD fucked up in Liverpool. Guessing it was purely a HD issue?? The commentators are wank though. Watching the game I could have swore that after Ingerlund scored 'Team USA' had slightly more possession, numerous corners and a couple of decent chances. Lennon knocks one ball across the middle and its 'England have really taken control of this game since scoring'. There's patriotic commentating and just pure wank commentating
  12. Are the games available legally online anywhere? Stuck at work this afternoon
  13. So what was the point in the deadline for naming the squads if we can call up Dawson later on in the week? And when is the absolute, final, drop dead deadline for changing people then? Should have been tough titties England, your squad is now 22
  14. Capello is simply Sven with an Italian name. Great at qualifying then loses the plot
  15. So how does phoning the press to deny a transfer story tie into There will be no comment from the Board regarding the purchase of players from the statement?
  16. I'd take Jenas back tbh, he'd easily be one of the better midfielders in the bottom half of the Premier League
  17. I actually think that would look good with red trim and red numbers
  18. Its as simple as 1+1-1 = whatever you want
  19. I'm just thinking that the term 'Capital Outlay' is unlikely to be one that Mike or Deggers would use and it just feels a bit too much like something that has been agreed with the auditors or some financial advisor. Based on that, it can be taken to mean any one of 100 things, but imo the whole sentance alludes to no set budget in place (therefore limited money available and players judged on a case by case basis) and players will be paid for upfront.
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