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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. No good having strikers if there is no midfield to feed them, Also theres not many strikers who can play in a 451 formation so whats the point in buying one So how are we top of the league then? By being marginally less shite than the other teams?
  2. I've got this strange feeling that Ashley has got some form of investment/partner secured should we be promoted, hence the type of signing we are seeing this Jan. Nothing spectacular, but shoul dbe sufficient for the job in hand and capable backup next year. I can see the YWC movement getting no where with him
  3. I will never rule out a consotium invovling Freddy Shepherd
  4. Can I please guide anyone worried about a skin tight top to ... http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,59412.1020.html
  5. The asset of NUFC could have dropped due to the assets within the asset being moved to another company, allowing Ashley to prof
  6. Robert Peston probably wrote that headline. There will be ann 'update' at 2:30 stating that in fact despite earlier agreeing to pull out of the deal Northern Rock have taken a £50m loan from the Tories and agreed to continue with the sponsorship
  7. NUST are in a very similar situation to the Tories. It should be the easiest job in the world for Cameron to get people to vote for him rather than Brown, similarly the NUSt should find it piss easy to put together a credible alternative to Ashley. Neither seem to be doing a good job at it, so its a case of whoever wins, we all lose
  8. I don't know where to start on that tbh - maybe a search on Mike Ashley Holdings Limited? I'll let you know what turns up. MASH Limited incorporated March 2008, cba to buy the information on it OK got the annual return for that - no accounts because it's a small company. Registered office in Goat Lane, Norwich Can't see that any of the directors or shareholders have anything whatsoever to do with Ashley or St James Holdings. Norwich Mafia Out! Too f*cking right - Boycoutt the bastards! Where are you???? Nowhere near Norwich but I've got a cousin who lives there - I'll put the word out. was a rubbish Delia Smith impression!
  9. I don't know where to start on that tbh - maybe a search on Mike Ashley Holdings Limited? I'll let you know what turns up. MASH Limited incorporated March 2008, cba to buy the information on it OK got the annual return for that - no accounts because it's a small company. Registered office in Goat Lane, Norwich Can't see that any of the directors or shareholders have anything whatsoever to do with Ashley or St James Holdings. Norwich Mafia Out! Too f*cking right - Boycoutt the bastards! Where are you????
  10. Football might be fucked in 2 years time though money wise I don't see how that's relevant when the companies that give us money aren't football clubs nor companies that have their business directly related to football. If (when) the football gravy train grinds to a halt (and the signs are there that it is happening already) then advertising deals/sponsorships will decrease in size
  11. I don't know where to start on that tbh - maybe a search on Mike Ashley Holdings Limited? I'll let you know what turns up. MASH Limited incorporated March 2008, cba to buy the information on it OK got the annual return for that - no accounts because it's a small company. Registered office in Goat Lane, Norwich Can't see that any of the directors or shareholders have anything whatsoever to do with Ashley or St James Holdings. Norwich Mafia Out!
  12. Football might be fucked in 2 years time though money wise
  13. How many people use a product based on seeing it on a football shirt? I have never felt inclined to buy Chang Beer/Carlsberg etc after watching a Merseyside derby. I dont think Northern Rock get too much business on the back of seeing a fat geordie in a shirt tbh I hadn't heard of Chang before they sponsored Everton, and tried on on the back of now knowing that it existed.
  14. MASH Limited does - set up in March 2008 edit, why Mike Ashley Holdings bescomes MASH I don't know - but thats what the NUST thing says
  15. I think its all based on the land issue, he took it out the club at the start and is worth a fair bit. They seem oblivious to the fact transfers arent paid in full in cash immediately Like anyone has made £7m a month on land in the past couple of years
  16. I don't know where to start on that tbh - maybe a search on Mike Ashley Holdings Limited? I'll let you know what turns up. MASH Limited incorporated March 2008, cba to buy the information on it
  17. Nolan's legs have gone, how many goals has he got this season? As a bit part player Nobby can have an impact this season. 2 goals and 4 assists could be all it takes to make the difference between promotion or not. Would you rather Nobby or Pancrate knocking in a free kick or corner in the last 5 mins?
  18. I haven't looked at the accounts for 2007/2008/2009 enough to say if this is the case or not, but it would have been/will be bloody obvious from the accounts if he has been doing this. I guess that if forensic accountants have been invovled then NUST have had access to the source data for the accounts? Bit of a waste of money if they are just paying people to decipher the published accounts
  19. For all those worried about having Virgin on our shirts, its just as likely that Tesco will be the ones to buy out Northern Rock (the good bit)
  20. It's always been a bit vague, but it seems that 'backers' have morphed into 'partners' and now into 'advisers'. Presumably 'mates' is the next step. Read the first email, it clearly says ADVISORS hence why i posted this to stop anyone talking bollocks, well done on managing to fail to understand it. It still wont stop some the NO anti-NUST brigade trying to make it into some form of conspiracy. To be honest I'm more concerned that they are using accountants from Leeds. Think of the petrol money being spent on the A1. I'm sure that there must have been at least one Geordie accountancy firm willing to do the work (tongue firmly in cheek)
  21. If you're going to remove Given and N'Zogbia from the wage bill then you'd need to add Nolan and Taylor to it. Personally I guessed at our player wage bill as dropping about £26m. That sounds reasonable. 200 other staff were let go too though which would go some way to making up the other £6m to make £32m. Those 200 would have to be on an average salary of £30k each. Which is entirely feasible, given Dennis Wise was on £1.5m not to mention his scout friends who sorted out the 'commercial' deals that were nowt to do with football. Still paying Wise aren't we? Or at least had to pay him off. Not a saving this year
  22. Apparently so. I've heard someone from Sage is involved but that's just through the grapevine and will probably be total horseshite. If its Wiley then its horespoo. He has said many times that he has no interest in owning a football club
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