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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. how was the 1st fortunate? Maybe that the bounce hit Gordon (yes on his hand) but it was great tenacity on his part.
  2. There's been a few comments on the way he rolls his foot over the ball, but that goal doesn't happen without that technique today.
  3. I think its the third spoke in the wheel that complicates things. That's not to say any of the options there are a problem, rather the system complicates B&Ts relationship. Double pivot (as the cool kids would say) or an old skool Lee/Clark type combo imo allows the relationship to flourish and allows for a tweak in formation to add an option supporting the striker. Dare I even suggest a 3-1-4-2 (or version of) once Hall and Livra get in the team to be the way forward if we want to build around these 2
  4. Senior management meeting at a Welsh Uni this morning. Don’t know what station everyone listens to in the way in but I spend a good 10 minutes explaining the meaning/basking in ‘you’ve never seen a Mackem in Milan’
  5. Ando in the champions league im doing the radio tomorrow as well. Back to the 90s for me
  6. If I had a spare fiver I’d stick it on Bruce rocking up at Goodson before the end of the season. where else can they go when they’ve already pulled the Dyche release cord
  7. Any thoughts on when Trips got trod on towards the end of the first half? sky didn’t make much of it but it looked a clear foul in a great free kick position and possibly a second yellow for the defender.
  8. there were periods last year where we didn’t look that threatening either. We got our act together consistently last third of the season but it took a little while to fully click
  9. so she will be too knackered to complain about you watching, and as it’s your second child you can just leave them be for 2 hours ?
  10. made great tapes/VHS and their sticky tape wasn’t half bad either
  11. I take it you mean the version that MTV couldn’t play? and I’d raise you the same vintage for Junior Jacks Stupidisco if that’s the case
  12. Was he playing further forward than he has recently for us?
  13. Could be a great move for him into a lower intensity league.
  14. more the wise not quite wide midfielder, note quite full back, not quite wing back and a real athletic centre half that we’d need
  15. I have a feeling that they’d be better as a 2 rather than a 3. we’d then need a number 10 and a move to a 4-4-1-1 or even a 3-4-3 type formation (we don’t have the players for the latter of course)
  16. Early days but looks like Liverpool will be top 4, chelsea are miles off and both us and ManU struggling a little for form. if Spurs continue as are then they should make up the 4 but it remains to be seen if this is a flashy run or a sign of things to come. Dont see Villa being consistent enough and Europe will distract Brighton. so basically if we get our ass in gear quick smart then there’s an open slot, but the same can be said for Ten Hags motley crew
  17. could see Murphy and Wilson come in Miggy and Big Joe. More of a 4-4-1-1. Bruno I think needs to play himself into form/partnership with Sandro. Possibly Barnes for Gordon as well depending on his game time with the u21s (assume he’s in the squad)
  18. fish and chips on the NE coast hands down beat fish and chips from anywhere else. and the seagulls know it!
  19. he’s a David James regen. as likely to make a series of superb stops to win you a game as he is to be at fault for some pretty basic goals
  20. I would have thought it may be different here. MG has a contract worth x£m over a defined period so if it was terminated illegally he would sue for the full value. Possibly outside employment laws/claims employee contracts are open ended (usually) so there is no total value to it
  21. Did Fati sign in time to play on this? Announcement was after one wasn’t it and registrations need to be by 12?
  22. down in south wales where every kid seems to be in Liverpool or Man U shirts my 5 year old got his full u6 team shouting ‘Newcastle, Newcastle’. Warms the cockles of the heart that kind of thing
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