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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. at least half my teeth fell foul to the prowess of those 2 bars. the highland toffee covered in Chocolate was immense. Almost made the endless family holidays at Hoddom Castle worth it
  2. For the soccer03 crew, has anyone ordered an infant kit? I’ve got a 4 and 5 year old and assuming they will need 5-6 and 7-8 as they will size a little small? also do the infant kits from there come with shorts as they are pictured or is it just shirts? tia
  3. it’s something like they have an annual amortisation of around £200m since last summer (a little under but near enough) and they’ve brought in a load of profit from sales this summer that for this year balances it out. they’ll need to do similar next summer and the one after that if they want to keep up the big spends.
  4. may view hasn’t changed since living their, Liverpool is the biggest little village in the world.
  5. You don’t see many English players finishing like that, something very continental in the technique
  6. Not officials, but how dumb are the 2 players getting booked for waving the imaginary yellow after Bruno got booked for it yesterday
  7. I assume you mean TNS who are actually a team from Oswestry and Oswestry is a town in England!
  8. I don’t think he’ll ever stand out for us as much as he did in his first 9 months or so. nothing on him but he’s now surrounded by players of a similar standard. can’t wait until everyone is totally on the same wavelength
  9. the benefit of being a year further down the road with Howe. We’ve got our style and tactics down, Emery will be in the same place next summer
  10. Fasted debut goal in premier league history According to F365
  11. oh it can get better when Brighton drop £50m in Southampton’s direction
  12. I get the Champions League bit, but nothing seems to be made of Villa having Thursday night football to contend with.
  13. Whenever I see Haaland I just see this guy in my head. and of course that leads to Liz Hurley
  14. not just Miggy, Angry Miggy at that point
  15. people (including most of us) said the exact same thing about Eddie 12 months ago. Emery and Villa are legit challengers to the top 4 this year, as with us it will be how Europe impacts them that will determine the league finish
  16. wasn’t it 4-0 and 3-0 last season? and it will be tea time in August at kick off, hardly floodlight time unless the weather is stinking 3-1 to us. Miggy, Isak and Bruno for us, Watkins pulling one back
  17. We need to work on the length of our knee slides
  18. I was all set to get 7 Lee on my 95 long sleeved home top until I got to the club shop and it was any name and number for a fiver. and so my unwavering support for Gillespie and a lifetime of wearing number 18 were born
  19. Didn’t Targett fall Ill and then get injured? perhaps the illness knocked him physically and by the time he had fully recovered we were so deep into the season Howe just felt Burn should continue as the unit was working so well? not necessarily down to Howe not fancying him
  20. We’re going to finish third and Isak is getting the golden boot
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