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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. im sure the power of twitter/insta etc can get a picture of Aniston in a Toon top to celebrate the Champions League.
  2. New Premier League record here please. We score early and they will simply fall apart
  3. Got a feeling he will overperform in Europe next year compared to the league. Going to be big for us again next year
  4. Remove Shearer from the conversation and he’s probably the best striker we’ve had since Sir Les
  5. Team news is delayed whilst Howe and Mad Dog catch up the Aniston chat
  6. Agreed, but if I was to describe the perfect woman, right down to the socks she is wearing then that episode Aniston would be pretty much it
  7. and massive liabilities if it doesn’t get finished
  8. Does the ban just cover playing or does it also prevent him from training with Brentford?
  9. Its not. refs declare who they support and they are prohibited from reffing their games. Where they are based has no impact. In theory you could have a Leeds fan living in Leazes terrace who is allowed to ref us and a Newcastle fan living in Devon who can’t. logically you would expect a high % of refs to live in the North West due to the number of teams there and in the midlands and refs wanting to limit their travel
  10. my ref mate reckons he’s originally from Yorkshire and lives in Merseyside now rather than being from there ?‍♂️
  11. Burnley might have a solid case for compensation if the punishment for Everton is a points deduction of 4 or more points (the amount Everton finished above them last season) That would be compensation for the £65m payment triggered as a direct response to being relegated. Similarly whoever finishes 3rd bottom this year may have a case due to the hearing being held post season end - unless the regulations are clear on when punishments take force (i.e. if they say the season after the accounts are published then there would be no case). This scenario may need the club to sue the Premier League rather than Everton however. There is no need for these delays, all clubs accounts are audited and the Premier League could lay a mandate that along with the published accounts an audited set of FFP adjusted figures need to be provided, and that all accounts need to be with the Premier league by the 31st December. They could then take 2-3 months to review them all with any required sanctions in place by the end of March
  12. Without checking I’d wager it’s less than you may think owing to the relatively poor start we had (in comparison to the rest of the season). im sure it was only a game or 2 before the World Cup when we hit top 4 and then had a couple of weeks in 5th late winter. so I’d guess at over 19 games but less than 25 (so far). Highly impressive
  13. As long as it Oliver in charge for the Villa game with Clatts on VAR to even it out
  14. At 25 minutes I wanted the premier league record and double figures Personally I think we'll scrape top 4, but if we do lose out it will be by very fine margins (Isak's second against Liverpool, Willock vs Palace, potentially goal difference where 1 or 2 additional goals against Spurs may have seen us home). So its not frustration per se about the game, just that you get games where you can use it to improve your goal difference and we may have potentially taken the foot off the pedal 15 minutes too early.
  15. Early goal would be massive here. Cue Longstaff being back (phew) and missing his customary first 5 minute sitter (Or Willock if SL isn't available)
  16. So could we against Spurs. I totally get conservation of energy, but we could have knocked another couple during the first half if we had kept at their throats passed 25 minutes.
  17. Adam Armstrong scores a last minute consolation to keep us ahead on goal difference
  18. We were saying that we had run out of steam around the cup final then found some Gummi Berry juice from somewhere. im sure that we’ll find something for the last 2 home games.
  19. it would be a 6 point swing on Liverpool if Isaks had stood and we’d be home and dry. offside should be a factual decision as well
  20. The Tindall stuff has been a great distraction, no real mention of Big Sam or building up what Leeds are going to do. bet training was good fun yesterday
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