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Everything posted by Elbel1

  1. Elbel1

    Wasted Talent

    Paul Lake - Man City player from '80s
  2. Lescott got similar hype at Everton due to the number of goals he scored Cahill gets his hype for being a very good defender
  3. perm signing for the middle of midfield.....................has to be john trewick. Or Nicky Butt
  4. Or he could hire a billboard opposite the chairmans office and put a massive copy of his payslip on it.
  5. Elbel1

    Wasted Talent

    How could I forget the most obvious of all....... Me!
  6. Added, feel free to change your vote (God I hate that smiley) Thanks, but after much deliberation i think I will keep Terry there Cheers
  7. Terry, Rio, Upson and Cahill Would have been Jagielka but he hasn't played this season so unsur as to how much his injury has affected him Lescott isn't good enough anymore (He was always over hyped due to the goals he scored) Why no Williamson? He's a colossus. Walk round him
  8. Elbel1

    Wasted Talent

    Nigel Clough - Top, top player til Souness got his hands on him
  9. for some bizzare reason I had a dream the other night that Barca signed Arda Turan. Would be a pretty good signing for you's imo. I once dreamt that barca signed me. Even in my dreams I was so shit that I cost the manager his job
  10. I voted no as I believe that Terry has come to represent everything that is wrong about the modern day footballer. Self serving, odious and loathsome Having said that I am struggling to think of a suitable replacement Easy option is to support Spain instead
  11. They had been split for months. Still could have ran it by him to let him know, seeing as they were best mates. I can just imagine that phone call Alreet Wayne, do you mind if I have a bash at your ex? Don't tell wor lass though. Cheers
  12. Outside an exploding paint factory?
  13. Hopefully for being the epitimy of anti football
  14. What odds you offering? You think Chris has the metal to drop Smith or Nolan? I wouldn't be surprised to see one of then 'rested' as he eases Barton back to match fitness
  15. Barton was dogshit and hardly contributed before he even got injured anyway, I dont even see him as the answer to our problems. Just a fitter, non-goal scoring less defensive version of Nolan and Smith combined, he can be creative and could quite easily be this leagues best midfielder by a mile if he wanted to tho. So he's not good but he is good, I see what you mean. , His form suggested nothing promising before he was injured anyway, not the player we thought hed be in this division before it started, but will add something new when he returns if played in the centre in comparision to our usual Smith/Nolan partnership. So he was rubbish before he got injured but will add a new dimension to our midfield on his return Thanks for clearing that up
  16. Barton was dogshit and hardly contributed before he even got injured anyway, I dont even see him as the answer to our problems. Just a fitter, non-goal scoring less defensive version of Nolan and Smith combined, he can be creative and could quite easily be this leagues best midfielder by a mile if he wanted to tho. So what you appear to be saying is that Barton isn't like Nolan or Smith In any way, shape or form
  17. That's it for me If you and your dad don't rate him then I'm off to spray 'We won't get promoshun with Best' onto a bedsheet before I head over to the stadium Fingers crossed I will get to the front of the mongs and get on telly
  18. Are you suggesting that there is something wrong about using other clubs misfortunes to our advantage?
  19. Elbel1

    Owen Hargreaves

    Don't forget Aquilani at Liverpool He's not getting a game at the moment
  20. how the mighty have fallen. Gallagher, Milburn, Cole, Beardsley, Shearer, McDonald etc AND Best You missed out Shola. I might be getting 'whooshed' here, but has Shola ever worn No.9?
  21. Kevin Keegan would have persuaded him. Guaranteed. And if he couldn't persuade him, he would have quit
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