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Everything posted by Ste

  1. Really smart finish that, fair play to the lad. Hit the ground running by all accounts.
  2. This craic with the pillows, how are they sleeping with only one?
  3. I'm happy with the window, but I am still 100% in the 'wow, this acting like a professional football club thing is pretty cool' phase.
  4. It’s something that the players have obviously seen and discussed. Not sure exactly what it is that has been said that has caused him to fire back but do think some criticism, particularly on Twitter, is ridiculous. Criticism is fair game but I do think some fans, probably a minority, need perspective.
  5. In the interests of equality, now let’s begin the media inquest and the deep look into if any of them fly EasyJet or if they’ve ever bought their mother a house.
  6. Full time whistle. “Anyway, here’s Wonderwall.”
  7. Here comes the 90th minute, and with it the crippling realisation that we need to sign a whole new team, until we win again in which case we can give anyone a game yi kna hinny.
  8. Android Haaland is playing on a 3G signal.
  9. Ref thinks he’s the main character with his short back and daft cunt.
  10. Miggy not good enough. Weve only been undone by a world class piece of technique from Foden and a wonder strike.
  11. I don’t think we’ve been timid, I think City are putting on a clinic. We can’t get near them and they’re defending so well when we have possession.
  12. Now that relegation six pointer is out of the way, let’s now set our minds to the top of the table clash.
  13. If this was blind football and Martinez was a Spurs player, that would have been an unbelievable finish.
  14. Hot take based on a gut feeling, but Spurs will struggle to make top 10.
  15. Just wanna fuck work off early and watch the last two episodes, hope they stay on until before our game!
  16. Ste

    Sandro Tonali

    https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJsNMBjG/ EDIT ah
  17. Ste

    Lewis Hall

    Strange, I was led to believe by 76 goals in 351 career appearances Gabriel Agbonlahor that players wouldn't come to Newcastle over southern based teams.
  18. Ste

    Mason Greenwood

    Fairs, less attention on the 'allegations' for Ronaldo and more attention on what he is doing compared to Messi from the average fan. Most seem to have a collective amnesia due to footballing achievements.
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