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Everything posted by BergenMagpie

  1. Did a few accas yesterday, one at about 2£ on Chelsea -2, Dortmund -2, Juventus -2 and Soton -1. Have the option to cash out at around 70£ or wait and hope we lose by 2 goals to Soton on friday to win 270£. Kinda tempted to cash out as we always manage to nick a result whenever I need us to lose badly. What would you guys do?
  2. Decent week (59-4 pts with captain Son to go), but I took a hit to get Mings in for Reece James as I saw he played in CL. That sub cost me 12 points in total.. Hope itll pay off in the long term
  3. BergenMagpie

    Jacob Murphy

    Refreshing to see him take on players yesterday. So far this season its basically only been ASM who dares to dribble. I think the players know that we only have a chance to pick up points if we dont concede more than 1 goal so they are afraid to take chances going forward.
  4. There goes my clean sheet on Patricio and Saiss
  5. Had a 20pound free live bet on Unibet, which I contemplated putting on Shakthar. Decided to change it to Shakthar or draw last moment, which I kinda regret now. On the other hand I was lucky to get the bet in just seconds before 1-0.
  6. That is a good PR move for Ozil and very decent of him to even think of it (or whoever on his team thought of it).
  7. Bruce will play him as a winger to keep Almiron out of the squad
  8. Think he will at best become a Gouffran/Pancrate, but hopefully he will prove me wrong
  9. If Man Utd wins this itll be a bigger steal than our win vs Spurs in 2013
  10. Any chance that the PL knows that they cant legally block the sale, but decides to reject it knowing they will lose an appeal just so that they can give beIn/top clubs/human right activists the "we tried" speech?
  11. Think Bryan actually went for goal there?
  12. Shouldve been a pen for Brentford. Weird that they dont use VAR for the most valuable game of the year
  13. They chose the worst ever timing to officially ban Bein sports, but Premier League totally fucked up bundling up the MENA region. Think that was also proof that PIF are independent from KSA
  14. Only thing that can save the deal is the government stepping in. If they would do a 180 now when theyre basically off the hook Qatar would be way more pissed off than if they had just approved it at day one.
  15. Wish the Saudi Government went full Kim Jong Un threatening to pull all economic ties after this aidsfest
  16. Premier League are the only ones to blame. It should have never gotten to the point where the exclusivity period ran out without them making a decision.
  17. Well MA has a habit of going on holiday during the summer transfer window, so its probably just something as simple as us having to wait until 2-3 days after the window slams shut for him to return from France to sign off the final documents
  18. Decided to bet around 100 pounds on different combos of City+Liverpool with handicaps from -2 to -4... Ofc Liverpool fields a shit team and Bruce is taking an advance payment on his luck for next season
  19. Pretty much. That would give you 1312 points from the top scorers/round for this season (assuming 3x capped Antonio in week 35).
  20. Fkin hell cant be bothered to watch the 2nd half. What an aidsfest
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