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Everything posted by OCK

  1. OCK

    St James' Park

    Sir John Hall, man. He had huge ideas for a Newcastle branded sports empire, and even attempted it. Falcons, Eagles, Cobras. Sure he fucked over the Durham Wasps with the Ice Hockey team, but to have that ambition and gall to try and create. Eagles are the real success story out of it all, although not really due to SJH.
  2. I'll be honest, I've thought about buying Newcastle many times.
  3. And to think a decades worth of stability, good football and european highlights weren't good enough for some fanbases.
  4. OCK

    U23s & Academy

    Sean Longstaff has been at the Academy since he was at least 11.
  5. OCK

    U23s & Academy

    He was coaching at a Northern Alliance club before this, chances are he'll be coaching after it as well.
  6. In fairness to the team and manager, we did well to get to the Second Round. A huge achievement really, when you think about it. Well done!
  7. Sky Sports covered this with dignity, I see.
  8. He should have sent Dummett out to do the interview.
  9. Agree. Glad he is Finnish A bit harsh. He's only 29, still a few years left in him.
  10. OCK


    I thought Dell Computers went bust years ago.
  11. Bruce will fancy a bit of Pukki Pie tonight.
  12. OCK


    It's Sunderland Rolf Harris might be a better example
  13. OCK


    I think the only person who likes to draw more than this lot is Picasso.
  14. The gym is like one of those on-site gyms you'd find at a Caravan Park. It is basic. Maybe 30x20 foot, with the space in the middle used for any physio shit, like balance balls. The indoor pitch has been waiting to be knocked down and replaced for at least 4 years now. The idea was to build a two level purpose built building, not just a tent.
  15. Sounds like this match was terrible and possibly hilarious in equal measure. Respect to any of ma'homies that attended.
  16. OCK


  17. OCK

    St James' Park

    First it was black managers, now it's black walls. Bin this loon.
  18. OCK


    SEMTEX[/member] has nothing better to do with his life, he should come up with a script that auto changes any mention of Sports Direct into Shite Direct. For the lolz.
  19. Steve Boostbarsforbreakfast
  20. OCK


    The backwards nature of this ownership is outstanding.
  21. What penalty miss?? Don't remember a penalty miss, but I do remember him missing an absolute sitter (or did he pass when he was clean though and could have shot) in a derby match. Think his career at SAFC ended in that moment, much like Clarky and that T-Shirt. Aye, I remember that as well. Glorious moment.
  22. Give ower you utter idiot. How many covers of the official NUFC match day program have you been on you prick? Been on a few Rustler ones I can imagine you've been on the front of the Daily Mail, too. "GET THESE FOREIGNS OOT!"
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