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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. I think the officials have a bet on to see who can give the most extra time
  2. Howe: Aphrodisiac Bruce: Rib rack
  3. I wanna see that remote control car bring the ball out again so I can tell it to fuck off
  4. The Qatari authorities are aware that fans will be meeting up in huge numbers, literally by the thousand, in public places arnt they? Everyone singing, dancing, shouting, blocking roads, being rowdy, at 3AM. What could possibly go wrong... Do the Qataris think that the fans will stick to the fan zones when not at a match?
  5. Lazarus


    He is annoying but then I remember that he was part of history today and i start giggling to myself
  6. Howe: Incisive pass Bruce: Gastric bypass
  7. Awwww hes sitting next to Paqueta
  8. https://twitter.com/Percycola/status/1593361820512837634
  9. Lazarus

    St James' Park

    Wasnt there something a few years back about the ground not being up to modern standards for european or international tournaments? Memories a hazy now but maybe something to do with media facilities and stuff?
  10. Lazarus


    They havnt??!!?? Fucking hell
  11. Howe: Success is earned Bruce: Will need pall bearers to carry his urn
  12. Howe: The Last Samurai Bruce: The Last Hamurai
  13. Nah we'll get that little VW remote controlled car that carries the ball to the centre circle
  14. How the fuck is the world cup starting in 6 days time?
  15. By having an official chocolate partner?
  16. Someone posted a link a while showing manure i think and all their partners. There was some really random stuff
  17. Playing devils advocate a bit here but....theyve already embraced western capitalism and are using its influence on the world stage. How much 'evolving' is left there for them to do? And yes - the religion dominates all aspects of life over there so unless they can separate church and state, they wont really change.
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