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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Looks like Eddie is keen for him to put down some roots...
  2. Wasnt there a big kick off in the last match over there?
  3. His arm position looks like that kick at the end of the karate kid.
  4. So were spending big in January?
  5. If true, thats gonna have half the 1st team knocking on eddies door 'Hi boss, I'd like a word about my contract'....
  6. Lazarus

    St James' Park

    Big Joe's Samba Centre
  7. Id take him but not at 70m. At that price its got manure transfer written all over it. The question is what, if anything, could Howe do with him in terms of improving him?
  8. Commentators bigging this up like two heavyweights going at it
  9. Amazing game what I saw of it. Fully deserved result for both sides. Its great to see 'lesser' teams play well but I almost miss world cups of old where they'd have batshit keepers and naive tactics.
  10. Hope not. Be a shame if youre not here for the post match bantz. Unless you ban yourself...
  11. What about signing for the toon and being immediately loaned to a Saudi club for MAHOOSIVE fee? Works for me.
  12. How is Modric still playing after appearing in every world cup since 1982?
  13. There was a bit earlier when the camera panned to a gorgeous argie girl in the crowd and the female commentator said 'unbelievable'.
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