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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. Can we take a moment to consider how we might look to a foreign player and his agent? Were a club with money and an unproven manager. A big stadium but with shite facilities. We know were going places, everyone knows were going places, but were arnt there yet. We can sell our 'project' and our future potential to certain players, like Bruno, but not all of our targets are going to buy into that. Which is fair enough.
  2. Was thinking more along the lines of Sports Direct than NUFC
  3. Anyone watching this france game? Absolutely awful. Denmark with 9 behind the ball, crowd doing mexican waves, commentators appear to be at a snooker game... Stade du france is packed and both teams look to be almost full strength.
  4. And possibly ASM's if he can pull defenders away
  5. There was a story the other day about plane full of passengers abandoned on the tarmac for 3 hours. Pilot had to ring 999.
  6. Cant believe Im saying but yeah - smart move.
  7. Still hasnt been appointed i see....
  8. Is it Arsenal who have Visit Rwanda?
  9. £250m would be a bit much for a 1st transfer window - but imagine to fume from elsewhere!
  10. We all know that - but if Lodi is as attack minded as hes made out, do we really want our left back AHEAD of Maxi when he loses the ball?
  11. Man Ure had a massive drinking culture at the time iirc. Fergie may have been able to channel some of his energy though
  12. 82 page thread and he isnt even ours yet.
  13. All we have to is W A I T.
  14. Lazarus

    Football pet hates

    I know, I know. But its kindve almost like a cliche now.
  15. Lazarus

    Football pet hates

    It was canny 25 years ago when Keys and Gray first linked up but now?
  16. That sports direct logo on the roof....fucking hell.
  17. Lazarus

    Football pet hates

    That is one of my pet hates too - when the co-comms has a scottish accent. It was canny 25 years ago when Keys and Gray first linked up but now?
  18. Diaby looks great. My only concern is that hes smaller than Fraser.
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