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Facundo Ferreyra

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Everything posted by Facundo Ferreyra

  1. Back in my day we just had cwarr07.
  2. I'd rather have Jay Leno in goal. (Bet nobody's ever made that joke before...)
  3. Some stinking bedsheets in here tonight.
  4. He's still alive. Updated his Instagram story a few hours ago.
  5. "A few wins" Better get a few wins out of our one remaining January fixture.
  6. One of the best games I've ever been to at SJP was Newcastle 3 - 2 Everton in the last half of Rafa's last season. The place was fucking bouncing when that third goal went in.
  7. Hope he scores a shitload of screamers that are then disallowed because he was a mile offside.
  8. Glad to see that not even the club's official Twitter is above making the obvious joke
  9. Well, that's me telt. Hadn't even thought of that what a fucking whopper.
  10. They're not even gonna get the whole £25m straight away. It'll be paid in installments. They're not going to be able to sign a Premier League level striker with what we'll give them up front.
  11. Are you feeling OK? You didn't mention the fact he's on three goals for the season in this post.
  12. Smart move in my opinion. Premier League experience, weakens a relegation rival. If we pay the fee in instalments then Burnley won't even have that £20m to reinvest into the team this window.
  13. Didn't even look like a fucking footballer today.
  14. After today's performance I'm guessing Everton are canny relieved their bid was rejected.
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