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Steve McClaren


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Don't think McClaren gets enough credit for the owner spending money.


The fact he turned us down a number of times, and seemed to seek assurances before coming was key. He alluded to it when he joined, when he mentioned that Ashley's message at the last game convinced him to get on board.


We have signed some good players, and we have a manager that is not destructive. I think he will do well just by virtue of those two points alone.

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It's going to be a season of transition, we could have been a lot further forward if McClaren had come in January, but as it is, the early part of this season is going to be about establishing a playing style and McClaren learning that Obertan is a waste of time. At least we should start to look like a proper football team at some point, even if we are hovering around mid-table.

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Don't think McClaren gets enough credit for the owner spending money.


The fact he turned us down a number of times, and seemed to seek assurances before coming was key. He alluded to it when he joined, when he mentioned that Ashley's message at the last game convinced him to get on board.


We have signed some good players, and we have a manager that is not destructive. I think he will do well just by virtue of those two points alone.


Yeah, this is one of the reasons I respect him. Getting the coaches in was almost certainly partly his doing as well, maybe even more important.


Anyone who works for Ashley will have to just shoulder a lot of bad decisions, but he seems to at least have had some influence.

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I've been cynical and downbeat for so long that I don't put too much weight into decisions made off the field - from a positive or negative standpoint. Cautious optimism is the most extreme emotion I can muster for that sort of thing atm. They've all got so, so far to go before they convince me that we're not a shit club. Even McClaren himself is tainted by his association with Ashley.


But the refreshing thing with McClaren is that I'm not absolutely certain we're going to achieve nothing. That's what he's got going for him, certainly from my point of view. The cast-iron certainty that we were going nowhere with Pardew is what had me desperate for us to actually lose, thus potentially prompting a change. And now, whilst I still don't celebrate the goals like I once did, I definitely want us to win.

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So in the 9 games McClaren has been in the job we've got a record of:


2 wins  2 draws and 5 defeats, the two wins being against non league Gateshead and the might of Sacremento Republic. Now I know that we shouldn't read too much into pre-season results but with two almost inevitable defeats coming up, I would have expected a little better in terms of results.


I think how we play in the next couple of games will be key to what kind of season we'll have, like I said I'm sure we'll lose them both, but if we go down fighting then perhaps we'll have a chance to finish mid table otherwise it going to be another season like last one I think.

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This is it for me too Yorkie, I'm no longer actively willing us to lose, but I still find myself just shrugging at a goal either end of the pitch. There's a lot more mending to do than bringing in new coaches and throwing £50m at them. If you'd have offered me this at this time last season though I'd have snapped your arm off!

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So in the 9 games McClaren has been in the job we've got a record of:


2 wins  2 draws and 5 defeats, the two wins being against non league Gateshead and the might of Sacremento Republic. Now I know that we shouldn't read too much into pre-season results but with two almost inevitable defeats coming up, I would have expected a little better in terms of results.


I think how we play in the next couple of games will be key to what kind of season we'll have, like I said I'm sure we'll lose them both, but if we go down fighting then perhaps we'll have a chance to finish mid table otherwise it going to be another season like last one I think.

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lack of defensive recruits is worrying. no way the fat man is going to sanction much more in the way of spending if we sign thauvin.


I appreciate you may not have said this personally, but I'm typing on my phone and I cba to check, but after Mbemba signed it was all over this board that we 'definitely weren't signing anyone else'.

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lack of defensive recruits is worrying. no way the fat man is going to sanction much more in the way of spending if we sign thauvin.


I appreciate you may not have said this personally, but I'm typing on my phone and I cba to check, but after Mbemba signed it was all over this board that we 'definitely weren't signing anyone else'.


At one point, it was all over the board that Carver would be given the permanent job and we'd spend nothing.

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Don't know about spending nothing but it should be clear as day that if Carver had managed to achieve reasonable results rather than setting us on course for the most unlikely of relegations the job would have been his, absolutely no doubt about it. Such is the idiocy of this regime.

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Don't know about spending nothing but it should be clear as day that if Carver had managed to achieve reasonable results rather than setting us on course for the most unlikely of relegations the job would have been his, absolutely no doubt about it. Such is the idiocy of this regime.


i'm not convinced of this anymore personally, i think the ashleyout thing and the protests that were starting to kick off woke them up and scared the shite out of them


in real terms they've only appointed a 'competent' manager, allowed him to staff the backroom with non-fuckwits, and spent some of what they need to start redressing the fuckups and squad stripping they spent 2 years or whatever overseeing


the walkout at spurs and targetting of ashley/SD changed it all, had that not have happened then aye carver and bullshit all the way

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By reasonable results I mean results that would have kept us safely in midtable rather than staring into the abyss. It's all they're interested in, as evidenced by the fact that they even thought they could get away with not appointing a proper manager for half a season in the first place.

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lack of defensive recruits is worrying. no way the fat man is going to sanction much more in the way of spending if we sign thauvin.


I appreciate you may not have said this personally, but I'm typing on my phone and I cba to check, but after Mbemba signed it was all over this board that we 'definitely weren't signing anyone else'.


At one point, it was all over the board that Carver would be given the permanent job and we'd spend nothing.


At one point, certain individuals were telling every fucker else to calm down when they pointed out that Pardew was a shit manager and a horrible gobshite who was ruining our most talented players and any chance we had of success.

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Don't think McClaren gets enough credit for the owner spending money.


The fact he turned us down a number of times, and seemed to seek assurances before coming was key. He alluded to it when he joined, when he mentioned that Ashley's message at the last game convinced him to get on board.


We have signed some good players, and we have a manager that is not destructive. I think he will do well just by virtue of those two points alone.

McClaren signed for us because Derby sacked him, he gets all of the praise he deserves for that from me.
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Personally i will give him around 15 games before i make my mind up about him. I will probably be frustrated as fuck at times, naturally! I was one of the very first ones who wanted Pardew sacked, along with Bimpy (where the hell is he?) and got alot of stick for it (probably well deserved at that early time) We'll probably have a bit of a up and down season i imagine, a couple of steps forward and a step back or two, but as long as our "curve" is slowly going in the right direction i will try to see it from a positive point of view. In the heat of the moment there will always be bad things said but that's football. It will be interesting to see if we can get more consistent after a few wins in a row whenever it happens, it will take time to create that confident winning mentality. First of all, hopefully the right players will start sooner rather than later. At least he seems like a likeable guy so far. I don't like the look of going in to season with our defence though :( Which will most likely make it very hard for us to perform the way we should.

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Personally i will give him around 15 games before i make my mind up about him. I will probably be frustrated as f*** at times, naturally! I was one of the very first ones who wanted Pardew sacked, along with Bimpy (where the hell is he?) and got alot of stick for it (probably well deserved at that early time) We'll probably have a bit of a up and down season i imagine, a couple of steps forward and a step back or two, but as long as our "curve" is slowly going in the right direction i will try to see it from a positive point of view. In the heat of the moment there will always be bad things said but that's football. It will be interesting to see if we can get more consistent after a few wins in a row whenever it happens, it will take time to create that confident winning mentality. First of all, hopefully the right players will start sooner rather than later. At least he seems like a likeable guy so far. I don't like the look of going in to season with our defence though :( Which will most likely make it very hard for us to perform the way we should.


I just want to see a way of playing. As annoying as it is I can live with goals like Pelle's this season as that's down to personnel. As long as the attacking players play the way McClaren wants them too we'll be fine. Add the extra defender or two in January or the summer and as long as the system is good, they should in theory just slot straight in.

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At the end of the day even Chelsea fans will moan about Mourinho. If you lose any game you'll have critics.


I'm willing to give McClaren a shot. I'm really hoping he starts ditching people like Obertan though.

Aye - Obertan, Gouffran, Williamson and Riviere should be ditched or shot.
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At the end of the day even Chelsea fans will moan about Mourinho. If you lose any game you'll have critics.


I'm willing to give McClaren a shot. I'm really hoping he starts ditching people like Obertan though.

Aye - Obertan, Gouffran, Williamson and Riviere should be ditched or shot.


I say thrown in a ditch and then shot.

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I've already made my mind up on alot of things on McClaren.


He's an utterly more likable guy that Pardew.

He tries to get his team passing

He's honest in the media


Hard to make any judgements on his team selections and tactics yet.

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