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Steve McClaren


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“We made individual errors, the killer goal was the fourth. We wanted a reaction, I think we got that. The players were focused, we made some errors.”


Fucking hell.

Dear Me, I'm pretty sure we scored against the run of play in the 1st place as well.


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Steve McClaren: 'We wanted a reaction and I think we got that' - is that real?


“We made individual errors, the killer goal was the fourth. We wanted a reaction, I think we got that. The players were focused, we made some errors.”


Fucking hell.


You must have made that up?


That's what I thought, but it's true.



"We made individual errors, but the killer goal was the fourth," the much-travelled former England manager, who joined Newcastle last summer, told Sky Sports.


"It is disappointing. We wanted a reaction and I think we got that. The players were focussed and ready but we made some errors and Crystal Palace capitalised.


"It is about hard work, working for each other, attitude, running backwards as quickly as you run forwards. After the third goal we didn't do that.


"We have got 25 games to go and we are in a relegation fight, no doubt about that. But we certainly have to work hard on the training field again and look for a reaction again."


Maybe the reaction to the reaction will be to lose 8-0. :lol:

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5 at the back could have made sense. Palace is all about the wing play, and Fat Sam nullified it perfectly on Monday. Of course Colo woud have lost some header to Wickham which would have cost us the game anyway.



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For every 5 seconds Steve McClaren isn't sacked, I will break one window...


...This is crazy. Is nobody really sacking McClaren?


Why do people keep saying this? He's on the board man. :lol: It would take Ashley himself ripping everything up for McClaren to be sacked.

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My patience is gone. I thought he could do OK here but it's been a total disaster. Needs to be removed ASAP. Won't happen.


Exactly how I feel. Today was the last straw. I was actually willing to give him a fair chance and genuinely believed he'd do ok but he has shown nothing, absolutely nothing. He's weak as piss, incapable of motivating players, tactically pathetic and incapable of spotting and rectifying the blatantly fucking obvious. He's more likeable than Pardew and he tries to play better football but he's another out-of-his-depth, sub-standard appointment and he's going to take us down.

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I actually don't mind McClaren. An ok bloke and he never greases up to his bosses like Pardew seemed to do on a weekly basis, and he seems to get what Newcastle should be about.


But thats not enough. A decent coach maybe, but out of his depth at top level management. When the pressure is on and results go badly under him, he  seems to completely lose control of the situation and it unravels very quickly. I really don't know where the club go from here. We could sack him tomorrow but who sorts out this bunch of idiots that dare call themselves professional footballers.

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Your comprehension skills are awful. SMC is a poor manager but the squad isn't significantly better. We should be doing better but we are long way (and yes, a spine of a team is a long way) from being in that bracket just below the top 6-7 with Everton or Soton.


This isn't 1972. The most important thing in modern football is money. Making the people who control it - the most important people. That's why you get Abramovic or Venky's.


TCD - Sam Allardyce says Hai.  He also says that without money there is no way a manager can influence a squad of utterly s***, abject players :thup:


You two should talk.


You're an absolute idiot. Sunderland have been a bottom half Premiership team and they'll continue to be.


I was dead set against SMC from the start. Got pelters for saying he would be no better than Pardew and that nothing had changed. Turns out on evidence thus far.... he's worse. We could do better but this is fundamentally a shit team.


SMC is the new cog in the shit system.


I think you are missing the point. Sunderland don't have any pretensions to be a top half team, Allardyce's remit was to keep them in the premier, something that looked impossible a few weeks ago under Advocaat. Fat Sam has already got them more organised at the back by switching formation to a back 3 with wing backs and they are fighting harder as well. That's not to say Allardyce has suddenly become a good manager, but he knows what he's about and makes no apologies for it.


What the fuck Steve McC is about I still haven't got a clue. He's changed nothing despite the same players and formations performing dismally every week. He's like a fucking rabbit caught in headlights.

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So if we get rid of Steve, can we please not just accept any old cunt because they 'deserve a chance' this time? Getting a bit sick of us being shit.

What difference does it make if we accept any new manager or not?

You're a member of the Labour party aren't you? Why not just accept Tory rule?


Cameron has the gig, let him have it.

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Seriously though, if we're fully against shit appointments from the start it'll be a lot less cush for Ashley, imo. Ou biggest problem is that we're at loggerheads over managers for 6+ months in ordr to give them a chance, meanwhile Ashley has the easiest job in the world. Manager leaves > hire new manager > "give him time."


Cannot be arse any more man

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Said it before but It's  the players that are not good enough. We have too many players who are not good enough and I think the players themselves know this. . If anyone needs sacking it's  Carr or who ever is responsible for bring in so many substandard players. Not saying McLaren is the right man but I think they is little point in sacking him until we get players in who are good enough.

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Your comprehension skills are awful. SMC is a poor manager but the squad isn't significantly better. We should be doing better but we are long way (and yes, a spine of a team is a long way) from being in that bracket just below the top 6-7 with Everton or Soton.


This isn't 1972. The most important thing in modern football is money. Making the people who control it - the most important people. That's why you get Abramovic or Venky's.


TCD - Sam Allardyce says Hai.  He also says that without money there is no way a manager can influence a squad of utterly s***, abject players :thup:


You two should talk.


You're an absolute idiot. Sunderland have been a bottom half Premiership team and they'll continue to be.


I was dead set against SMC from the start. Got pelters for saying he would be no better than Pardew and that nothing had changed. Turns out on evidence thus far.... he's worse. We could do better but this is fundamentally a shit team.


SMC is the new cog in the shit system.


I think you are missing the point. Sunderland don't have any pretensions to be a top half team, Allardyce's remit was to keep them in the premier, something that looked impossible a few weeks ago under Advocaat. Fat Sam has already got them more organised at the back by switching formation to a back 3 with wing backs and they are fighting harder as well. That's not to say Allardyce has suddenly become a good manager, but he knows what he's about and makes no apologies for it.


What the fuck Steve McC is about I still haven't got a clue. He's changed nothing despite the same players and formations performing dismally every week. He's like a fucking rabbit caught in headlights.

Thank you Tron. Welcome to the idiot club though.

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Just caught up with some of his comments. Jesus Christ man :facepalm:.


At least when Keegan was here, he would be honest and near enough say that we were s***. :lol:


He is either deliberately lying through his teeth, or is an absolute cockwomble.

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"the killer goal was the fourth"


:lol: :lol:


After taking oiff Perez for Lascelles. The amount of muppets on here who were saying that he was doing ok and progress was being made was unreal a few weeks ago. I bet not many of those people are saying a jot right now, though I do see some one or two have changed their mind also - welcome to the real worls.


Is this guy for real? :lol:


I hope you're not married as I would feel sorry for any woman married to such a smug c*** constantly waiting for her to be wrong about any given thing so he can eternally lord it over her and flash his "I told you so!" tattoo.


Coming from one of the worst clueless muppets like you I'm suprised you even thought of anything.

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