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Steve McClaren


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Don't have anything against the bloke tbh. Have no doubt he tried his best, the job was just too much for the daft shite.


Agree here though. Plus would do the whole McClaren experiment all over again if it meant getting Benitez in the end.

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Failed to get promoted, gets sacked, joins NUFC, pretty much relegates us, gets sacked, gets another job at club where he failed and gets sacked. English football folks.


It's crazy isn't it. The only piece of logic I can find that makes any sense of this is, they seem to feel that us trying to tap him up cost them promotion, if were weren't after him they would have at very least made the playoffs that year, since they were beaten playoff finalist the previous year that would not have been a bad record. There maybe some truth in that, but to me, if I were them I wouldn't have touched him with a barge pole, that's not just based on the absolutely mess he made with us but he's going to have to win back a set of players (many of whom will still be there) that had clearly given up on him and a fan base that will be skeptical to say the least.

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And that was probably the only training session when he that week. Fuck knows how Derby will find any time on the training pitch with all the games in the Championship and having to rest the day before and two days after or whatever the fuck Schteve's routine was here.

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My first thought today when I heard this news was "I honestly hope he does well"


Nah didnt really have nothing against the man until that game against Chelsea when we were thumped 5-0 and we went on tv smiling away .... And since that day I can't stand the cunt he's up there with pards imo ... Have absolutely nothing against Derby or their  supporters but would love for nothing more for him to  fuck up this opportunity and to never get a job in football management again.... And the fact some one has actually gave this man a job again is astounding

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Pardew was the arsehole stepdad who knocked your Mam about.


McClaren was the rebound prick who's still a proper arsehole but at least he doesn't hit her.


Curious and sums it up nicely :lol: he's just a loser - the other is narcissistic, self preserving pond life. Apologies to pond life.

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Pardew was the arsehole stepdad who knocked your Mam about.


McClaren was the rebound prick who's still a proper arsehole but at least he doesn't hit her.


I think we've finally found a real-life analogy that doesn't work for NUFC, at all.

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It's a sad indictment of the lack of quality coming through that people like Steve McClaren can still find work. I have nothing against him other than he was nowhere near good enough to manage us at the time he took over, good luck to him I guess.

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Spends loads of money.

Relegates club.

Smiles the entire time.

Clear for months he wouldn't cut it  but waits for pay-off.


"Hope he does well". f*** off.


But he wasn't in charge of the summer transfer policy..... we can't pick and choose when to ignore the nature of his real responsibilities at the club. Perhaps if he was a stronger manager or character he would have demanded that when being employed, but no.. he was happy to let Carr provide the players for him.


Rabbit caught in the headlights is what comes to mind when thinking of his tenure at the club.


The relegation isn't all his fault.. he simply wasn't a good enough manager to repair the damage Mike Ashley had done over several years. Or is your memory that of a fucking goldfish?



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Of course it wasn't all his fault. But i'm not going to wish him well for doing a s*** job and hanging around long enough relegate us.


Yet you seem desperate for Crystal Palace and their players to do well by the sounds of it on here.

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I'm completely with TCD on this one. I didn't want him when the chance was there to appoint a 'new broom' as it were, and whilst I hoped he would prove me wrong and be a surprise answer to the awful period under the sh*t camel that was pardew and his igor-esque replacement, he lived up to what I thought he would be. He was inadequate as a manager of this club, totally caved into the regimes transfer policies of buying 500 "number tens" and/or attacking midfielders without having the balls to stand up to them.

He came in knowing what the job was and the restraints. Anyone could see it hadn't worked and never would.

On those grounds, at best he was a naive fool with not enough courage or experience or he was a devious tosser who saw another pay day at the expense of NUFC. Either way, that's not good enough and in no way would I ever wish him well. Don't dislike him as much as I absolutely detest pardew but he has my heavy disdain.

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