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LOL at Lolro

Guest elbee909

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Also, Ronaldo's new-found, live and let live attitude towards others reminds me of Dennis from Heartbreak High.


I hope someone else knows what I'm on about here like.


:lol: I started really getting into Heartbreak High for a while, then it just suddenly disappeared from the schedules.  Can't remember anything about it really though.


I remember watching it, one hot girl and a kid with a horrific curtains haircut.


Oh, and there was an Italian guy who played "soccer" I think. The rest were turd at it.

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As if Ba would be interested in going to Liverpool man :lol:


of course he would.  Fantastic club full of proud tradition in the ex-Capital of Culture, excellent passionate fans and the opportunity to win every trophy under the sun.  It would be an honour to see him there.



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Everyone would be interested in more money, and I still think they have more pull than us. :dontknow:


Pouring scorn on the very idea seems daft to me.


I concur.  They'd likely offer him higher wages than us, historically bigger club with a recent record of success and worldwide profile and a board showing ambition to improve.  He'd go if they came in for him I think.

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Everyone would be interested in more money, and I still think they have more pull than us. :dontknow:


Pouring scorn on the very idea seems daft to me.


I'm not sure it's as cut and dry an issue as it may once have been though, also every player is different, you do tend to always say players would prefer them. If we're offering the same wages I struggle to see why players would choose them nowadays.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Newcastle v Swansea


Newcastle are badly in need of a win from this game after West Ham went to St James' Park last weekend and did a job on them.


The Magpies seem unable to put two good performances together, which might be down to a little bit of a hangover from last season when they had such a productive campaign.


They might also be suffering from the same problem as Manchester City, in that some of their key players are not under any pressure for their place in the team.


Swansea's draw at Southampton last week was their first away point since their opening-day win at QPR, and they do not seem to be the best of travellers.


But they do have some competition for places, which is a sign of progress.


Ki Sung-yeung is injured will be absent from the Swans' midfield but people like Kemy Agustien, Nathan Dyer and Danny Graham are all hoping for a return to the starting line-up, depending on which formation Michael Laudrup goes for.


Prediction: 2-0

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Everyone would be interested in more money, and I still think they have more pull than us. :dontknow:


Pouring scorn on the very idea seems daft to me.


I just think both clubs are in very similar situations right now, but with us being arguably better and more likely to improve in the near future what with Liverpool going from crisis to crisis. I also think that if he had to pick between us and them he would chose us again because he is settled here and has no doubt made good friends within the squad, he would be stupid to leave that for a club that could well finish below us.


Money is literally the only reason he would go imo and unless Liverpool sell Suarez I don't think they would be able to improve significantly on what we're already giving him, which I think (I might be wrong) is higher than average here given that we got him for free?



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Stoke v Newcastle


Newcastle are in the middle of a sticky patch and this is a horrible game for them to try to end it.


When you have lost three league games in a row, as the Magpies have, and you are short of players because of injuries then the last place you want to go is the Britannia Stadium, especially when Stoke have started to win games, albeit narrowly.


Having seen Newcastle lose at Southampton on Sunday, I can only see that pattern continuing on Wednesday.


They were far too open against Saints, who created a host of chances.


The Potters represent a very different test, and far more of a physical battle. I don't see it as being a fight that the Magpies can win.


Newcastle boss Alan Pardew must be wondering where his next win is going to come from. I don't think it is going to be at Stoke.


Prediction: 1-0



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  • 2 weeks later...
Fulham are having a wobble. They have gone seven games without a win and have lost three out of their last four.


Newcastle know that feeling too, having ended their four-game losing streak with a much-needed victory over Wigan last Monday.


The good news for the Cottagers is that Brede Hangeland will be back from his suspension and I think they might just get the result they have been waiting for.


The Magpies are beset by injuries and it has been a difficult season for them so far.


They will start to pick up points soon, when players return to fitness, but the silver lining for Alan Pardew is that his shortage of players might mean they buy one or two more players in January than they were going to.


Like Fulham, I think Pardew's side are looking at a mid-table finish. It might not be the giddy heights of last season but they can still end up in the top half.


Prediction: 2-1


Off to the bookies with a tenner on a toon win.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Man Utd v Newcastle


Newcastle's win over QPR on Saturday was a massive result as their next run of games are a nightmare and they could have been in the bottom three by the middle of January. I think they'll be alright because they have a good manger and some talented players and they would be the best team to go down if they did get relegated. However, Man United need to win this game after dropping points against Swansea and I think they will - convincingly.

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Arsenal v Newcastle


Newcastle, fair play to them, took the game to Man United and had a real go. If they do that against Arsenal I think they've got every chance. But Arsenal didn't have a game on Boxing Day and that's a big advantage. Arsenal are very quick on the break, they've got fresher legs and I think they'll counter Newcastle and win a good match.

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  • 1 month later...

Up against this brother this week:




Reckons Spurs will run wild over us, 3-0.


Tottenham v Newcastle (12:45 GMT)


Newcastle have won their last two games and all of a sudden look a different proposition. Walking in for training there must feel like you have changed clubs, there are so many new faces about.


I think this sort of improvement was always going to happen to the Magpies' season - they were always going to add to their squad in January and they were going to get their injured players back. I wouldn't be surprised if a few of their injured players come back quicker now their places are under threat.


I am backing Newcastle to continue their unbeaten run with a draw at White Hart Lane, although it will be interesting to see what plans they have got to stop Gareth Bale. If they can, then this might be a good time to play Spurs.


Emmanuel Adebayor should be back from the Africa Cup of Nations, and Tottenham need him to be in decent shape because, with Jermain Defoe injured, they are short of numbers up front.


Tottenham are unbeaten in nine league games and ticking along nicely but I wonder if they are a little bit fragile.


If Adebayor gets injured on Saturday they are in a mess because they will only have Harry Kane as a recognised striker - Mousa Dembele does not want to play there and it is not really Clint Dempsey's position.


Even if Adebayor stays fit then either he or Defoe, when he returns, will have to have a good run of games and goals to make absolutely certain of a top-four finish. If they didn't have the problems they do up front, then you would say that looked nailed on.


Prediction: 1-1

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