Yorkie Posted June 12, 2009 Share Posted June 12, 2009 Due diligence is just the process in which interested parties look at the books, all the financial situation... i think? Don't suppose you could put a set time on how long it would take. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
BONTEMPI Posted June 12, 2009 Share Posted June 12, 2009 Due diligence is just the process in which interested parties look at the books, all the financial situation... i think? Don't suppose you could put a set time on how long it would take. Only books they'll find is "How to run a football club for Dummies" Paperback edition Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
themanupstairs Posted June 12, 2009 Share Posted June 12, 2009 Due diligence is just the process in which interested parties look at the books, all the financial situation... i think? Don't suppose you could put a set time on how long it would take. Only books they'll find is "How to run a football club for Dummies" Online edition FYP - saved you the P&P charges Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lenny Posted June 12, 2009 Share Posted June 12, 2009 Due diligence is just the process in which interested parties look at the books, all the financial situation... i think? Don't suppose you could put a set time on how long it would take. Only books they'll find is "How to run a football club for Dummies" Paperback edition Still in its fucking cellophane wrap of course. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave Posted June 12, 2009 Share Posted June 12, 2009 Interesting snippet here some might have missed: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,62602.msg1848022.html#msg1848022 Promising IMO. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ronaldo Posted June 12, 2009 Share Posted June 12, 2009 indeed Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Incognito Posted June 12, 2009 Share Posted June 12, 2009 Interesting snippet here some might have missed: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,62602.msg1848022.html#msg1848022 Promising IMO. I love the word snippet. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
S.S.R. Posted June 12, 2009 Share Posted June 12, 2009 As much as it sickens me to say this, but maybe it's better the devil you know. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
NJS Posted June 12, 2009 Share Posted June 12, 2009 Due diligence is just the process in which interested parties look at the books, all the financial situation... i think? Don't suppose you could put a set time on how long it would take. It took the Mackems about a month I think - don't know if Murray had put the books in order first though. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
indi Posted June 12, 2009 Share Posted June 12, 2009 It has to be said that given the plight the club is in due to Ashley anyone who doesn't want to see Fred back at the helm is a nutcase. It seems some still haven't learned a thing. What is it going to take for some people to get it? Administration? What's it going to take for some people to get that we're not going to be put into administration? One more time: The point of going into administration is to protect yourself from your creditors. We have only one major creditor, his name is Mike Ashley. Why would Mike Ashley want to protect Mike Ashley from Mike Ashley? As far as I'm concerned the absolute duty of an administrator is to get as much back for the creditors as possible. So what does that mean? It means selling off the whole shebang, the players, facilities, knocking the stadium down for some other development for which money may be paid, the whole lot going into the pocket of Ashley, the bloke people wanted 'cos he was better than Fred. He could hardly just go ahead and do it off his own back with the club a going concern. Erm, did you miss the point when he bought the club outright? He could have done that from the moment he bought the club, why would he bring an administrator in to do that when he could simply have done it himself? The fact that he hasn't done anything like that, kinda suggests that he's not going to, don't you think? Also, I think you have "administrator" and "liquidator" mixed up. The first duty of an administrator is to rescue the company as a going concern, whereas the role of a liquidator is similar to what you describe. However, the question remains as to why Mike Ashley would do that and you've not answered that I notice. I'd have thought that someone who's followed the club for as long as you have would know that it doesn't own the land the stadium is built upon and therefore couldn't sell it off for redevelopment even if it wanted to. But hey, don't let reality get in the way of a good rant, eh? 1. It kinda takes the pressure off him if someone else does it. It's called "passing the buck" in some circles. I'm sure you've heard of it. 2. An administrator only has to justify to the creditors why the company can't be maintained as a going concern before it is liquidated. 2a. "You've not answered that I notice" ..... Hmm, that's a rather dumb remark. Why would I answer something I haven't read? I hadn't answered earlier because I've just seen your post. I'm not joined at the hip with my laptop. Obviously. 3. Yup, fair point. However, don't get complacent about what Ashley may do to the club. People like you got complacent about regular European finishes, thinking it was shite so you wanted Ashley 'cos he could only do better. Well, it seems you're going to try to cling to the bitter end onto the idea he's better than the previous lot. You're wrong, cos he's not. This bloke might do anything to this football club and as he doesn't give a damn about it that's scary to a supporter like me. He no doubt has very clever people advising him on the economic side of things, people far cleverer than you, if there is a way for him to get rid of the club and get enough money back he'll do anything to achieve that imo. Anything. No amount of wriggling on your part is going is to change that fact. 1. Yeah, right. 2. I give up, continue believing that the masochistic fantasy that is NUFC going into administration is likely, if you wish. In the real world it's never going to happen. 2a. It was a question I asked in the post you quoted. Do you usually not read the posts you reply too? 3. That's just a ridiculous thing to say, it would be like me saying people like you got complacent about Fairs Cup winning campaigns when you welcomed SJH's take over of the club. I'd say it was much more complacent for people to whitewash the failings of the latter part of the Shepherd regime, due to fond memories of European finishes in the past. Those European finishes were history and the club was heading in only one direction, Ashley came in and failed to change that direction, ranking each regime in order of who failed more is pointless and irrelevant. I have no special bond with Mike Ashley, I have no interest in him whatsoever outside of him owning NUFC, so when that no longer applies I'll pay him no attention. I certainly won't be banging on and on about how good he was and wasting my time arguing with those who disagree for years afterwards, I certainly won't hate the next owners due to some kind of love of him. As for wiggling, well that's somewhat ironic coming from someone who has in one breath accused Ashley of being an incompetent and in the next portrayed him as some kind of evil mastermind who's going to take the club for all it's got. In the end I think it's pretty much certain that it'll be the club that's taken Ashley for a hefty chink of what he's got, rather than the other way round. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
lovejoy Posted June 12, 2009 Share Posted June 12, 2009 It has to be said that given the plight the club is in due to Ashley anyone who doesn't want to see Fred back at the helm is a nutcase. It seems some still haven't learned a thing. What is it going to take for some people to get it? Administration? What's it going to take for some people to get that we're not going to be put into administration? One more time: The point of going into administration is to protect yourself from your creditors. We have only one major creditor, his name is Mike Ashley. Why would Mike Ashley want to protect Mike Ashley from Mike Ashley? As far as I'm concerned the absolute duty of an administrator is to get as much back for the creditors as possible. So what does that mean? It means selling off the whole shebang, the players, facilities, knocking the stadium down for some other development for which money may be paid, the whole lot going into the pocket of Ashley, the bloke people wanted 'cos he was better than Fred. He could hardly just go ahead and do it off his own back with the club a going concern. Erm, did you miss the point when he bought the club outright? He could have done that from the moment he bought the club, why would he bring an administrator in to do that when he could simply have done it himself? The fact that he hasn't done anything like that, kinda suggests that he's not going to, don't you think? Also, I think you have "administrator" and "liquidator" mixed up. The first duty of an administrator is to rescue the company as a going concern, whereas the role of a liquidator is similar to what you describe. However, the question remains as to why Mike Ashley would do that and you've not answered that I notice. I'd have thought that someone who's followed the club for as long as you have would know that it doesn't own the land the stadium is built upon and therefore couldn't sell it off for redevelopment even if it wanted to. But hey, don't let reality get in the way of a good rant, eh? 1. It kinda takes the pressure off him if someone else does it. It's called "passing the buck" in some circles. I'm sure you've heard of it. 2. An administrator only has to justify to the creditors why the company can't be maintained as a going concern before it is liquidated. 2a. "You've not answered that I notice" ..... Hmm, that's a rather dumb remark. Why would I answer something I haven't read? I hadn't answered earlier because I've just seen your post. I'm not joined at the hip with my laptop. Obviously. 3. Yup, fair point. However, don't get complacent about what Ashley may do to the club. People like you got complacent about regular European finishes, thinking it was s**** so you wanted Ashley 'cos he could only do better. Well, it seems you're going to try to cling to the bitter end onto the idea he's better than the previous lot. You're wrong, cos he's not. This bloke might do anything to this football club and as he doesn't give a damn about it that's scary to a supporter like me. He no doubt has very clever people advising him on the economic side of things, people far cleverer than you, if there is a way for him to get rid of the club and get enough money back he'll do anything to achieve that imo. Anything. No amount of wriggling on your part is going is to change that fact. 1. Yeah, right. 2. I give up, continue believing that the masochistic fantasy that is NUFC going into administration is likely, if you wish. In the real world it's never going to happen. 2a. It was a question I asked in the post you quoted. Do you usually not read the posts you reply too? 3. That's just a ridiculous thing to say, it would be like me saying people like you got complacent about Fairs Cup winning campaigns when you welcomed SJH's take over of the club. I'd say it was much more complacent for people to whitewash the failings of the latter part of the Shepherd regime, due to fond memories of European finishes in the past. Those European finishes were history and the club was heading in only one direction, Ashley came in and failed to change that direction, ranking each regime in order of who failed more is pointless and irrelevant. I have no special bond with Mike Ashley, I have no interest in him whatsoever outside of him owning NUFC, so when that no longer applies I'll pay him no attention. I certainly won't be banging on and on about how good he was and wasting my time arguing with those who disagree for years afterwards, I certainly would hate the next owners due to some kind of love of him. As for wiggling, well that's somewhat ironic coming from someone who has in one breath accused Ashley of being an incompetent and in the next portrayed him as some kind of evil mastermind who's going to take the club for all it's got. In the end I think it's pretty much certain that it'll be the club that's taken Ashley for a hefty chink of what he's got, rather than the other way round. just read this, and it isnt as far fetched as you would think. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest fraser Posted June 12, 2009 Share Posted June 12, 2009 I simply think that Ashley is the worst owner of a club that anyone could wish to have. He's not mischievous though, it is simply ineptitude on a scale few could have achieved or thought likely. Rather than maximise his profits, owing to the position he's reduced us to, it's more about minimising losses. I cannot wait for the fat, bleating, useless fucker to fuck off and leave us to our fate. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest thefishman Posted June 12, 2009 Share Posted June 12, 2009 All the players from last season should pay back all the wages and buy the club back and give it to the fans, it was that pile of shite that got us relegated, any of us on here would do anything for 20g plus a week including prolonged man love. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
NotMike Posted June 12, 2009 Share Posted June 12, 2009 I don't know about 'prolonged'... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dave Posted June 12, 2009 Share Posted June 12, 2009 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1192700/Newcastle-fooled-Wearside-hoax-Sunderland-fan-150m-rescue.html?ITO=1490 Newcastle fooled by Wearside hoax: Sunderland fan made up £150m rescue By Colin Young Last updated at 11:41 PM on 12th June 2009 * Comments (0) * Add to My Stories The sale of Newcastle United reached a farcical new low as it emerged one of the leading contenders to buy the club is in fact a hoaxer. The mysterious North-East businessman who claimed he was a millionaire Newcastle supporter prepared to launch a £150million rescue buy-out from owner Mike Ashley is a Sunderland fan. 'Rick Parkinson' was pictured under Tyne Bridge earlier this week as he announced his intention to buy the troubled club who were put up for sale following their relegation from the Barclays Premier League last month. He claimed he was worth more than £250m after making his fortune in textiles and offshore investments and that his first job would be to appoint Alan Shearer as manager at St James' Park. Parkinson duped Newcastle officials, BBC 5 Live, talkSport, Sky Sports and local media outlets after saying he would head up a five-man consortium of local businessmen putting together the takeover package. That consisted of a £90m bid, with a further £30m going on new transfers this summer and an additional £30m going into the restructuring of the club. But it transpires the Northumberland-based entrepreneur is Richard Parker, a lifelong Sunderland fan, who says he works in the 'entertainment industry'. Parker said: 'It's all friendly banter. I'm sure the majority of Magpie fans will see the funny side but I'm afraid it is something they're going to have to put up with for a while. 'We haven't had a great deal to shout about in the last 16 years or so at Sunderland, but this summer has, without doubt, made up for all those years of hurt. Newcastle's plight, as difficult as it is for their fans, is music to our ears. 'We could easily have gone down on the final day as well, but that makes it all the funnier for Sunderland fans and nobody can really blame us for milking it for as long as we possibly can. 'I remember a demoralising 4-1 defeat at home by Newcastle about three years ago, when their fans came to the Stadium of Light and taunted us on our own patch. We would have done the same had it been the other way round and, likewise, they would have taunted us had we gone down last season and they'd stayed up. 'We're only doing what they would have done, and have done for a good few years.' Parker's revelations cap a miserable week for Newcastle supporters, who faced ridicule after Ashley announced the sale on the club's website, provoking bids from a number of Sunderland supporters who made derisory offers. Sad cunt. The bit about all the other media outlets being fooled is funny btw considering: Textiles tycoon plans £150m bid for Newcastle - with £30m transfer kitty The Daily Mail - Newcastle 09:12 12-Jun-09 Unsurprisingly that page has now been pulled. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tachikoma Posted June 13, 2009 Share Posted June 13, 2009 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1192700/Newcastle-fooled-Wearside-hoax-Sunderland-fan-150m-rescue.html?ITO=1490 Newcastle fooled by Wearside hoax: Sunderland fan made up £150m rescue By Colin Young Last updated at 11:41 PM on 12th June 2009 * Comments (0) * Add to My Stories The sale of Newcastle United reached a farcical new low as it emerged one of the leading contenders to buy the club is in fact a hoaxer. The mysterious North-East businessman who claimed he was a millionaire Newcastle supporter prepared to launch a £150million rescue buy-out from owner Mike Ashley is a Sunderland fan. 'Rick Parkinson' was pictured under Tyne Bridge earlier this week as he announced his intention to buy the troubled club who were put up for sale following their relegation from the Barclays Premier League last month. He claimed he was worth more than £250m after making his fortune in textiles and offshore investments and that his first job would be to appoint Alan Shearer as manager at St James' Park. Parkinson duped Newcastle officials, BBC 5 Live, talkSport, Sky Sports and local media outlets after saying he would head up a five-man consortium of local businessmen putting together the takeover package. That consisted of a £90m bid, with a further £30m going on new transfers this summer and an additional £30m going into the restructuring of the club. But it transpires the Northumberland-based entrepreneur is Richard Parker, a lifelong Sunderland fan, who says he works in the 'entertainment industry'. Parker said: 'It's all friendly banter. I'm sure the majority of Magpie fans will see the funny side but I'm afraid it is something they're going to have to put up with for a while. 'We haven't had a great deal to shout about in the last 16 years or so at Sunderland, but this summer has, without doubt, made up for all those years of hurt. Newcastle's plight, as difficult as it is for their fans, is music to our ears. 'We could easily have gone down on the final day as well, but that makes it all the funnier for Sunderland fans and nobody can really blame us for milking it for as long as we possibly can. 'I remember a demoralising 4-1 defeat at home by Newcastle about three years ago, when their fans came to the Stadium of Light and taunted us on our own patch. We would have done the same had it been the other way round and, likewise, they would have taunted us had we gone down last season and they'd stayed up. 'We're only doing what they would have done, and have done for a good few years.' Parker's revelations cap a miserable week for Newcastle supporters, who faced ridicule after Ashley announced the sale on the club's website, provoking bids from a number of Sunderland supporters who made derisory offers. Sad cunt. The bit about all the other media outlets being fooled is funny btw considering: Textiles tycoon plans £150m bid for Newcastle - with £30m transfer kitty The Daily Mail - Newcastle 09:12 12-Jun-09 Unsurprisingly that page has now been pulled. So they're actually reading those emails? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stifler Posted June 13, 2009 Share Posted June 13, 2009 Funny how I can't remember reading or hearing about him, I heard a rumour of a local consortium but that ages before the email thing came about. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teasy Posted June 13, 2009 Share Posted June 13, 2009 How were Newcastle fooled by it like? And how was this made up bloke a leading contender simply because the papers were taken in? The papers in this country really are as amature as it gets, no proof reading or editing, facts don't matter, reality doesn't seem to matter.. They just twist the facts in whatever way will give them an entertaining story for the moronic general public. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest iliketoonarmy Posted June 13, 2009 Share Posted June 13, 2009 The Profitable Group > South African > Any other parties but not Shepherd Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raconteur Posted June 13, 2009 Share Posted June 13, 2009 The Profitable Group > South African > Any other parties but not Shepherd What's that based on? The PG seems to be very pie-in-the-sky and not exactly cash-rich (indeed there is speculation they couldn't raise 100M) - whereas the South Africans are fantastically wealthy and seem to be conducting their business in a much more discreet manner...? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
jimmymag Posted June 13, 2009 Share Posted June 13, 2009 How were Newcastle fooled by it like? And how was this made up bloke a leading contender simply because the papers were taken in? The papers in this country really are as amature amateur as it gets, no proof reading or editing, facts don't matter, reality doesn't seem to matter.. They just twist the facts in whatever way will give them an entertaining story for the moronic general public. Proof read your post. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
mouldy_uk Posted June 13, 2009 Share Posted June 13, 2009 No quick sale likely for Newcastle United http://www.journallive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2009/06/13/no-quick-sale-likely-for-newcastle-united-61634-23866689/ Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Howaythelads Posted June 13, 2009 Share Posted June 13, 2009 It has to be said that given the plight the club is in due to Ashley anyone who doesn't want to see Fred back at the helm is a nutcase. It seems some still haven't learned a thing. What is it going to take for some people to get it? Administration? What's it going to take for some people to get that we're not going to be put into administration? One more time: The point of going into administration is to protect yourself from your creditors. We have only one major creditor, his name is Mike Ashley. Why would Mike Ashley want to protect Mike Ashley from Mike Ashley? As far as I'm concerned the absolute duty of an administrator is to get as much back for the creditors as possible. So what does that mean? It means selling off the whole shebang, the players, facilities, knocking the stadium down for some other development for which money may be paid, the whole lot going into the pocket of Ashley, the bloke people wanted 'cos he was better than Fred. He could hardly just go ahead and do it off his own back with the club a going concern. Erm, did you miss the point when he bought the club outright? He could have done that from the moment he bought the club, why would he bring an administrator in to do that when he could simply have done it himself? The fact that he hasn't done anything like that, kinda suggests that he's not going to, don't you think? Also, I think you have "administrator" and "liquidator" mixed up. The first duty of an administrator is to rescue the company as a going concern, whereas the role of a liquidator is similar to what you describe. However, the question remains as to why Mike Ashley would do that and you've not answered that I notice. I'd have thought that someone who's followed the club for as long as you have would know that it doesn't own the land the stadium is built upon and therefore couldn't sell it off for redevelopment even if it wanted to. But hey, don't let reality get in the way of a good rant, eh? 1. It kinda takes the pressure off him if someone else does it. It's called "passing the buck" in some circles. I'm sure you've heard of it. 2. An administrator only has to justify to the creditors why the company can't be maintained as a going concern before it is liquidated. 2a. "You've not answered that I notice" ..... Hmm, that's a rather dumb remark. Why would I answer something I haven't read? I hadn't answered earlier because I've just seen your post. I'm not joined at the hip with my laptop. Obviously. 3. Yup, fair point. However, don't get complacent about what Ashley may do to the club. People like you got complacent about regular European finishes, thinking it was shite so you wanted Ashley 'cos he could only do better. Well, it seems you're going to try to cling to the bitter end onto the idea he's better than the previous lot. You're wrong, cos he's not. This bloke might do anything to this football club and as he doesn't give a damn about it that's scary to a supporter like me. He no doubt has very clever people advising him on the economic side of things, people far cleverer than you, if there is a way for him to get rid of the club and get enough money back he'll do anything to achieve that imo. Anything. No amount of wriggling on your part is going is to change that fact. 1. Yeah, right. 2. I give up, continue believing that the masochistic fantasy that is NUFC going into administration is likely, if you wish. In the real world it's never going to happen. 2a. It was a question I asked in the post you quoted. Do you usually not read the posts you reply too? 3. That's just a ridiculous thing to say, it would be like me saying people like you got complacent about Fairs Cup winning campaigns when you welcomed SJH's take over of the club. I'd say it was much more complacent for people to whitewash the failings of the latter part of the Shepherd regime, due to fond memories of European finishes in the past. Those European finishes were history and the club was heading in only one direction, Ashley came in and failed to change that direction, ranking each regime in order of who failed more is pointless and irrelevant. I have no special bond with Mike Ashley, I have no interest in him whatsoever outside of him owning NUFC, so when that no longer applies I'll pay him no attention. I certainly won't be banging on and on about how good he was and wasting my time arguing with those who disagree for years afterwards, I certainly won't hate the next owners due to some kind of love of him. As for wiggling, well that's somewhat ironic coming from someone who has in one breath accused Ashley of being an incompetent and in the next portrayed him as some kind of evil mastermind who's going to take the club for all it's got. In the end I think it's pretty much certain that it'll be the club that's taken Ashley for a hefty chink of what he's got, rather than the other way round. Your analogy in para 3 is ridiculous. Were you one of those saying it was impossible for the club to have a worse Board than the previous one? If so, I suggest you think carefully before you dismiss the possibility of the club going to the wall. You appear to believe it's impossible....it isn't. Carry on supporting Ashley all you like mate. I don't know what it's going to take for people like you to see reality. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
beardsleymagic Posted June 13, 2009 Share Posted June 13, 2009 No quick sale likely for Newcastle United http://www.journallive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2009/06/13/no-quick-sale-likely-for-newcastle-united-61634-23866689/ Ah for fucks sake!!!!! This is seriously going to fuck this club up. The longer this drags on the more of Shearers targets are going to move on. Then we're left with the crap nobody wants. After a season struggling in the Championship, who's going to want to come then? This could have serious implications on the clubs future. Don't these fuckwits running the club realise this? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
jimmymag Posted June 13, 2009 Share Posted June 13, 2009 I don't think anyone is supporting Ashley HTL, that's just your pathetic attempt at trying to justify your support of Shepherd. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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