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RIP sale thread.

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Guest Pedro_de_geordieo

When you read on he claims that if a buyer is not found by autum he may have to appoint a manager!!!    Errrr HELLO!!!! :dowie:

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The wage bill they mention is a bit off IMO, should be much lower with the likes of Owen and Viduka gone.  I'd also like the know where they've gotten this whole Dennis Wise severance pay thing from, I mean if we're paying him 20 grand a week now what the fuck do they claim we were paying him before that? ???

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The wage bill they mention is a bit off (should be just under 60m now rather then 65m).  I'd also like the know where they've gotten this whole Dennis Wise severence pay thing from, I mean if we're paying him 20 grand a week now what the f*** do they claim we were paying him before that? ???


1 million a year, which fits in with 20k a week.


Another Ashley fuck up.

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No, couldn't care less at the moment. I posted an article from NUFC Mad a few pages back, and as wild and unreliable as that might seem, I'm actually starting to believe it's true. And now I just think it's funny, hilarious, actually, that Ashle is prepared to ruin his billionaire wealth and reputation by running a football club into administration after getting them relegated. I mean, seriously, it's like his running a campaign trying to capture the "one of the most stupid and childish person in the world" award.


Newcastle will always get back and re-build. But Ashley... :dowie:  :lol:

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The wage bill they mention is a bit off (should be just under 60m now rather then 65m).  I'd also like the know where they've gotten this whole Dennis Wise severence pay thing from, I mean if we're paying him 20 grand a week now what the fuck do they claim we were paying him before that? ???


As a director of the company he more than likely had a fairly lucrative service agreement including a clause giving him "compensation for loss of office" similar to what the Halls & Shepherd had when their contracts were terminated by the club.

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The wage bill they mention is a bit off (should be just under 60m now rather then 65m).  I'd also like the know where they've gotten this whole Dennis Wise severence pay thing from, I mean if we're paying him 20 grand a week now what the f*** do they claim we were paying him before that? ???


1 million a year, which fits in with 20k a week.


Another Ashley fuck up.


So we must be paying him one full years wage to forgo the remainder of his contract (2 to 3 years)?

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The wage bill they mention is a bit off (should be just under 60m now rather then 65m).  I'd also like the know where they've gotten this whole Dennis Wise severence pay thing from, I mean if we're paying him 20 grand a week now what the f*** do they claim we were paying him before that? ???


1 million a year, which fits in with 20k a week.


Another Ashley f*** up.


Yup. The poor lamb has to live off someone.

So we must be paying him one full years wage to forgo the remainder of his contract (2 to 3 years)?

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Guest SupermacTheLegend

Why dont we start a Fund and buy the club ourselves!?  ;D

I bet Pilko would make a Great owner!

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Mike Ashley must end Newcastle's torture and catch their drift to neglect


Mike Ashley meant well but he has squandered his opportunity to make good at St James' Park


Another day and another joke email comes pinging into my inbox about the plight of Newcastle United. Photoshopped spoof Oxo cubes with Mike Ashley's head superimposed above the legend "laughing stock", adverts for the team's clubcall (0800 won nothing, won nothing, won nothing) and that old standby, a viral video corruption of the subtitles for the film Downfall, have all been sent by people glorying in the club's demise. Last weekend's 6-1 drubbing by Leyton Orient has given those connoisseurs of schadenfreude new impetus and with 10 days to go before Newcastle begin their Championship campaign and with no new owner, manager or players in sight, the situation could hardly be more bleak or the barbs more cruel.


It's fashionable to knock Newcastle fans. Last year in the Times after the resignation of Kevin Keegan, Matthew Syed wrote an astonishing polemic, ridiculing them as "whining, whingeing, self-pitying, self-indulgent and deluded". Despite the fact that his description could at times be applied to almost any football fan I know, his characterisation of the Magpies' faithful seemed to strike a chord with supporters of other clubs who waded in with an orgy of piss-taking and derision.


The opportunity to mock afflicted clubs is one of the joys of being a fan and payback time is difficult not to relish but the sadistic edge to the jeering spree is getting harder to stomach. Newcastle fans do not possess uniquely contemptible qualities and trying to pin the blame on them for the club's travails in the two years since Ashley purchased the club is the ultimate red herring.


Ashley has always portrayed himself as a football ingénue and, by implication, any mistakes he made were perpetrated with the best intentions. He has had three shots at popularity – by buying the club from the Hall family and Freddy Shepherd who made millions out of it while leaving the trophy room in the same state they found it, sacking Sam Allardyce and replacing him with Kevin Keegan and that last-gasp appointment of Alan Shearer in a failed bid to stave off relegation.


Each time he has squandered it. You can discount Shepherd's apologists who say the new regime's jettisoning of the former chairman was its first error, as if darkly hinting in Hilaire Belloc's words: "And always keep a-hold of Nurse, for fear of finding something worse." But the goodwill Ashley stimulated with his "man of the people" routine ran out when he insisted on the "continental structure" and headhunted Dennis Wise to be its recruitment supremo. The departure of Keegan over the sale of James Milner and the arrival of Xisco instead of the manager's preferred target, Bastian Schweinsteiger, pitted fans against the board and provoked Ashley's first attempt to relieve himself of the burden of ownership.


When that failed he let the club drift on under the management of Joe Kinnear, sanctioned buying Kevin Nolan, who has looked too slow for the past two seasons, and got Ryan Taylor, the epitome of a makeweight, in the deal that took Charles N'Zogbia to Wigan. When Kinnear became ill, Chris Hughton took charge for six games before Shearer was given eight games in a bold but doomed gamble to secure Premier League survival.


Since then it's been back to drift, with Ashley determined not to take the rudder and potential buyers locked into a stalemated game of hardball with the vendor. In the eight weeks since Newcastle were relegated it is as if the club has been taken hostage and with 10 days to go before their Championship debut fixture against West Bromwich they are left back in the hands of Hughton, a capable coach but, after various lacklustre caretaker spells, palpably not a manager. The players they are left with are the ones for whom they paid too much, reward too handsomely and are reluctant to rack up future liabilities by either paying them off or subsidising their Premier League wages at other clubs for the duration of their contracts.


In the past boards have counted on the loyalty of fans to endure all hardships but if ever a statement needed to be made, it is now. The BBC reported the fact that only three people turned up at the St James' Park megastore to buy the new canary away strip as if it was a bad sign and it might be argued that the arbitrary choice of yellow was a mitigating factor. I hope, however, that it was more a sign that enough is enough and that Ashley's relaxed approach to the club's summer of aimless meander will not go unchallenged.


"Sitting here in limbo," sang Jimmy Cliff, "like a bird ain't got a song." Tonight's friendly against Leeds gives Newcastle fans the perfect opportunity to use their voices again and call time on the neglect that has left their club in such a parlous position.


Posted by

Rob Bagchi Wednesday 29 July 2009 00.10 BST


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Are we agreed that at this juncture,we would welcome back Fred with open arms?


I reached that point months ago tbh, and it's a complete 360 degree turn from a year ago, that's how little faith i have left if Ashley.




Surely you meant 180 :lol:

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Guest Alan Shearer 9

Nobody in their right minds would come anywhere close to playing 100 million for this absolute shambles, I think when the club is eventually sold the price will more likely be closer to 50 mill than 100.

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Nobody in their right minds would come anywhere close to playing 100 million for this absolute shambles, I think when the club is eventually sold the price will more likely be closer to 50 mill than 100.


Yep but doesn't he also want his 100 million that he had to back it up with as well, so the cost is around something like 200 mil.  He can hold out all he wants, I really cant see anyone paying that much for this mess.  I really cant.


He tried to play hard ball with the arabs and they fucked him off for his daft asking price of 400 mil.  Then porky tries to go back to them asking for 200 mil they offered for a prem team thats now in the championship.


Theres being a business man and theres just plain stupid.


The man is a cock of godzilla size.


I really hope he gets eaten by a swarm of angry worms.



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Guest Roger Kint

Odds that at least one of these "serious bidders" Ashley thinks he's got is some doil from Ready to Go who's sent them an email?


You have to show proof of funds dont you?

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Indeed two "very serious" potential buyers are understood to have virtually completed exhaustive due diligence on Newcastle and would be in a position to seal a takeover in around two weeks were they to decide to proceed.


And if they don't?

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Indeed two "very serious" potential buyers are understood to have virtually completed exhaustive due diligence on Newcastle and would be in a position to seal a takeover in around two weeks were they to decide to proceed.


And if they don't?


Reading that it just feels like they're all playing for time. Let's face it only MA is losing money while this drags on.

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A senior United source said: “It is absolutely disgraceful what they have done. How can you pull out of a race you didn’t even enter?


“Yes, there has been some contact between Profitable and Seymour Pierce, but that was it. They talked about a figure they were prepared to bid and were told to go away and prove they had the funds to finance that bid.


“The figures they were talking about were low, but if they had done that, they would have been involved in the next stage of the process, which was access to the data room so they could look at the books.


“They failed to provide that proof of funds despite having plenty of opportunities to do so. Hopefully this will be the last we hear of them.”

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