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3 hours ago, Yorkie said:

Endlessly tedious, that fucking show. I think Caulkin's actually the worst for it now as well.

He’s painfully unfunny with the added layer of you can almost sense he feels he shouldn’t be doing it as he’s stooping as well. I still listen to bits and pieces of it. He’s a bit two pints and goes home early but I don’t mind Chris Waugh. Seems a canny lad and clearly knows his stuff and is willing to lean into some of the more boring to some analytical stuff.

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3 minutes ago, Disco said:

He’s painfully unfunny with the added layer of you can almost sense he feels he shouldn’t be doing it as he’s stooping as well. I still listen to bits and pieces of it. He’s a bit two pints and goes home early but I don’t mind Chris Waugh.

? perfect ? 

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The novelty is still there for me, so I do listen to most of the ones I'm aware of, and it's quite nice just to stick one on when at work - All with Smiling Faces, True Faith, Pod on the Tyne, Everything Black & White etc. the former possibly my most preferred out of those.


I do watch the odd YouTube video as well, although starting to cut back on those.

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10 minutes ago, Disco said:

He’s painfully unfunny with the added layer of you can almost sense he feels he shouldn’t be doing it as he’s stooping as well. I still listen to bits and pieces of it. He’s a bit two pints and goes home early but I don’t mind Chris Waugh.

During lockdown, football cliches did a quiz and had him on. You can tell that the host had worked on making a funny and original quiz and Culkin, presumably doing a bit, spoilt it completely, at one point asking if he could just quit the quiz because he didn’t care. I think he thought he was being funny but it was really shit and childish.



Edited by Hovagod

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He's always doing the "don't care" thing. He was at it on the last one re the friendlies. Alright, George. Some of us risked our livelihoods to watch those games so you could at least pretend it was worthwhile. 


Take him out of that context and he's still one of the better ones around to listen to, so it's a bit frustrating that he lowers himself to that pure aids craic. 

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So here's a breakdown of what I watch:


JLA: Great for analysis, he really trys to deep dive into issues. He also covers all PL clubs and IMO is really likeable. 


The Kick Off: Best part of this show is that they can express their views unlike sky and can have some real back and forth. Expertise is ok, Lawrence, Adam McKola and TG often give some balanced points.


AWSF + Extra tyne: My favourite because its all Newcastle. They get the balance perfect and are all really likeable, often get decent guests too.


Pod on The Tyne: OK so Taylor is fairly annoying but Chris Waugh and George Caulkin are genuinely decent journalists and during the season it's a decent listen and recap on the week.


And very occasionally Loaded Mag: Actually get really good guests but the format for watching is terrible. Too much stuff on the screen, the presenters aren't very likeable either but passable.


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I actually don’t mind Taylor. I don’t listen to Pod on Tyne tbf but I liked the Taylor & Bestie podcast back in the Pardew years. Bestie is now on AWSF 

AWSF podcast is the best imo it doesn’t take itself too seriously like say True Faith does and as STM said they are all likeable 


i listen to true faith for the more serious fan take. It’s been a good listen over the years to be fair. 





Edited by gdm

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I hope the current format of the Tifo podcast stays as it is.


Presented by JJ, who's great. No Joe Devine and his excruciating patter, likewise Alex and his. Just people who love football talking about the football.


None of the staleness of The Ramble, none of the pretentiousness of TTFS, and it has the most important thing for me, the feeling that it's authentic.


Just watching the one after our match on Sunday now and it's really good, a huge improvement.



Edited by Kid Icarus

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33 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

I hope the current format of the Tifo podcast stays as it is.


Presented by JJ, who's great. No Joe Devine and his excruciating patter, likewise Alex and his. Just people who love football talking about the football.


None of the staleness of The Ramble, none of the pretentiousness of TTFS, and it has the most important thing for me, the feeling that it's authentic.


Just watching the one after our match on Sunday now and it's really good, a huge improvement.





Tifo is outstanding, they are all really clued up and obviously just love talking about football. They've also been very optimistic and balanced with their coverage of NUFC post takeover too, the Isak video today is a case in point. 


(There's a video where they put together their all time premier league XIs and JJ's pick of Shearer and subsequent explanation of why is brilliant, i'll link it below)


I don't find Devine that excruciating but I think I've built up some sort of immunity to that kind of patter, was surrounded by it at Uni.


Your entirely right about the Ramble being stale, i still listen to it from time to time but it's aging with it's presenters fairly rapidly, very "middle class dad" banter that's a bit vanilla and cosy. I like them all mind. 






Edited by Comegetasample

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Aye, that PLXI video is good but it's also almost ruined by Alex imo, I can't stand him.


Joe Devine's fine when he's narrating, but on the podcast he made it unlistenable for me, constantly interrupting trying to be wacky and talking utter shit.


Yeah, I'm the same with the ramble. I had thought the original presenters were still good but I've come to realise that Pete is now rubbish :lol:, his opinions on football are borderline clueless. A couple of the new few are okay but the conversations don't feel natural anymore if that makes sense?



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The Rambles selling point kinda was that they were all just mates and everyday football fans. 


Collectively they were greater than the sum of their parts really. Now a lot of the shows have weird dynamics. Like you'll have Brassel trying to do serious analysis and opinions but he's in there with Kate Mason painfully trying to be funny and Pete talking about how he got pissed and bought random shit on eBay it just doesn't really work. 







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8 minutes ago, Jaqen said:

The Rambles selling point kinda was that they were all just mates and everyday football fans. 


Collectively they were greater than the sum of their parts really. Now a lot of the shows have weird dynamics. Like you'll have Brassel trying to do serious analysis and opinions but he's in there with Kate Mason painfully trying to be funny and Pete talking about how he got pissed and bought random shit on eBay it just doesn't really work. 



She sounds like she's either on the edge of bursting into fits of laughter or tears permanently, it's such a strange voice state.


I do have a forbidden crush on her mind :rolleyes:

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On 26/08/2022 at 18:42, Jaqen said:

The Rambles selling point kinda was that they were all just mates and everyday football fans. 


Collectively they were greater than the sum of their parts really. Now a lot of the shows have weird dynamics. Like you'll have Brassel trying to do serious analysis and opinions but he's in there with Kate Mason painfully trying to be funny and Pete talking about how he got pissed and bought random shit on eBay it just doesn't really work. 



That's why On The Continent is the best thing they do by a mile. 


Even if Dotun tries to ruin it by asking for pointless food recommendations every week.

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On 25/08/2022 at 22:56, Kid Icarus said:


Joe Devine's fine when he's narrating, but on the podcast he made it unlistenable for me, constantly interrupting trying to be wacky and talking utter shit.

I’ve posted before but there’s genuinely very few people I dislike more. Absolutely unbearable and ruins what is/was half decent stuff. Totally unlistenable.

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Hilarious how much better Pod on the Tyne was this week with that spanner Taylor Payne not involved. Just two intelligent lads chatting through everything with about 95% less of the wacky bants. Confirmed that it's his presence which causes the tone to nosedive. 

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7 hours ago, TRC said:

What is the best NUFC one? Bit sick of POTT now.

All with Smiling Faces and Loaded Mags, but both massively depend on who's on.


AWSF is good when it's Dekka, Chris and Mark. Less good when Bestie's on sidetracking things by talking about random bollocks.


Loaded Mags' match previews with opposition fans are good and less good when they have ITK dafties on.


Personally find the ones that put out loads of content to be quite poor. 

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19 hours ago, GeordieDazzler said:

I tend to find that toon podcasts rarely have any better insight that you can find on here bar the odd special guest. 


That's my main issue with all of them. 


Back when True Geordie first started getting a bit of traction for just ranting about how shite we were I watched a couple and it was just the same hot takes that were being posted on toon subreddit. Nothing to back these statements up and half of them had probably not even watched the match. The way it worked over there was as soon as one opinion got a little bit of interest everyone just started parroting it or joking about it to try and farm imaginary internet points. 


They're just repeating the popular opinions hoping enough people agree with them and assume they're smart.

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