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The Liverpool Thread


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^ Russia have one of, if not THE strongest and most charismatic of world leaders. A leader all other are afraid of. A leader that gets things his way, and doesn't let outside pressure and hype decide and dictate things for him. A leader that is single-handedly keeping the Eastern Civilization and culture and traditional family values intact and secure form poisenous Western influence. A leader that gives people like me hope.


Liverpool, are the exact opposite.A weak, piss no mark leader with a disinterested management...More like a Moldova than a Russia.


History and prestige wise, Liverpool and Russia are very similar. That's true. But Russia are prospering in the world stage as of now, getting ever closer to their former glory under strong leadership, rising up....whereas Liverpool are sinking lower and lower by every passing day.


The difference ? Leadership, Ruthlessness, Pride, Identity. Putin's Russia has it in abundance, whereas Rodgers' Liverpool has nada.


Gay for Putin.

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^ Russia have one of, if not THE strongest and most charismatic of world leaders. A leader all other are afraid of. A leader that gets things his way, and doesn't let outside pressure and hype decide and dictate things for him. A leader that is single-handedly keeping the Eastern Civilization and culture and traditional family values intact and secure form poisenous Western influence. A leader that gives people like me hope.


Liverpool, are the exact opposite.A weak, piss no mark leader with a disinterested management...More like a Moldova than a Russia.


History and prestige wise, Liverpool and Russia are very similar. That's true. But Russia are prospering in the world stage as of now, getting ever closer to their former glory under strong leadership, rising up....whereas Liverpool are sinking lower and lower by every passing day.


The difference ? Leadership, Ruthlessness, Pride, Identity. Putin's Russia has it in abundance, whereas Rodgers' Liverpool has nada.



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‘We all saw how he made life difficult for Mario Balotelli at Liverpool. I warned him. Liverpool isn’t a team that accepts black people unless they are English.


“It’s common knowledge. Gerrard has never liked black people. When I was at Liverpool, I showed him I was black, that I wasn’t English, but that I’m no pushover. All the time I was there, he never dared looked me in the eye.”


Quotes from El-Hadji Diouf - pretty damning if it wasn't from such a bellwipe.

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That talk from Diouf is so pathetic.


Citing himself and Balotelli as examples of Liverpool not accepting black players.


As if you could find a pair of more intolerable footballers. Ridiculous stuff.



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As for Costanza, the guy has lost his damned mind. Imagine lamenting Rodgers and asking for Pardew ...


If he knew how dangerous what he was saying was he would go to the nearest church, throw himself before the altar, and plead for his words to be rescinded.


Under Pardew you would never see Coutinho again for starters. Milner on the right Llana on the left, Allen, Henderson and Lucas in the centre.


In a way I hope it happens now. Would be wonderful to see your lot turn on him.

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‘We all saw how he made life difficult for Mario Balotelli at Liverpool. I warned him. Liverpool isn’t a team that accepts black people unless they are English.


“It’s common knowledge. Gerrard has never liked black people. When I was at Liverpool, I showed him I was black, that I wasn’t English, but that I’m no pushover. All the time I was there, he never dared looked me in the eye.”


Quotes from El-Hadji Diouf - pretty damning if it wasn't from such a bellwipe.


What's he talking about?...."I showed him I was black". Did he think Gerrard wouldn't notice like?

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‘We all saw how he made life difficult for Mario Balotelli at Liverpool. I warned him. Liverpool isn’t a team that accepts black people unless they are English.


“It’s common knowledge. Gerrard has never liked black people. When I was at Liverpool, I showed him I was black, that I wasn’t English, but that I’m no pushover. All the time I was there, he never dared looked me in the eye.”


Quotes from El-Hadji Diouf - pretty damning if it wasn't from such a bellwipe.


What's he talking about?...."I showed him I was black". Did he think Gerrard wouldn't notice like?


:lol: Makes me wonder what Diouf thinks "being black" is all about.


Somehow I imagine him standing in front of Gerrard, sticking pencils in his afro, saying "do you see? Do you see?"

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Rafa Benitez has accused Steven Gerrard of lying about their relationship in order to sell his new book.


The former Liverpool and England captain claimed that although he and Benitez worked well together, the Spaniard never liked him "as a person".


"I don't think Rafa Benitez liked me as a person. I'm not sure why, but that's the feeling I got from him," wrote Gerrard in his new book, My Story, serialised in the Daily Mail.


But the Real Madrid manager has hit back at the 35-year-old, insisting the claims are just a publicity stunt.


"I have read the quotes and I believe he is wrong," Benitez said on Spanish television.


"Out of the respect that I have for Stevie and for the value and appreciation I have for him, and for Liverpool and the supporters, I think it's best to just let it pass.


"He has brought out a book and now I'm the Real Madrid manager, that sells."


Gerrard also labelled his old manager "stupid" for selling midfielder Xabi Alonso and said he was "embarrassed" by his 'facts' rant, but Benitez chose not to respond to those comments.

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‘We all saw how he made life difficult for Mario Balotelli at Liverpool. I warned him. Liverpool isn’t a team that accepts black people unless they are English.


“It’s common knowledge. Gerrard has never liked black people. When I was at Liverpool, I showed him I was black, that I wasn’t English, but that I’m no pushover. All the time I was there, he never dared looked me in the eye.”


Quotes from El-Hadji Diouf - pretty damning if it wasn't from such a bellwipe.


What's he talking about?...."I showed him I was black". Did he think Gerrard wouldn't notice like?


:lol: Makes me wonder what Diouf thinks "being black" is all about.


Somehow I imagine him standing in front of Gerrard, sticking pencils in his afro, saying "do you see? Do you see?"


Diouf is an absolute c***. He was a mess when he played for Rangers. Used to go to student clubs by himself and dance in a small reserved area surrounded by security folk and point at girls to go over. They never did.


I think Gerrard just didn't like him because he was a cunt.

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Met Diouf before and hes a total nob, told my mate he would by his house for his dog to live in.




All these stories of Diouf are actually making me think he has a fabricated, Sacha Baron Cohen-esque public character that he consistently pulls off quite well. And ends up being hugely entertaining.

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