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The Liverpool Thread


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^ Russia have one of, if not THE strongest and most charismatic of world leaders. A leader all other are afraid of. A leader that gets things his way, and doesn't let outside pressure and hype decide and dictate things for him. A leader that is single-handedly keeping the Eastern Civilization and culture and traditional family values intact and secure form poisenous Western influence. A leader that gives people like me hope.


Liverpool, are the exact opposite.A weak, piss no mark leader with a disinterested management...More like a Moldova than a Russia.


History and prestige wise, Liverpool and Russia are very similar. That's true. But Russia are prospering in the world stage as of now, getting ever closer to their former glory under strong leadership, rising up....whereas Liverpool are sinking lower and lower by every passing day.


The difference ? Leadership, Ruthlessness, Pride, Identity. Putin's Russia has it in abundance, whereas Rodgers' Liverpool has nada.


:lol: :lol: howling

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^ Russia have one of, if not THE strongest and most charismatic of world leaders. A leader all other are afraid of. A leader that gets things his way, and doesn't let outside pressure and hype decide and dictate things for him. A leader that is single-handedly keeping the Eastern Civilization and culture and traditional family values intact and secure form poisenous Western influence. A leader that gives people like me hope.


Liverpool, are the exact opposite.A weak, p*ss no mark leader with a disinterested management...More like a Moldova than a Russia.


History and prestige wise, Liverpool and Russia are very similar. That's true. But Russia are prospering in the world stage as of now, getting ever closer to their former glory under strong leadership, rising up....whereas Liverpool are sinking lower and lower by every passing day.


The difference ? Leadership, Ruthlessness, Pride, Identity. Putin's Russia has it in abundance, whereas Rodgers' Liverpool has nada.


What the fuck is this?

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^ Russia have one of, if not THE strongest and most charismatic of world leaders. A leader all other are afraid of. A leader that gets things his way, and doesn't let outside pressure and hype decide and dictate things for him. A leader that is single-handedly keeping the Eastern Civilization and culture and traditional family values intact and secure form poisenous Western influence. A leader that gives people like me hope.


Liverpool, are the exact opposite.A weak, piss no mark leader with a disinterested management...More like a Moldova than a Russia.


History and prestige wise, Liverpool and Russia are very similar. That's true. But Russia are prospering in the world stage as of now, getting ever closer to their former glory under strong leadership, rising up....whereas Liverpool are sinking lower and lower by every passing day.


The difference ? Leadership, Ruthlessness, Pride, Identity. Putin's Russia has it in abundance, whereas Rodgers' Liverpool has nada.


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By the way, Gerrard. I'm embarrassed for him. The utter bollocks he's spouting in his so called gossip book (3 months in LA and the celebrity gossip culture has gone into his head already) is shocking. The constant arse-licking of likes of Ferguson, Hodgson, and Mourinho while downplaying the impact of the manager who brought him the best night of his footballing career and assembled the best team he's ever played in, is shocking.


"Arguing with opposition managers, fighting the board is not the Liverpool Way" and then next line he expresses his regret that Mourinho never managed Liverpool. And shutting your gob when the club is on verge of going to administration is ? At least Rafa wasn't a gutless coward like yourself and Carragher who behind the scenes approved sacking of Rafa to be replaced by Roy fucking Hodgson. The worst decision this club has made in years and still paying for it. 3rd in UEFA rankings the day Benitez got sacked, and now 55th. Well done Stevie, at least you got a warm arm around the shoulder who'd bow down to your ego and play you in a position you want to play in, as opposed to one that benefits the team.


And not mentioning his cringe-worthy interview a few months ago when he said he regrets not being managed by Rodgers in his prime young years, because if he was, he'd be sitting here talking about all the trophies they've won together. Are you on fucking glue lad ? Alex Macleish has won more than him, yet you say you wish you were managed by Rodgers, instead of Benitez at your prime years ?


Honestly...I hope he stays well clear of the club. He is one of those heart before reason people and if one day he becomes a manager, he'd be much more in mould of Tim Sherwood/Steve Bruce GET STUCK IN YER LAD than proper prospects like Xabi Alonso who'll make a wonderful manager one year.


And he hasn't done himself much favour by belittling Rafa, while the latter once again showed how much he oozes class by refusing to comment.

I'd go to war for Rafa, I wouldn't even do Gerrard's laundry.


Good insight, actually. Good to know that not every single Liverpool fan is on their knees waiting for the Stevie G golden shower.

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By the way, Gerrard. I'm embarrassed for him. The utter bollocks he's spouting in his so called gossip book (3 months in LA and the celebrity gossip culture has gone into his head already) is shocking. The constant arse-licking of likes of Ferguson, Hodgson, and Mourinho while downplaying the impact of the manager who brought him the best night of his footballing career and assembled the best team he's ever played in, is shocking.


"Arguing with opposition managers, fighting the board is not the Liverpool Way" and then next line he expresses his regret that Mourinho never managed Liverpool. And shutting your gob when the club is on verge of going to administration is ? At least Rafa wasn't a gutless coward like yourself and Carragher who behind the scenes approved sacking of Rafa to be replaced by Roy fucking Hodgson. The worst decision this club has made in years and still paying for it. 3rd in UEFA rankings the day Benitez got sacked, and now 55th. Well done Stevie, at least you got a warm arm around the shoulder who'd bow down to your ego and play you in a position you want to play in, as opposed to one that benefits the team.


And not mentioning his cringe-worthy interview a few months ago when he said he regrets not being managed by Rodgers in his prime young years, because if he was, he'd be sitting here talking about all the trophies they've won together. Are you on fucking glue lad ? Alex Macleish has won more than him, yet you say you wish you were managed by Rodgers, instead of Benitez at your prime years ?


Honestly...I hope he stays well clear of the club. He is one of those heart before reason people and if one day he becomes a manager, he'd be much more in mould of Tim Sherwood/Steve Bruce GET STUCK IN YER LAD than proper prospects like Xabi Alonso who'll make a wonderful manager one year.


And he hasn't done himself much favour by belittling Rafa, while the latter once again showed how much he oozes class by refusing to comment.

I'd go to war for Rafa, I wouldn't even do Gerrard's laundry.

Good post actually [emoji38]

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^ Russia have one of, if not THE strongest and most charismatic of world leaders. A leader all other are afraid of. A leader that gets things his way, and doesn't let outside pressure and hype decide and dictate things for him. A leader that is single-handedly keeping the Eastern Civilization and culture and traditional family values intact and secure form poisenous Western influence. A leader that gives people like me hope.


Liverpool, are the exact opposite.A weak, piss no mark leader with a disinterested management...More like a Moldova than a Russia.


History and prestige wise, Liverpool and Russia are very similar. That's true. But Russia are prospering in the world stage as of now, getting ever closer to their former glory under strong leadership, rising up....whereas Liverpool are sinking lower and lower by every passing day.


The difference ? Leadership, Ruthlessness, Pride, Identity. Putin's Russia has it in abundance, whereas Rodgers' Liverpool has nada.




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By the way, Gerrard. I'm embarrassed for him. The utter bollocks he's spouting in his so called gossip book (3 months in LA and the celebrity gossip culture has gone into his head already) is shocking. The constant arse-licking of likes of Ferguson, Hodgson, and Mourinho while downplaying the impact of the manager who brought him the best night of his footballing career and assembled the best team he's ever played in, is shocking.


"Arguing with opposition managers, fighting the board is not the Liverpool Way" and then next line he expresses his regret that Mourinho never managed Liverpool. And shutting your gob when the club is on verge of going to administration is ? At least Rafa wasn't a gutless coward like yourself and Carragher who behind the scenes approved sacking of Rafa to be replaced by Roy f***ing Hodgson. The worst decision this club has made in years and still paying for it. 3rd in UEFA rankings the day Benitez got sacked, and now 55th. Well done Stevie, at least you got a warm arm around the shoulder who'd bow down to your ego and play you in a position you want to play in, as opposed to one that benefits the team.


And not mentioning his cringe-worthy interview a few months ago when he said he regrets not being managed by Rodgers in his prime young years, because if he was, he'd be sitting here talking about all the trophies they've won together. Are you on f***ing glue lad ? Alex Macleish has won more than him, yet you say you wish you were managed by Rodgers, instead of Benitez at your prime years ?


Honestly...I hope he stays well clear of the club. He is one of those heart before reason people and if one day he becomes a manager, he'd be much more in mould of Tim Sherwood/Steve Bruce GET STUCK IN YER LAD than proper prospects like Xabi Alonso who'll make a wonderful manager one year.


And he hasn't done himself much favour by belittling Rafa, while the latter once again showed how much he oozes class by refusing to comment.

I'd go to war for Rafa, I wouldn't even do Gerrard's laundry.


Good insight, actually. Good to know that not every single Liverpool fan is on their knees waiting for the Stevie G golden shower.




Thanks for that lovely image DJ...


Good post by GC he's been posting some excellent stuff of late.

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You would have similar rhetoric about Shearer from us. And in truth it would be fair.


Would you f***, and no it wouldn't. 


Chronically wrong.


Spectacular really. Not sure how on earth he's reached that conclusion.

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It was always fairly well known that he wanted out for years but various threats from not so nice people kept him at the club. Can't see him wanting much to do with the club again now he's finally got out.

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