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Sam Allardyce


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Reading that article, it's clear that he's feeling the pressure. This will probably lead to him fucking up their promotion chances (hopefully).


If they lose to Reading, they're resigned to finishing in the playoff positions imo.

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Guest Howaythetoon

He's obviously a decent manager but he seriously needs to evolve his ideas. I remember Bolton played some very good stuff for a certain while under him with Okocha et al. They were not 100% fluid but they mixed it well. He blew his one big chance here massively and will never get to manage another big club.


Decent manager? One trick pony more like it. His cover was blown with his spell at Newcastle when he struggled to make his long ball game work with two small strikers up front. There were so many southern based hacks absolutely slaughtering us when we sacked him - all now sitting squirming in horror as he struggles to get out of the championship with a squad earning more money than the rest of the teams put together.


Enjoying it so far Martin Samuel? Up the 'ammers!


right up 'em.


I think his record proves he's a decent manager. Depending on what you want of course. Promotion? Big Sam will get you it. Wanna stay up? Big Sam will keep you up. Wanna evolve as a club and grow? Big Sam will achieve that within the right environment (Bolton EG). His football/tactics/style obviously grates on people but he does deliver results or success. I just wish he'd change and evolve himself because he's no fool and is a good manager and indeed coach. For someone who is so forward thinking when it comes to football science, medicine, tactics, stats etc. his football philosophy is backwards. Its basically Wimbledon up and at 'em style football but with fitter players more well drilled in statitsical and tactical analysis. Big Sam team's are usually robotic and systematic. Its interesting how he uses the words destroy, deplete, punish etc. when describing his game plan for Peterbrough. Almost Terminator like :lol:


I know many a Toon fan hates him but I don't. I thought he was doing OK here and would have achieved the kind of goals we as a club were hoping to achieve under him, albeit in a none football friendly way, eventually. The arrival of Ashley changed everything for him and indeed us.


He'll take West Ham up and keep them there until he's served his purpose, then he'll take over another struggling side and keep them up, ad infinutum. That's the kind of manager he is and always will be. He'll never change now. If you're a Blackburn, a Wigan et al, he is a world-class manager to such clubs because he'll keep them up, often comfortably.


I don't think he's a one trick poney either, I think he has a mangled core of ideas and philosophies that he uses in tandem to achieve a certain result and to a good degree of success. That certain result just so happens to be unpalatable in terms of football style which is his undoing. If he trusted his players more, allowed them to play more, he'd evolve as a very good manager, he is certainly capable.


Again I refer back to his spell at Bolton. I remember once they drew 2-2 at Stamford Bridge when Mourinho was still there and although they were by no means Barcelona esque they were equally unlike the stereotypical Big Sam side associated with him today. They played football and caused Chelsea all kinds of problems. I think Mourinho even alluded to how attacking they were, citing if little Bolton can attack them, why do other so called bigger clubs park the bus.


He fucked up big time at Newcastle though and he will never ever live that down, and he knows it, that's why he is so bitter and probably even more defensive as a coach now. For people like Big Sam, how can you question someone who wins? That's the whole point of him. You win, you cannot lose. He takes it too far though :D

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Guest Tyson

EXCLUSIVE: Sam Allardyce - there have been times when we've played like Swansea


PUBLISHED: 22:00, 29 March 2012 | UPDATED: 12:03, 30 March 2012

Comments (28)



Sitting comfortably: Sam Allardyce faces down his critics

Lee Clayton interviews the West Ham manager as the promotion dogfight reaches a critical stage, with his team taking on Reading at home on Saturday...

'We need a win, this is killing me,’ Sam Allardyce says in a telephone call. It’s 10.17 on the morning of a fixture at Peterborough this week. He’s in his hotel, sounding relaxed and in control. It is 23 days since West Ham last won a football match.

Half-time: Peterborough 0 West Ham 0.

‘Paolo Di Canio,’ sing the large West Ham following at London Road, after just 17 minutes. It’s  followed by: ‘We’re West Ham United, we play on the floor.’



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"I look at the business, I look at the model and I re-invent and re-create it to excite and to fulfil people's ambitions and dreams"


Sam Allardyce, Football Focus, 31/03/12







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"I look at the business, I look at the model and I re-invent and re-create it to excite and to fulfil people's ambitions and dreams"


Sam Allardyce, Football Focus, 31/03/12




:lol: wtf


TBF he's reinvented the business model and is currently fulfilling Birmingham, Reading, and Southampton's dreams.

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"I look at the business, I look at the model and I re-invent and re-create it to excite and to fulfil people's ambitions and dreams"


Sam Allardyce, Football Focus, 31/03/12




I honestly couldn't believe what I was hearing, he went on to describe himself as 'a very creative person'  :lol:

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"I look at the business, I look at the model and I re-invent and re-create it to excite and to fulfil people's ambitions and dreams"

Sam Allardyce, Football Focus, 31/03/12


He's fulfilling Reading's ambitions and dreams. Nice one Sam :thup:

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"I look at the business, I look at the model and I re-invent and re-create it to excite and to fulfil people's ambitions and dreams"


Sam Allardyce, Football Focus, 31/03/12








didnt see it all, but didnt the interviewer say. ' you never mentioned any football Sam' :lol:

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"I look at the business, I look at the model and I re-invent and re-create it to excite and to fulfil people's ambitions and dreams"


Sam Allardyce, Football Focus, 31/03/12




I honestly couldn't believe what I was hearing, he went on to describe himself as 'a very creative person'  :lol:


It's true, his fridge door is covered in famous footballers made from Macaroni , colored crayon drawings and long ball paintings

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"I look at the business, I look at the model and I re-invent and re-create it to excite and to fulfil people's ambitions and dreams"


Sam Allardyce, Football Focus, 31/03/12




TheBig_Sam would be proud of that one. :lol:

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"I look at the business, I look at the model and I re-invent and re-create it to excite and to fulfil people's ambitions and dreams"


Sam Allardyce, Football Focus, 31/03/12




TheBig_Sam would be proud of that one. :lol:


:lol: That's where I thought it must be from when I first read it

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It would be funny if Boro beat them in the playoff finals .


Better for Chris Hughton to do it. :smug:


Going to listen to 606 cos you can guarantee there'll be loads of seething Hammers on. Absolutely love to see him get the bullet again, they've got a good run in but they're in very poor form and Reading can't stop winning.

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