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Sylvain Marveaux - arrested

Guest neesy111

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Liverpool miss out on him so blow £20m on Downing. Guess this makes him worth at least £25m.

It's an interesting point. Would Liverpool have tried to buy Downing if they'd got Marveaux? I doubt it. Liverpool rated Marveaux enough to try to sign him. That should be taken as a good sign as to Marveaux's potential for us.

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:mick:  "In my day....."


I personally don't have a problem with our buying policy. To say we have no ambition to win anything or improve makes no sense, Its cutting your nose off to spite your face. If Ashley is only looking to buy players cheap and sell them on then the players themselves have to be performing well and we have to be improving as a team to do that. 


I respect the fact you have seen this trend and been through worse and better owners but give the constant negativity a rest. The club might not be moving forward at the rate of Man City or Chelsea but we don't have those funds. I don't really see the problem with going about the way the club is being run to steadily improve, what other option do we have? Eventually we want to be in a position closer to where we wouldn't have to sell our best players if high bids come in, but if its right and it funds a larger improvement to the club then we have little choice.


I don't know where you think we are as a club in world standing but if the likes of Manure, Arsenal, Liverpool and even Spurs (who are streaks ahead of us) can't keep their best players what chance do we have, if bigger clubs come in with big bids the players head will also be turned, when we start selling our best players consistently to clubs at our standard or lower then I will be concerned..for where we are now the players that leave us only leave for bigger clubs and unfortunately that is a way of the footballing world. Do you think if we had "showed some ambition" and signed Gameiro and he actually played consistently well for us that we wouldnt have Man City, Real Madrid or someone else knocking on the door in a year or so? I guess its win win because people could moan if that happened and if it didnt it would probably mean he didnt play well and was "yet another expensive waste of money" and another "foreign flop". Blame the scouts, blame the club.


I have had my share of ambition under the previous regimes, none have heralded silverware and while big name signings came it only brought us closer to ultimate destruction. Our chance to be riding as a constant in the top four went out with SBR and a plethora of stupid decisions after his sacking.


Until we get taken over by a mystery billionaire the best for forward is by creating our own stars and buying on the cheap and if you want to call us a selling club so be it, but every player at every club has a price so believe we are in good company.




Only just noticed this. Top post!



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As far as that post is concerned there are a lot of good points in it which I do agree with wholeheartedly, but there really has to be a middle ground. We get one of the largest transfer fee windfalls in history and rather than invest it sufficiently to solve our weaknesses and lack of depth properly we've invested as little as possible to just 'get by' and improve marginally.


I don't really want us throwing money about for the sake of it, or targeting a marquee #9 for a massive fee. I'd be more than happy if we went about making cheap, sensible signings at the right age when there SHOULD be money there to do it. Instead we'll be going into the season probably a centre back too light, one proper right back that can be trusted in the squad, no backup at left back (again), no competition on the right of midfield and possibly even light upfront.


FFS man there's absolutely no reason to be going into next season with ANY possibility of Ryan Taylor playing right back, or Lovenkrands starting upfront etc. No excuses for it whatsoever after recieving the £35 million. That's what pisses me off more than anything to be honest, I'm not like some on here that think we should be paying premium for Prem players or splashing cash for the sake of it. It's just this insistance of doing everything half-heartedly to save money when we simply shouldn't need to.

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As far as that post is concerned there are a lot of good points in it which I do agree with wholeheartedly, but there really has to be a middle ground. We get one of the largest transfer fee windfalls in history and rather than invest it sufficiently to solve our weaknesses and lack of depth properly we've invested as little as possible to just 'get by' and improve marginally.


I don't really want us throwing money about for the sake of it, or targeting a marquee #9 for a massive fee. I'd be more than happy if we went about making cheap, sensible signings at the right age when there SHOULD be money there to do it. Instead we'll be going into the season probably a centre back too light, one proper right back that can be trusted in the squad, no backup at left back (again), no competition on the right of midfield and possibly even light upfront.


FFS man there's absolutely no reason to be going into next season with ANY possibility of Ryan Taylor playing right back, or Lovenkrands starting upfront etc. No excuses for it whatsoever after recieving the £35 million. That's what pisses me off more than anything to be honest, I'm not like some on here that think we should be paying premium for Prem players or splashing cash for the sake of it. It's just this insistance of doing everything half-heartedly to save money when we simply shouldn't need to.


Agree completely that we still need one damn good striker and a right back.


As for the rest of it... Last weekend, spent some time with a mate who is an Arsenal fan. I was trying to wind him up by repeating that another gooner I know disgustedly describes the current team as the "French pastry chefs". My mate would have none of it, and launched into an impassioned defence of Wenger as delivering, not trophies, but something even more valuable: sustainability.


That's what we're aiming for and we're not there yet. The club is trying to improve the team while bringing expenditure into line with income. The latter is a painful process that I'd guess will take a year or two yet, but, within that, the buy/sell policies don't seem to be working too badly. Final judgement, though, won't be possible until the end of the window.

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Like your mate even though I'm not an Arsenal fan I'm a passionate defender of Wenger and advocate of his ideology. I posted this only a couple of weeks ago:


Without Wenger and the model that has been implemented at Arsenal they'd probably be a mid-table team. The fact they manage to get in the Champions League every season, play in a wonderful stadium, have watched fantastic players over the years, play an attractive style of football and are just about the only club in top European competition that is in the black is a minor footballing miracle quite frankly. They run the perfect footballing/financial model, and they're the only club on these shores that have done it. A lot of people seem to forget this fact simply because they have always been at the top in recent years.


Wenger pisses me off with his naivety and stubborness and yes every man and their dog can see clear as day they that they have a pathetically soft centre. However these irritancies pale into insignifcance with plastic, abhorrent monstrosities like Chelsea and Man City being able to just buy the way to the top with ready made stars. I find it absurd that any football fan would advocate the 'success' of these clubs at the expense of a club like Arsenal.


I just think it's inexcusable to go into next season without the depth and improvements that should be easily acquireable. It'll make our task next season so much easier.

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As far as that post is concerned there are a lot of good points in it which I do agree with wholeheartedly, but there really has to be a middle ground. We get one of the largest transfer fee windfalls in history and rather than invest it sufficiently to solve our weaknesses and lack of depth properly we've invested as little as possible to just 'get by' and improve marginally.


I don't really want us throwing money about for the sake of it, or targeting a marquee #9 for a massive fee. I'd be more than happy if we went about making cheap, sensible signings at the right age when there SHOULD be money there to do it. Instead we'll be going into the season probably a centre back too light, one proper right back that can be trusted in the squad, no backup at left back (again), no competition on the right of midfield and possibly even light upfront.


FFS man there's absolutely no reason to be going into next season with ANY possibility of Ryan Taylor playing right back, or Lovenkrands starting upfront etc. No excuses for it whatsoever after recieving the £35 million. That's what pisses me off more than anything to be honest, I'm not like some on here that think we should be paying premium for Prem players or splashing cash for the sake of it. It's just this insistance of doing everything half-heartedly to save money when we simply shouldn't need to.

Hit the nail on the head Sewelly and im being made out to be negative and getting digs in whenever i can according to others on here ,i will critise when i believe it is warranted and at this moment in time the soundbites from the club are not very positive with all this £35 million being eaten up in fees and shit .
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As far as that post is concerned there are a lot of good points in it which I do agree with wholeheartedly, but there really has to be a middle ground. We get one of the largest transfer fee windfalls in history and rather than invest it sufficiently to solve our weaknesses and lack of depth properly we've invested as little as possible to just 'get by' and improve marginally.


I don't really want us throwing money about for the sake of it, or targeting a marquee #9 for a massive fee. I'd be more than happy if we went about making cheap, sensible signings at the right age when there SHOULD be money there to do it. Instead we'll be going into the season probably a centre back too light, one proper right back that can be trusted in the squad, no backup at left back (again), no competition on the right of midfield and possibly even light upfront.


FFS man there's absolutely no reason to be going into next season with ANY possibility of Ryan Taylor playing right back, or Lovenkrands starting upfront etc. No excuses for it whatsoever after recieving the £35 million. That's what pisses me off more than anything to be honest, I'm not like some on here that think we should be paying premium for Prem players or splashing cash for the sake of it. It's just this insistance of doing everything half-heartedly to save money when we simply shouldn't need to.

Hit the nail on the head Sewelly and im being made out to be negative and getting digs in whenever i can according to others on here ,i will critise when i believe it is warranted and at this moment in time the soundbites from the club are not very positive with all this £35 million being eaten up in fees and s*** .

and there is the problem, the perception that it's all gone when even the word from the club is that we still want to bring players in.
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As far as that post is concerned there are a lot of good points in it which I do agree with wholeheartedly, but there really has to be a middle ground. We get one of the largest transfer fee windfalls in history and rather than invest it sufficiently to solve our weaknesses and lack of depth properly we've invested as little as possible to just 'get by' and improve marginally.


I don't really want us throwing money about for the sake of it, or targeting a marquee #9 for a massive fee. I'd be more than happy if we went about making cheap, sensible signings at the right age when there SHOULD be money there to do it. Instead we'll be going into the season probably a centre back too light, one proper right back that can be trusted in the squad, no backup at left back (again), no competition on the right of midfield and possibly even light upfront.


FFS man there's absolutely no reason to be going into next season with ANY possibility of Ryan Taylor playing right back, or Lovenkrands starting upfront etc. No excuses for it whatsoever after recieving the £35 million. That's what pisses me off more than anything to be honest, I'm not like some on here that think we should be paying premium for Prem players or splashing cash for the sake of it. It's just this insistance of doing everything half-heartedly to save money when we simply shouldn't need to.

Hit the nail on the head Sewelly and im being made out to be negative and getting digs in whenever i can according to others on here ,i will critise when i believe it is warranted and at this moment in time the soundbites from the club are not very positive with all this £35 million being eaten up in fees and s*** .

and there is the problem, the perception that it's all gone when even the word from the club is that we still want to bring players in.

Thats the feed from Douglas tbh and we have players we need to get rid of as we all know and that makes sense to stop paying wages to players who have no future here and i can live with that .
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As far as that post is concerned there are a lot of good points in it which I do agree with wholeheartedly, but there really has to be a middle ground. We get one of the largest transfer fee windfalls in history and rather than invest it sufficiently to solve our weaknesses and lack of depth properly we've invested as little as possible to just 'get by' and improve marginally.


I don't really want us throwing money about for the sake of it, or targeting a marquee #9 for a massive fee. I'd be more than happy if we went about making cheap, sensible signings at the right age when there SHOULD be money there to do it. Instead we'll be going into the season probably a centre back too light, one proper right back that can be trusted in the squad, no backup at left back (again), no competition on the right of midfield and possibly even light upfront.


FFS man there's absolutely no reason to be going into next season with ANY possibility of Ryan Taylor playing right back, or Lovenkrands starting upfront etc. No excuses for it whatsoever after recieving the £35 million. That's what pisses me off more than anything to be honest, I'm not like some on here that think we should be paying premium for Prem players or splashing cash for the sake of it. It's just this insistance of doing everything half-heartedly to save money when we simply shouldn't need to.

Hit the nail on the head Sewelly and im being made out to be negative and getting digs in whenever i can according to others on here ,i will critise when i believe it is warranted and at this moment in time the soundbites from the club are not very positive with all this £35 million being eaten up in fees and s*** .

and there is the problem, the perception that it's all gone when even the word from the club is that we still want to bring players in.


Have to say I'm not convinced that we do want to bring more players in other than those we are forced to by departures. I can well see us deciding to stick with Best rather than bring in another striker for example.

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Looking at the way Ashley runs his business, cost cutting and looking for bargains is a major part, but you don't get to where he has without a competitive streak and a desire to win. In pursuit of that, he likes the odd gamble, and pitting his judgement against his competitors. The idea that he's only interested in money and will sell anyone when the chance of a profit comes along is misreading the situation.


A decision that marks him out is the one to give a five year contract to a loan player with a badly broken leg who'd only played 4 games. We could well reap big rewards in terms of the player's performance and our reputation in France, which I think has helped in player recruitment.


Nothing to do with the reduced fee that we got Ben Arfa for?

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As far as that post is concerned there are a lot of good points in it which I do agree with wholeheartedly, but there really has to be a middle ground. We get one of the largest transfer fee windfalls in history and rather than invest it sufficiently to solve our weaknesses and lack of depth properly we've invested as little as possible to just 'get by' and improve marginally.


I don't really want us throwing money about for the sake of it, or targeting a marquee #9 for a massive fee. I'd be more than happy if we went about making cheap, sensible signings at the right age when there SHOULD be money there to do it. Instead we'll be going into the season probably a centre back too light, one proper right back that can be trusted in the squad, no backup at left back (again), no competition on the right of midfield and possibly even light upfront.


FFS man there's absolutely no reason to be going into next season with ANY possibility of Ryan Taylor playing right back, or Lovenkrands starting upfront etc. No excuses for it whatsoever after recieving the £35 million. That's what pisses me off more than anything to be honest, I'm not like some on here that think we should be paying premium for Prem players or splashing cash for the sake of it. It's just this insistance of doing everything half-heartedly to save money when we simply shouldn't need to.


Spot on. Getting £35m is a once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity and I saw this as the very last chance for Ashley to win me over, yet it isn't going to plan (for the fans, anyway). This could've been the summer where we got rid of the deadwood and used our financial 'warchest' to really push on and yet we still have those weaknesses you mentioned. And before anyone says "Wait til Septemeber 1st", the writings on the wall, really. It's looking very unlikely that we'll spend more than £10m net and whilst the club can spin it by saying we paid for a bore hole and a new gate, they're not pulling the wool over my eyes.


To see it another way, from last season we've gained Cabaye, Ba, Marveaux, Gosling, Ben Arfa and Abeid, whilst only losing Nolan - so our attacking options have vastly improved. But we absolutely need a striker, a back up LB and a versatile defender that fills in at RB or CB. Despite there being plenty of time left to solve these problems, I have no faith in Ashley/Llambias/Pardew to do so.

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FCNU: Some contingencies you cannot plan: That Gameiro didn't want to leave France and  Erdnic's clinch with his agent are not MA/Pards or Llambias' fault. It's very hard to get rid of deadwood when nobody wants it. Who  wants to sign a crocked Smith who's netting £60 000 a week?

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FCNU: Some contingencies you cannot plan: That Gameiro didn't want to leave France and  Erdnic's clinch with his agent are not MA/Pards or Llambias' fault. It's very hard to get rid of deadwood when nobody wants it. Who  wants to sign a crocked Smith who's netting £60 000 a week?



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FCNU: Some contingencies you cannot plan: That Gameiro didn't want to leave France and  Erdnic's clinch with his agent are not MA/Pards or Llambias' fault. It's very hard to get rid of deadwood when nobody wants it. Who  wants to sign a crocked Smith who's netting £60 000 a week?




Come now Ian, you and I both know the "truth" about those "bids."

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FCNU: Some contingencies you cannot plan: That Gameiro didn't want to leave France and  Erdnic's clinch with his agent are not MA/Pards or Llambias' fault. It's very hard to get rid of deadwood when nobody wants it. Who  wants to sign a crocked Smith who's netting £60 000 a week?




Come now Ian, you and I both know the "truth" about those "bids."


I'm avoiding that conversation and all related ones. As much as I can anyway!

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FCNU: Some contingencies you cannot plan: That Gameiro didn't want to leave France and  Erdnic's clinch with his agent are not MA/Pards or Llambias' fault. It's very hard to get rid of deadwood when nobody wants it. Who  wants to sign a crocked Smith who's netting £60 000 a week?


Add Gervinho (and Arsenal's interest) to that too.

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As far as that post is concerned there are a lot of good points in it which I do agree with wholeheartedly, but there really has to be a middle ground. We get one of the largest transfer fee windfalls in history and rather than invest it sufficiently to solve our weaknesses and lack of depth properly we've invested as little as possible to just 'get by' and improve marginally.


I don't really want us throwing money about for the sake of it, or targeting a marquee #9 for a massive fee. I'd be more than happy if we went about making cheap, sensible signings at the right age when there SHOULD be money there to do it. Instead we'll be going into the season probably a centre back too light, one proper right back that can be trusted in the squad, no backup at left back (again), no competition on the right of midfield and possibly even light upfront.


FFS man there's absolutely no reason to be going into next season with ANY possibility of Ryan Taylor playing right back, or Lovenkrands starting upfront etc. No excuses for it whatsoever after recieving the £35 million. That's what pisses me off more than anything to be honest, I'm not like some on here that think we should be paying premium for Prem players or splashing cash for the sake of it. It's just this insistance of doing everything half-heartedly to save money when we simply shouldn't need to.


Spot on. Getting £35m is a once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity and I saw this as the very last chance for Ashley to win me over, yet it isn't going to plan (for the fans, anyway). This could've been the summer where we got rid of the deadwood and used our financial 'warchest' to really push on and yet we still have those weaknesses you mentioned. And before anyone says "Wait til Septemeber 1st", the writings on the wall, really. It's looking very unlikely that we'll spend more than £10m net and whilst the club can spin it by saying we paid for a bore hole and a new gate, they're not pulling the wool over my eyes.


To see it another way, from last season we've gained Cabaye, Ba, Marveaux, Gosling, Ben Arfa and Abeid, whilst only losing Nolan - so our attacking options have vastly improved. But we absolutely need a striker, a back up LB and a versatile defender that fills in at RB or CB. Despite there being plenty of time left to solve these problems, I have no faith in Ashley/Llambias/Pardew to do so.



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