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Tranquillo Barnetta signs for Schalke


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It's all very well taking a stand about premier league players getting paid in a week what a head teacher gets in a year or whatever, but it's not going to get them to come and play for us for 25k a week if other clubs are still offering them premier league wages, is it? Or even from taking a similar wage at everton or stoke because they'd rather not play for a club run in a manner that makes it a laughing stock. When we've paid to buy some decent players and look like we're going somewhere we can start saying "We're not paying you 40k, either take 35 or you don't get to play for Newcastle and we'll go somewhere else." Ashley has put us in the position where the players hold all the cards and we need to speculate to accumulate to get ourselves out of it. That or just accept being a championship club where we don't have to pay premier league wages.


It's not as black and white as that though is it? We've already proved we can find some decent players that we are prepared to pay what it took to get.


It just makes it harder than if you pay more.

But there just don't seem to be enough of these lucky finds - where we don't have to pay the going rate, they'll accept a smallish wage, they want to come, for some reason other teams aren't in for them and they're not wanted where they are - to fill our squad. We've managed to just find enough to cover the players who've got pissed off and left this window but not to do the desperate strengthening we needed before they left. We've got the lowest net spend over the last 5 years of any club that's been in the prem in that time, we've sold someone who cost us nothing for a British transfer record, we're about to shift two players on 65k a week and we can't hire anyone who wants premier league level wages? Bollocks.
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Guest Geordiesned

Not sure that offering a player who is interested in signing for us what we are able to afford is idiotic :lol:


It's idiotic offering a lesser wage to a player than he's on now when we have less to offer him (in terms of European football) than he is on now.


It's the equivalent of a company trying to head hunt another company's employee but offering him less money with poorer promotion opportunities than he is on now.


You know the answer will be no so why even bother?



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Surely the 'ridiculous' part of the offer is relating to the notion of moving to an inferior club for less money rather than the actual amount of cash involved? Or have I missed something again?


Can't see it happening if I'm honest.

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Surely the 'ridiculous' part of the offer is relating to the notion of moving to an inferior club for less money rather than the actual amount of cash involved? Or have I missed something again?


Can't see it happening if I'm honest.


You're right about what is being classed as ridiculous.

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Wheres the confusion over this? Luke edwards isnt saying he isnt the guys british representitive, caulkin and he have had discussions suggesting he's likely annoyed because hes been cut out of equation.


The link earlier in the thread also doesnt say he pretended to be a players agent that he wasnt anywhere.


This sounds like exactly something we'd do following how we dealt with Erdincs agent, pretty rubbish really.

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Caulkin's point...

"One thing about Ashley regime at #NUFC - with odd exception, don't like playing the agent game & try to bypass as much as possible."

implies for me it's pretty much a lottery who we're going to get through the door, and waters down even more any hitlist that the manager may produce.

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Guest Geordiesned

I wouldn't jump to any conclusions until we know if this guy is even his agent. It seems to be a big "if" judging by the journalists Tweeting about it.


I had got to the bit about the SSN "agent" possibly not actually being his agent when I posted that. It still applies though in general although we don't yet know if it applies in this case.

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