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Fabricio Coloccini (now retired)


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:lol: Pathetic. Don't go to a 'music festival' and instead sit at home watching the derby on an Indonesian stream. An insight into why you are seemingly always online, tbh.


Each to their own.


I'm suggesting you don't act like an utter prick questioning the legitimacy of other people's support over the internet. You can do what you want and watch as many games as you like, it doesn't concern me, just don't try to belittle other supporters who invest time and money into supporting the club.


I don't question the legitimacy of other people's support, but being told I'm 'oblivious' (as well as thick, idiotic, cretinous etc) of going-ons at the club by someone in Korea is inciting, imo.


Why should the fact that you know real people who support newcastle make you a bigger fan?  The guy travelled from Korea (i presume) to watch a match, which is pretty dedicated.  And come to think of it, why'd you bring up him feeling he was racially abused into it?  A real fan would have taken the abuse on the chin?  (granted I have no knowledge what this is in reference to).


I have family and friends in the Newcastle area - this is what I meant by ties to the North East, and being around other supporters from a young age.


Good on him for travelling all that way, that is incredibly dedicated. As is the 10 hour round trip that I and other South-East based supporters do on a regular basis...

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He's so completely and utterly oblivious. It's just unreal.


Coming from someone whose links to the club don't extend beyond a computer screen?


Hold on, aren't you from the south east? :lol:


...and what does that have to do with anything?


It means that you probably shouldn't play the "you live too far away to have proper links to the club" card as it makes you look a bit daft.

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No wonder you rile people up to the point of them getting themselves banned. Rocker deserves a pint, not a 2 week ban.


'Rocker' tatooed Ricky Gervais' face onto his arm to get in the local paper. That alone deserves a two week ban.

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy


Haven't had to read through drivel the last few pages trying to get some info on Coloccini, can anyone tell me if there's anymore news on our captain?


50-50 chance of playing.

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