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Fabricio Coloccini (now retired)


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If this is true I'd strip him of the captaincy and hand it to Cabaye. We've had a few days of positive news. New LB and possibly Sissoko coming in. Attempt to keep the positive vibe going. We need everyone pulling in the same direction.


His father always maintained he wanted to leave on good terms with the fans. Well, he has certainly gone the wrong way about it. We've been poor recently, and he's been up there with players really under-performing.


Lost all respect for the man. Could have led us to safety. Took the cowards way out.


Albeit if this is true.. If not... Wooops.


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not jumping in and judging on this, one thing i will say though is if i was a professional footballer in the top league who needed to leave and go home for deeply personal reasons there isn't an owner in the entire division, indeed perhaps the world, i could think would be worse to deal with than mike ashley

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So how does he quit by the way? I thought San Lorenzo had given up.


What a shitty way of going about things this is, from him, from his Dad, from San Lorenzo. Just a complete twat of a situation, all happening at the worst possible time. You think you can trust and rely on some players and even they end up fucking around.

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He quits, he doesn't play football again and doesn't earn any more money from us.


We then go to court presumably to claw back some money for his value.


He's going to end up a very poor man out of this.

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this from the same paper that reported that he were panicing because MYM hadn't turned up for his medical remember...




The Independent and the Telegraph aren't the same paper.


Martin Hardy is a very good journalist who is close to Coloccini. He broke the story of him wanting to leave initially and has done loads of profiles on him over the past few years. I believe him.

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not jumping in and judging on this, one thing i will say though is if i was a professional footballer in the top league who needed to leave and go home for deeply personal reasons there isn't an owner in the entire division, indeed perhaps the world, i could think would be worse to deal with than mike ashley


Needless dig iyam.


Ashley has many failings but none of this points to poor old Colo. Not with his father and that cuntish team demanding we allow him to join them. If there was something seriously wrong I'm sure the last thing on his mind would be football.

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