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The Steve Bruce Appreciation thread

Guest Howaythetoon

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Howaythetoon

Steve Bruce - you never played for us, you never managed us and you probably never really supported us outside of your teens but you are without a doubt a Geordie legend. I thank you for your sterling efforts as manager of the mackems for whom you did a great job for on our behalf. You will be sorely missed. Thank you!

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Steve Bruce - you never played for us, you never managed us and you probably never really supported us outside of your teens but you are without a doubt a Geordie legend. I thank you for your sterling efforts as manager of the mackems for whom you did a great job for on our behalf. You will be sorely missed. Thank you!




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He could do with time out from football. I'd say go on Eastenders as Pat Butcher's long lost sister.



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American friend of mine commented on my fbook status about Bruce...


I had a Sushi roll named the Steve Bruce last night.. It was a spicy California roll, haha

40 minutes ago · Like


She has no idea who Steve Bruce is.  I'd find it bloody hilarious if somewhere in upstate NY had named a sushi roll after him based on its appearance!

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