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Davide Santon (now retired)

Guest taps01

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This is ridiculous really. Now I wouldn't argue that Santon was a great but a decent enough footballer who could have been of use to us over the next few months when other members of the back four inevitably get injured. And he's going for 4m euros?!? Sorry, the promise of 4m euros in a few months time. Which given the way that currency is sliding in value will be worth less and less to us by the day. What is that amount of money going to actually achieve for anyone?


It's like the principle of the last-minute sale is now the most important thing, as opposed to the actual amount derived from the sale. The Carroll sale has been likened on here before to a drug "hit" which turned Ashley into a sale junkie and he's been chasing that high ever since. To continue the analogy if that was pure high grade colombian finest, we're now actively forcing through a deal knowing full well half the contents of the bag in front of us is Persil but taking it anyway as it's the best on offer.

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Does anyone know or do we have any listing of % players salaries to club income?




The club made a profit after tax in 2012-13 of £9.9m – up from £1.4m in 2011-12 – even though spending on player transfers increased. Turnover also rose by £2.4m to £95.9m with commercial revenue rising 24.2% to £17.1m.


The wage bill fell from £64.1m to £61.7m and the wage-to-turnover ratio dropped to 64%, below the Premier League's 70% average.


From last accounts.

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You know what gets me as much as anything?  The complete pointlessness of it.


He seemed like a good lad, liked the club and the area.  Settled down with a local girl and started a family.  He was nee bother basically.  Wasn't exactly the second coming of Maldini but he was decent and gave his all on the pitch, always one to come over and clap the travelling fans.


£3.7m we got for him.  £3.7 fucking million.  What's the point?  What exactly are we going to do with that which will bring more benefit than retaining Santon?


Fucking stupid cunts.  Fuck them.

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Does anyone know or do we have any listing of % players salaries to club income?




The club made a profit after tax in 2012-13 of £9.9m – up from £1.4m in 2011-12 – even though spending on player transfers increased. Turnover also rose by £2.4m to £95.9m with commercial revenue rising 24.2% to £17.1m.


The wage bill fell from £64.1m to £61.7m and the wage-to-turnover ratio dropped to 64%, below the Premier League's 70% average.


From last accounts.


So salaries to club income is most likely down again.

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You know what gets me as much as anything?  The complete pointlessness of it.


He seemed like a good lad, liked the club and the area.  Settled down with a local girl and started a family.  He was nee bother basically.  Wasn't exactly the second coming of Maldini but he was decent and gave his all on the pitch, always one to come over and clap the travelling fans.


£3.7m we got for him.  £3.7 f***ing million.  What's the point?  What exactly are we going to do with that which will bring more benefit than retaining Santon?


f***ing stupid c***s.  f*** them.


Its pretty pointless unless he has injury problems that the club dont want to deal with.  Cheaper to fob him off.


Not my opinion just trying to get my head round it.

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if we were replacing him with a cb and rb even young ones I actually wouldn't care if he was going or not but the fact he's going without anything resembling a replacement when the squad is short to begin with is utter madness

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It's all about trimming the fat, scraping numbers off the bottom to make the NET profit that little bit healthier, same as any decision made by the club these days, what's going to get us more money? No more wages for a player that no longer features much, fuck the footballing considerations, less wages and a small fee for the accounts is all important.

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I can only assume the people saying he's shit are the same ones who have previously called Cabella, Sissoko, Cabaye, Ben Arfa, Debuchy etc etc etc the same at various points in their Newcastle career under Alan Pardew.

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So now we have Janmaat and Haidara as our only real full time full backs. You'd think we'd need Dummet to cover centre back with yanga mbiwa going. Even if Dummet covers both positions to some extent, we're just short of players. You'd expect a premier league club to keep eight first team defenders. We've probably got six at best and that's if you include the chronically injury prone forms of Steven and Ryan Taylor. I don't think Santon was someone we'd badly miss if we had any kind of squad, but the timing of the decision with the state of our defence is abysmal as always.

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I can only assume the people saying he's s*** are the same ones who have previously called Cabella, Sissoko, Cabaye, Ben Arfa, Debuchy etc etc etc the same at various points in their Newcastle career under Alan Pardew.


:thup: it wasn't that long ago people were raving about his performances, people forget about players being Pardewed, he's young enough to recover. I certainly don't think he should go over the likes of Dumbshit.

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I assume the club look at each aspect of income / turnover and try to achieve greater gains in each sector each year. The sale of players being a less controllable way of making a certain profit, I suspect this is more to do with keeping the players' contracts down below a certain level. That seems like the only way this has any real value to it. It isn't just €4million for the sale it's the lack of cost for the next year. Which probably doubles the value of this from the clubs point of view.


I don't agree with it like, but that's the way these cunts want it.

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I assume the club look at each aspect of income / turnover and try to achieve greater gains in each sector each year. The sale of players being a less controllable way of making a certain profit, I suspect this is more to do with keeping the players' contracts down below a certain level. That seems like the only way this has any real value to it. It isn't just €4million for the sale it's the lack of cost for the next year. Which probably doubles the value of this from the clubs point of view.


I don't agree with it like, but that's the way these c***s want it.


Well, from a business prospective it makes sense, from a fan point of view and wanting to at least build a team that can play and hold its own in the prem its disastrous.  Constantly cycling and flipping players for money.  Nothing ever imporves and the team never really imporve.  Its just steady as she goes while Ashley uses the club to advertise his tat and he has a little but of fun on the way playing football manager.

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I assume the club look at each aspect of income / turnover and try to achieve greater gains in each sector each year. The sale of players being a less controllable way of making a certain profit, I suspect this is more to do with keeping the players' contracts down below a certain level. That seems like the only way this has any real value to it. It isn't just €4million for the sale it's the lack of cost for the next year. Which probably doubles the value of this from the clubs point of view.


I don't agree with it like, but that's the way these c***s want it.


True. For most normal clubs that wouldn't factor in because they'd plan to be paying someone to take his place in the squad anyway. For our board that might not be such an issue.

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Hopefully the Carver doesn't have any wild LvG 5-3-2 ambitions. That'd be every defender on the pitch, given I'm assuming Saylor is only good for the glue factory.



Haidara                                              Jaanmaaaat

Dummett Colo Willo



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Relying on Saska, streete and Good to fill out our cb options (colo, willow and Dummett) grim.


Zero chance of a replacement for Santon, janmaat and Taylor at RB. Haidara and Dummy at LB. Then the likes of Anita, colback, Gutierrez and the younglings to fill in. Given the chaff below us in the table they will be more than happy to limp on to seasons end and maybe pick up a freebie.

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They could be world class knowing Pardew, but he can't float a ball to the back post to them.  They could also all be absolute lemons knowing the hit and miss nature of transfers at this club.

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I can't say I've got a great deal of hope for our youth CB options, although I will admit that I've probably seen them play for a grand total of about 2 hours. Satka for one needs to double his body weight if he's expected to compete in the Xtreme Premier League. I guess he has plenty of time.

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Very sad indeed. Always like Santon, seemed to care about the club and one of only a very small few that would be bothered that we got beat.


I do however wonder if his injuries are more serious than we know. He could easily have lost a lot of pace and why we've not played him even if he's fully fit. I hope not for him, but does make some kind of sense of the situation.


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