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Dogawful Officiating: PL to keep VAR next season (official)


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These last two games have turned me from thinking VAR probably a net good even if frustrating at times to something that needs to be binned, which i know is a partisan response. I agree the standard of refs is huge part more than the technology but if it's just going to be similarly contentious decisions as before whats the point of it? The incredibly pedantic offsides I think are almost always dubious as comes down to what microsecond the ball left the foot of the passing player and if the freezeframe is always accurate at then. Offside is a rule there to prevent goal hanging and improve the standard of play not chalk off perfectly well worked goals undone by margins beyond human eyesights capability. The one area is when refs want to have a second look at big incidents and even here they are making mad decisions. 


If it is to be there it needs to be used as they set to fix massive errors that happen, not creating controversies where there were none before

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2 hours ago, Ronson333 said:

this is against Frankfurt last season 


Guess they were indicating in the tweet round 2, he should ho again.


Well done to him regardless, they want to win fairly, not be cheated by a corrupt system led by elite clubs. 

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Fucking sick of it now. If you need to look at it 30 times. It isn’t a clear and obvious error FFS. 


What’s happened to this enhanced level of contact or whatever it’s called? Soft as fuck that foul. 

Ref and VAR ref both from Salford? Surely not?! 

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8 minutes ago, HaydnNUFC said:

It's alright lads. There's "lessons to be had". Too bad of the 2 extra points they're ostensibly admitting we were robbed of, eh? 


Fucking cunts.






They can find a big, fat broom and shove it up their asses. Corrupt and incompetent cunts. 

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I thought Erikson was fouled today tbh. It might be a contact sport but you can’t come in from the wrong side, hit the player at the side of the knee, make no contact with the ball and not expect to be called for a foul.



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3 minutes ago, Tsunami said:

I thought Erikson was fouled today tbh. It might be a contact sport but you can’t come in from the wrong side, hit the player at the side of the knee, make no contact with the ball and not expect to be called for a foul.



Yeah me too, I'd be livid if that was given against us.  VAR did its job there, it was foul

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the past two days have completely broken some people's brains with regards to VAR, officials and conspiracies. some of our lot are entering actual tinfoil territory.



Edited by thomas

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Oh lessons learnt eh? So fuck?! That doesn't grant us the two points we've lost in that game alone does it? And sure as shit doesn't cover the other three match deciding VAR bollocks dropped against us recently either. Typical bullshit from them, they'll say the right thing but do fuck all about it it - corrupt cunts.

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What "lesson" can they take from that?  To actually look at the entire incident and apply the rules of the game?  Could they not have given that lesson at the start of the season?  Are they going to explain what they've actually changed which will stop the same thing happening next weekend?

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7 minutes ago, BlueStar said:

What "lesson" can they take from that?  To actually look at the entire incident and apply the rules of the game?  Could they not have given that lesson at the start of the season?  Are they going to explain what they've actually changed which will stop the same thing happening next weekend?


"Next time you're trying to screw over NUFC, don't make it so obvious, yeah?"

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