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Dogawful Officiating


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Just caught the highlights of the Brighton game, I think Mitona’s should be had all like, if not then the rules need readjusting as there’s too much leeway for controlling the ball with the top of your arm like that.


The rest are ridiculous, VAR in it’s current form isn’t fit for use like, it benefited us yesterday though as Brighton are a better side than Tottenham and Man Utd.



Edited by Hanshithispantz

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9 hours ago, Kaizero said:


With regards to the statements people are making regarding which teams are "benefitting" from VAR, yes. Other than that, no. Some of the most popular statements being made on here concerns VAR absolutely fucking us over all the time and showing preference for the "top six", which is false. I've already made my opinion quite clear on the subject, the standard of refereeing and there not being a unanimous decision reached amongst PL refs on how to use VAR is an absolute shitshow. If there was a set of rules all VAR refs had agreed to follow, as well as the standard of referees being much higher, VAR wouldn't be an issue. The reality at the moment however is that the referees are shit and there are no set rules for how they are to use VAR, which makes VAR absolute shit in action for the Premier League.


The standard of referees being absolute shit in the PL has been an issue for years, though. They're not elite athletes, they have inflated egos and they can't handle criticism. Referees at the top level need to be at least close to par fitness wise as the players they are meant to control. The PL refs all seeming to share the same narcissistic tendencies doesn't help either when you're meant to be impartial.




These tables are useless Kaiz, what about if VAR doesn’t check a decision (or it isn’t obvious to whoever is tallying up these points that they have)? Do they get taken into consideration?


I mean we saw VAR go miles out of their way to chalk off Anderson’s goal against Forrest, how many other goals like that have stood, and not even been noticed? It’s near impossible to calculate, but basically every marginal offside decision (many we won’t be aware of they’re that tight or just plain outrageous) now needs to be factored into the equation.



Edited by Hanshithispantz

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That VAR table should also include incidents that VAR should have asked the ref to view, but didn’t, and also where VAR have overturned a correct/ not clear and obvious error.


I refuse to believe we are 2 points up on decisions this season. Pope is is the only decision, against Wolves, where I can immediately think we got away with one. We’ve had some right howlers the other way. A lot of our “positive” VARs have been pretty clear that the ref got it wrong in the 1st place.


That Palace decision could yet mean we miss out on Champs League.

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The ref had the perfect unobstructed view of the incident.  After he was surrounded he indicated coming together.  From a worse angle he game a penalty that was not clear what happened to the foot.  The is no way we get the penalty.  But in the end it forced the changes and probably contributed to us winning.  

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4 minutes ago, The Butcher said:



Apologies lose their sincerity when they're coming out every other week. Just put it next 2 the other files in the cabinet from the PGMOL. Fact is the referees have directly effected the result of that match and possibly who finishes top 4 at the end of the season. Disgusting and disgraceful 

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It’s amazing how bad the decisions are even when the referees are given time to review them endlessly, mind.


Were they all pretty much just guessing on the pitch before the advent of the VAR or something?

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It's not even guesses, as swap places and Spurs get that penalty, along with the benefit of doubt in at least one of the handball calls. It's unconscious bias at best, and corruption at worst.]


Apologising is useless too, as they don't learn from these mistakes, and no-one is actually held accountable. The same people will make the same awful decisions, favouring the bigger sides, next week or the week after.



Edited by Sean

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24 minutes ago, The Butcher said:


Only a matter of time before a concrete legal case is raised against the prem. Imagine if that was last day of season and a team went down because of it.


Also on our penalty decision with isak var was meant to be there for clear and obvious errors and that was not clear and not obvious. 

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11 hours ago, Kaizero said:


The standard of referees being absolute shit in the PL has been an issue for years, though. They're not elite athletes, they have inflated egos and they can't handle criticism. Referees at the top level need to be at least close to par fitness wise as the players they are meant to control. The PL refs all seeming to share the same narcissistic tendencies doesn't help either when you're meant to be impartial.





And the standard of refereeing is fine in other leagues?

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7 hours ago, Sima said:

Hard to not think there isn’t an agenda against us when you have these decisions over the last two weeks, Joelinton’s disallowed goal v Southampton and Anderson’s v Forest.

There is bound to be.  PL clearly had pressure from the Government to approve the buyout and the big four will not have been pleased.



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1 hour ago, Pokerprince2004 said:


He did, here is the evidence. First time I've seen him ever go against the referee :lol:





What was that ref saying? They've been told some weeks to do it? Some not?? Eh :serious: Has he just admitted match fixing? :yao:



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