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Hatem Ben Arfa


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Agree except Santon in and Gouff through the middle.


Haidara is better than Santon


No he isn't.


Thanks for the chat.


Santon has been one of our worst players this season, Debuchy being our best

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Agree except Santon in and Gouff through the middle.


Haidara is better than Santon


No he isn't.


Thanks for the chat.


Santon has been one of our worst players this season, Debuchy being our best


That may be. Stat-wise though, today Sky put him 3rd/4th in the top five left backs in the country.

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Guest bimpy474

Defensively they're both a bit cack, still learning the pair of them.


Fuck it i'd play Dummett.


For a laugh, or because you want us to lose?


No for a laugh.

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Guest bimpy474

How can you know that?  Haidara's made 8 appearances, with plenty of those being short subs.  All we know is that Santon is a poor defender, Haidara is as yet unproven.


I think i've seen every minute of Haidara's appearances and he looks a little shaky defensively, but it's more his age than an ability thing.

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In the table for prem left backs (since 2012/13), Santon comes 5th in terms of successful tackles, 2nd in terms of goals, and 3rd in terms of chances created. Not too shabby!




/Disclaimer: selective stats don't always paint the full picture.

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Terms like poor are always relative, just comparing him to the rest of the defence, the point is he's not a very good defensively.


How can you know that?  Haidara's made 8 appearances, with plenty of those being short subs.  All we know is that Santon is a poor defender, Haidara is as yet unproven.


I think i've seen every minute of Haidara's appearances and he looks a little shaky defensively, but it's more his age than an ability thing.


Age, or even adapting to the league, he's played far less Football for us than Debuchy did before he got himself sorted out.  Not saying I know he'll be very good, or even better than Santon, just don't see how we can know how good he'd be if he replaced Santon and got bedded in.  I don't disagree its a risk either, just talking about comparing them and saying Santon is miles better, don't see how its a fair comparison (not sure how Santon could be miles better than any half competent defender either).

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Whatever description anyone wants to use, poor, not very solid ect, the point is he's not very good defensively.


How can you know that?  Haidara's made 8 appearances, with plenty of those being short subs.  All we know is that Santon is a poor defender, Haidara is as yet unproven.


I think i've seen every minute of Haidara's appearances and he looks a little shaky defensively, but it's more his age than an ability thing.


Age, or even adapting to the league, he's played far less Football for us than Debuchy did before he got himself sorted out.  Not saying I know he'll be good, or even better than Santon, just don't see how we can know how good he'd be if he replaced Santon and got bedded in.  I don't disagree its a risk either, just talking about comparing them and saying Santon is miles better, don't see how its a fair comparison (not sure how Santon could be miles better than any half competent defender either).


are you saying not very good as in he is not better than good or not very good as in bad? Because I see Santon as a competent defender. He's not imperious but to me his flaws lie in consistency and application rather than ability, certainly when it comes to defending.

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Really hard to define, everyone has different ideas of what good, really good ect mean.  Suppose its just best for me to say I think he's the weak link in the defence and he often irritates me during games with his soft tackling and getting caught out of position.

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I think Santon is most definitley still our best LB but Haidara putting pressure on him for his spot can only be a good thing. If Santon remains in poor form and Haidara takes advantage in a couple of his cameos. he'd deserve a start. Santon hasn't improved as much as i thought he might but he's still young with plenty of promise.

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Really hard to define, everyone has different ideas of what good, really good ect mean.  Suppose its just best for me to say I think he's the weak link in the defence and he often irritates me during games with his soft tackling and getting caught out of position.


:thup: sorry if that came across as pedantic. I agree with you regarding him being a source of irritation but I don't think that's because he lacks the ability.

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Guest bimpy474

Terms like poor are always relative, just comparing him to the rest of the defence, the point is he's not a very good defensively.


How can you know that?  Haidara's made 8 appearances, with plenty of those being short subs.  All we know is that Santon is a poor defender, Haidara is as yet unproven.


I think i've seen every minute of Haidara's appearances and he looks a little shaky defensively, but it's more his age than an ability thing.


Age, or even adapting to the league, he's played far less Football for us than Debuchy did before he got himself sorted out.  Not saying I know he'll be very good, or even better than Santon, just don't see how we can know how good he'd be if he replaced Santon and got bedded in.  I don't disagree its a risk either, just talking about comparing them and saying Santon is miles better, don't see how its a fair comparison (not sure how Santon could be miles better than any half competent defender either).


I think he could have done/still could do with going on loan to get that experience, in the Championship seeing as Santon plays virtually every game, Dummett can sit on the bench and have the daft 5 or 10 minutes Pardew keeps giving Haidara.



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I like Santon, I think the criticism on here can be over the top at times. I don't think either Haidara or Dummett are ready to step-up and it remains to be seen if they're even as good as Santon.

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