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Liverpool 3 - 1 Newcastle United - 12/30/11 - Post-match reaction from page 43


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horrendous performance... thats really awful.... only demba is the player that has real quality in our squad sickening.


bollocks, as great as demba has been this season, he failed to make the ball stick when it was played up to him,  im not going have  ago at him because that's not really his strength.


FFS dude u watch the game or not? how much demba got service for today.... you bloody tool if u cant see that....

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Tiote again takes the game awa from us by giving away a needless free kick in a dangerous area. He's becoming a liability. His passing is poor. His keeping possesion is poor. And hes finally masterered the 'Parker Pirhouette' to perfection.

Obertans fucking USELESS. And Ryan Taylor should never again start at left back. Simpson, piss poor.


Other than that....

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How does someone watch that game and claim Tiote was awful? Don't understand that at all. Out a of a crap bunch, he was the best player out there.


Colo's been better. Cabaye's been the same level. Same goes for Ba, who had little impact but did well considering how much service he got.

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Guest awaymag


Missed opportunity - Liverpool were there for the taking.

Too negative in approach - Vukic wasnt working after 20 mins so why wait till the 60 min

Obertan and Jonas - did nothing all game

Santon - has to play every week - as soon as he came on the attacks from the left stopped.

Simpson - okay but is limited.


We have to attack Man U or its another beating

Final point - commentary was so one sided by Sky.  Fortunate Newcastle goal - Liverpool are dominating (before 2nd goal), yes they has possession but did nowt with it.  And I have never ever seen Sky get a close up of a supposed elbow in such quick time and actually reply it during the game.  The commentators were so trying to give Carrol the goal and we may as well make Gerrard the next pope.

We got beat, expected it but we set up to lose.  We should have attacked from the off - liverpool would have crumbled!

Pardew got it wrong tonight

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This game has annoyed the hell out of me Liverpool are a distinctly average side with average to shit players and were there for the taking if we had just had a go at them


Terrible tactics from Pardew Vuckic looked lost Obertan has got to be the worst midfielder ive seen here in a long long time and Williamson was at fault for 2 goal a total plank


Worrying how when we lose the opposition scores at least 3 also


Complete heap of shit tonight serious investment needs to be done

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honestly didnt think we played as bad as some reactions on here,  we tryed to keep the ball play it short,  we just couldnt make it stick once we got to the last third of the pitch.  vuckic failed to provide any support to demba, and demba wasnt able to hold the ball up,


we lost today down to individual mistake, mainly down to cheik tiote. 

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After much soul-searching, I've decided that I'm ready for the relegation-o-meter.


Bump it up lads, bump it up.




You are the most negative bastard I've ever encountered on here.




I wasn't serious, and even if I was, that comment wouldn't even put me in the top 10. Or 20.

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Obertan at least was involved in the odd decent passing move. Jonas did nothing tonight, and was far worse. It really is a problem having both Simpson and Obertan on the same side though as neither of them is capable of lifting the other. Sad.

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Thought Tiote, along with Colo, was our best player. Some of his passing wasn't great but he was the only one - aside from one pass from Cabaye - that played the ball with any intent. He was the only one who looked like he wanted to progress with the football itself. Rather than wander around, pass it sideways and then hoof it forward, he tried retaining possession for a few more seconds and look to move it forward. Made some good interceptions too.

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Krul  4

Simpson  4

Williamson  5

Coloccini  6

Raylor  3

Obertan  1

Tiote  7

Cabaye  6

Jonas  2

Vuckic  4

Ba  6


Santon  6

Ben Arfa  4


tiote 7?


us conceding two goals today was down to him.


So Tiote gets the blame for bad refereeing anf Simpson's complete inability on the ball? MoM with Colo for us.

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Credit to Gerrard. Changed the game for them. For them, to see their Nr. 8 getting the captains armband on the pitch was enough to up the game.


Only fucking reason he changed the game is because we gave him a ten yard personal space so the mong fucking scousers wouldnt take us to court for sexual harrasment and other acts of atrocities, supported to their divine fucking right.


Fuck, Gerrard isnt going to skin anyone for pace Tiote and Cabaye should have shut him down the minute he got on the pitch. Pathetic performance when they were there for the taking.

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I've changed Tiote to a 6. Thought he played OK.


Crap non-clearance for their equaliser

Gave away a dodgy free-kick for their 2nd

Played Simpson into trouble who then lost possession in the lead up to their 3rd

He gave away possession cheaply throughout the game


His performance today was worthy of Nicky Butt.

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Bit of a reality check. Our passing and control of the ball under pressure has improved, but still isn't good enough.


I assume Simpson was following a pre-arranged plan with that dash to the post for the second goal. Trouble is, his timing was wrong and Bellamy and Carroll had plenty of time to react. Simpson lacks initiative. I get really annoyed with him.

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After much soul-searching, I've decided that I'm ready for the relegation-o-meter.


Bump it up lads, bump it up.




Piss off man, we've got 30 pts before new year, ask anyone before the start of the season and they would have taken your hand off.


Jesus wept, its like the bridge of the starship enterprise in here sometimes.

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