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Fulham 2 - 1 Newcastle United - 10/12/12 - post-match reaction from page 57


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Thought we were unlucky today not to at least get a point.

I agree.

Yep could easily have got something from that. Colo was nervous first half. Entertaining game.


We could have easily lost about 6-1 tbh, we didn't deserve a draw because we didn't do enough at 0-0

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On another day we might have got something, it's just not going for us though. But that being said, Pardew is making absolute passengers in our team undroppable, such as Jonas and Williamson, and it's costing us massively.


Pardew hasn't done that, tbh. The idiots above him have.


Not when you have alternatives in Marveaux and Perch that can arguably do a better job.


Edit: not that I'm defending the absolute lack of ambition from above.

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On another day we might have got something, it's just not going for us though. But that being said, Pardew is making absolute passengers in our team undroppable, such as Jonas and Williamson, and it's costing us massively.


Pardew hasn't done that, tbh. The idiots above him have.


Williamson perhaps, but Jonas should be nowhere near the starting lineup right now with the options we still have.

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Thought we were unlucky today not to at least get a point.




thought we were lucky to only concede 2.


Hitting the bar, hitting the crossbar, getting a header cleared off the line.. controlling the game almost completely the whole 2nd half - conceding  a goal against the run of play. We were unlucky.


controlling the game almost entirely the 2nd half???


they also hit the bar not to mention the numerous amount of chances, shots they had in the first half bar their shit finishing,  and Krul saving our asses time after time after time.


we were lucky to score from a deflection,  so no we were not unlucky

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On another day we might have got something, it's just not going for us though. But that being said, Pardew is making absolute passengers in our team undroppable, such as Jonas and Williamson, and it's costing us massively.


Pardew hasn't done that, tbh. The idiots above him have.


Not when you have alternatives in Marveaux and Perch that can arguably do a better job.


Perch is every bit as useless as Williamson at CB.

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Sick and tired of being shit every week.


My feelings exactly. It's every week, we can only take advantage of a game when it's gift wrapped. We NEVER look like a team or more than the sum of the parts.


We're the Mackems with a few better players.

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Thought we were unlucky today not to at least get a point.

I agree.

Yep could easily have got something from that. Colo was nervous first half. Entertaining game.


We could have easily lost about 6-1 tbh, we didn't deserve a draw because we didn't do enough at 0-0


It was 13-12 attempts or something like that.

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No-one else think we were unlucky there then? Hit the bar, two off the line, sone decent chances outside of that too. Certainly wasn't awful, IMO.


Could have had a couple, could have conceded a boat load.


Really? Two one on ones was about all I thought. Hardly a boat load.


Well they hit the bar and had one cleared off the line as well. And scored two.

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Simpsons fucking awful. Every single time he attempts to put in a cross it's high floated and picked up easy by their keeper. If we have to play him it should just be on the understanding that no cunt passes to him. And don't get me started on Jonas!

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On another day we might have got something, it's just not going for us though. But that being said, Pardew is making absolute passengers in our team undroppable, such as Jonas and Williamson, and it's costing us massively.


Pardew hasn't done that, tbh. The idiots above him have.


Not when you have alternatives in Marveaux and Perch that can arguably do a better job.


Perch is every bit as useless as Williamson at CB.


I beg to differ, it may not be his best position, but Williamson has had enough chances, I'd rather see Perch have a go. At the very least it would stop 80% of our long balls.

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On another day we might have got something, it's just not going for us though. But that being said, Pardew is making absolute passengers in our team undroppable, such as Jonas and Williamson, and it's costing us massively.


Pardew hasn't done that, tbh. The idiots above him have.


With Williamson perhaps, not Jonás. There are two players at least who can play instead of him that are better options.

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Thought we were unlucky today not to at least get a point.

I agree.

Yep could easily have got something from that. Colo was nervous first half. Entertaining game.


We could have easily lost about 6-1 tbh, we didn't deserve a draw because we didn't do enough at 0-0


It was 13-12 attempts or something like that.


Fuck me, we hit 4 chances soft as fuck and straight at their keeper. They opened us up quite a few times

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On another day we might have got something, it's just not going for us though. But that being said, Pardew is making absolute passengers in our team undroppable, such as Jonas and Williamson, and it's costing us massively.


Pardew hasn't done that, tbh. The idiots above him have.


Williamson perhaps, but Jonas should be nowhere near the starting lineup right now with the options we still have.


He shouldn't have been anywhere near the starting lineup when we got promoted, either. No ambition, no investment, no replacements.

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