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Sounds like he would be a decent choice for us. I'd be happy as long as he plays a much more positive football and doesn't worry about the opposition so much, no matter who we play. Likes to win games with more than 1 goal instead of keeping it tight and hoping for some individual magic. And isn't a man that i desperately want to stab to death with a plastic chair.


Just so fucking glad we're rid of ******, finally. It came totally out of the blue, God, i thought we'd never get rid of him. What a beautiful start to 2015 lads and lasses  :love: :smitten: :smitten: :frantic:


Happy New Year!

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Sounds like he would be a decent choice for us. I'd be happy as long as he plays a much more positive football and doesn't worry about the opposition so much, no matter who we play. Likes to win games with more than 1 goal instead of keeping it tight and hoping for some individual magic. And isn't a man that i desperately want to stab to death with a plastic chair.


:lol: :lol:

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Can just see fat twat dragging an appointment over the next month, giving the new whoever no chance to strengthen.


It's a fabulous excuse to spend nothing this month, not he usually cares about having one.

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Simpson and Steele are both derby old boys. Would think you're right in Simpson certainly staying put. Steele has worked with mclaren at several places so could definitely see him coming. Would allow woodman to join Pardew and we would absolutely benefit, cracking reputation.


Would be slightly worried about him keeping Carver on tbh.


I'm hesitant with McLaren. He is hit and miss in his roles and hardly and inspiring choice from the average fan point of view. We have a real chance to heal some wounds, unite fans and inspire a brighter future. I don't think he is the man to inspire fans or has the personality. We could certainly do worse though, he is the best coach England has to offer.


Apparently a few new quotes here about him not being interested with the newcastle job.. nowt new though or any real denial.











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