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Sheer desperation on the headline in the Sun. So bad ffs. :lol:




Caption says 'pictured during fitness tests while playing for Middlesbrough'. :lol:


:lol: amazing.


is that real?  holy s*** :lol:

Tragic stuff.
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Guest palnese

Frode Olsen, the former goalkeeper, got 7 months for shagging his 15 year old niece twice. She also gave him two handjobs.


He probably served 3-4 months AND got a job as a journo in a local paper after his release.


Just to compare.

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What's the legal age of consent in Norway though?


Crazy low sentence that then :lol:

After reading the WhatsApp messages, I hope he gets sent down a long time tbh, seems to be a thoroughly disgusting creep in every way imaginable.

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Brutal and fair assessment. This shouldn't blow over. Petty football rivalry aside, the club's course of action was really base making a terrible situation for the girl that much worse,  and there should be repercussions.

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Brutal and fair assessment. This shouldn't blow over. Petty football rivalry aside, the club's course of action was really base making a terrible situation for the girl that much worse,  and there should be repercussions.


Good analysis from The Guardian. Mackems have questions to answer - most definitely.

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As a Sunderland fan that statement is a disgrace. What it leaves out is probably most damning. It was said in court by Johnson and a police officer, that the club knew of the grooming and the kissing. That statement from the club does not address this claim. If they knew, which seems probable, then that is nothing short of scandalous and whoever knew should be sacked. Shame on them and their pathetic jargon filled attempt to wriggle out any blame.



As for Johnson? He's blew his career and freedom for quick fondle in the back of his car and I don't have one iota of sympathy for him. Whatever sentence the judge passes down will be well deserved.


Ok, first of all, who are they going to sack? Margaret Byrne? do you think she was the only one aware? don't you think she will have spoke to Short? he is her immediate boss and she i not the top of the tree, he can't sack himself? he IS the boss, he owns the whole shebang. with all previous lighthearted comments aside before any final judgement was made i find it absolutely f***ing disgusting that they knew what he had done after being privvy to the messages etc


As for your comments about a quick fondle in the back of the car, you really need to give your head a shake, he has been found guilty of 3 out of 4 charges with a girl who had just turned 15yrs old ffs. he has gone out with the intention of getting as much sexual pleasure from a 15yr old child as he could


Your whole club and the majority of your sick pathetic fans disgust me - you included


i for one, think stray mackems post is well said and put, you my friend are an overreacting blit

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Mackems are apparently holding a press conference, this PM about this issue. Not sure what time though.

Ït's just the weekly pre-match press conference i think.


:thup: Was just going off what was said on ITV national news. It was 2nd story in.

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