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Lee Charnley


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An MD of a Premier League club coming out with this bollocks!


He said: "Does it mean at some point in time we would like to update the training ground? Absolutely, yes.


"Our pitches are very good, our gym is perfectly adequate and functional. Do we have a swimming pool or water facilities? No. Would we like to have it at some stage? Absolutely."

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An MD of a Premier League club coming out with this bollocks!


He said: "Does it mean at some point in time we would like to update the training ground? Absolutely, yes.


"Our pitches are very good, our gym is perfectly adequate and functional. Do we have a swimming pool or water facilities? No. Would we like to have it at some stage? Absolutely."


disgraceful that a premier league clubs training facilities does not include the ability for any aqua training or rehab. its no suprise though after the whole paddling pool and wheelie bin fiasco. our training ground looks like some run down council estate youth club

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An MD of a Premier League club coming out with this bollocks!


He said: "Does it mean at some point in time we would like to update the training ground? Absolutely, yes.


"Our pitches are very good, our gym is perfectly adequate and functional. Do we have a swimming pool or water facilities? No. Would we like to have it at some stage? Absolutely."


When you consider safc in league 1 have the AoL it's actually embarrassing and all too easily overlooked by the majority of fans.


This is partly why I enjoyed having benitez at the helm. I felt like NUFC was improving as a whole (minus the main sticking point Ashley) and trying it's best to be a semi professional premier league outfit.


We are so far behind the times in every department, including manager now it seems.

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Bruce can just bring them to Wet & Wild instead, it'll be a lovely day out.



Can see the Matt Ritchie interview now.


"The lads are really enjoying the training now and everyone is giving 110%.


Rafa was too strict and would never let us go on the kamikaze for fear of injuries.


And Steve taking us to McDonald's soft play for a happy meal after really helped integrate the new lads".

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Bruce can just bring them to Wet & Wild instead, it'll be a lovely day out.



Can see the Matt Ritchie interview now.


"The lads are really enjoying the training now and everyone is giving 110%.


Rafa was too strict and would never let us go on the kamikaze for fear of local charvas sticking razorblades through it so it slashed your arse.


And Steve taking us to McDonald's soft play for a happy meal after really helped integrate the new lads".




In more serious news it's also worth mentioning that they can't plead FFP on doing up the training ground/academy/bore hole.

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Guest The Little Waster

So our pot of money needs to be focused on squad building. How much fucking money is it then? We've only spent £20m or so net.

The fucking state of local journalism, man.


Chron reckons we've spent £61M  ?

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So our pot of money needs to be focused on squad building. How much fucking money is it then? We've only spent £20m or so net.

The fucking state of local journalism, man.


Exactly. Can you imagine the Liverpool Echo or the Manchester Evening News giving one of their clubs owners such an easy ride if they'd spent 12 years destroying one of their clubs? Thick as fuck most of our local journos.

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What he fails to mention is that in 2018 Ashley chose to take £33m out of the club to repay some short term loans instead of allowing Rafa some needed transfer funds. What was the priority for club funds again baldy??

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A question someone should pose to this baldy is: since he's brought up numerous times now that Rafa's just all about the money, what, pray, is Lee Charnley about? Why would anyone in their right mind do the job he holds? What vision has he executed for NUFC by cozying up with Ashley from day 1? Especially being the lowest paid MD in the league -- the nerve of this sellout to even mention Rafa's monetary ambitions.

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A question someone should pose to this baldy is: since he's brought up numerous times now that Rafa's just all about the money, what, pray, is Lee Charnley about? Why would anyone in their right mind do the job he holds? What vision has he executed for NUFC by cozying up with Ashley from day 1? Especially being the lowest paid MD in the league -- the nerve of this sellout to even mention Rafa's monetary ambitions.


This is bang on the mark the absolute fucking nerve of this cretin saying Rafa was all about the money. This is the spineless cowardly cunt that is working as an MD for a premier league club for less money than a fucking plumber makes a year

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